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Reunite a captain to his ship? - Printable Version

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Reunite a captain to his ship? - BOB - 09-11-2013

Hello. So I've recently returned to freelancer after a very long time and I loaded up my old accounts to find that everything has been deleted. A couple battleships, a few liners, countless fighters, several gunboats and a bunch of transports.

I'm not too worried about loosing the majority of it, I was getting busy with work and got slack with checking in to my ships. There was one ship though Sad She was the love of my freelancer life.

her registration was CT-73_"Ibis". For 2 years I captained that ship from pirate attacks to massive convoys. Is there any possible way someone could recover her from the depths of space? I would pay any number of credits for such a service.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - Hone - 09-11-2013

All ships get deleted after months of inactivity, they cant be found again.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - BOB - 09-11-2013

Noooo Sad

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - Hone - 09-11-2013

Sorry, but dont worry, you can just make a new ship with the same name, and cos making money is so easy, soon you'll have your old ship again. You can get a loan, to buy a trans, or join a mining faction, and be given one. Just run a few mining ops and convoys and you'll have your money in no time.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - BOB - 09-11-2013

It's not about money Sad The Ibis, she is lost. There cannot be another.

I'll start from the bottom again, But never will there be a ship so fine as the glorious CT-73_"Ibis".

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - sindroms - 09-11-2013

I suggest you take out a loan, say around 150 million credits to get a 5ker transport or mining ships. You should get a battleship in a week.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - BOB - 09-11-2013

Ag, I never really liked the battleships anyway. Just had a fun time with the ibis, lots of nice RP. Alas she is lost, she will always be remembered. Maybe I'll make an Ibis2 sometime.

I'll work on another character now. But I enjoy starting from the bottom, a loan seems kind of like skipping to the end.

I've got another quick question, is it allowed to run 2 accounts playing simultaneously? I did this a bit in the old days, but started to notice the server would suspect me of cheating, so I stopped doing it.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - aakopa - 09-11-2013

No, its called multiboxing and its against server rules.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - Kazinsal - 09-11-2013

Yeah, the server won't even let you log in if you're multiboxing anymore.

RE: Reunite a captain to his ship? - BOB - 09-11-2013

Okay, good to know. Thanks.

The only problem is, How does the server suspect you of multiboxing?

I used to play a lot with my little brother, He would escort my trader and we'd switch PCs if we ran into pirates so I could do the shooting. I'm guessing the server uses your IP to identify "multiboxing" Does this mean we wont be able to that anymore?