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4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Printable Version

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4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Teerin - 09-17-2013

As the title says, for incorrect /restart relations and rephacks that are new to 4.87, please post a report here.
Also, don't go crazy and post every change! Think through the actual diplomatic relations to see if it makes sense first.

Please check this post before reporting an error: Known issues.

Furthermore, please report other types of bugs in their appropriate thread:

Stealing this from Mercarryn, who stole it from Saronsen.
[color=#FFFF33]<FACTION> - <RESTART or REPHACK>[/color]

Unione Corse - REPHACK

IMG now set as No Dock -.55, which makes no sense given that they and the Corse have been friends with each other for a while and weren't rephacked this way in 4.86.

Unione Corse - RESTART

We start out with +.3 rep with the Junkers, but instead it should probably be at -.3.

IMG rephack fixed. Junkers rephacked to -0.3. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Duncan Farquar - 09-17-2013

I posted this in the general bug report... but I repeat here just in case.

Junkers - RESTART

Liberty Rogues, Red Hessians and Unioners starts at -0.65
I don't know how the Red Hessians and Unioners should be exactly, but not hostile I think.
Liberty Rogues must be at least +0.3, o more positive.
And the Lane Hackers starts with -0.55, and must be at least neutral.

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - aerelm - 09-17-2013

Restarts are not supposed to and do not give you the ideal reputation sheet for your faction. They give you a basic repsheet according to the original house restart the faction restart belongs to. So yea, I'm afraid the new restarts don't mean "no more repping ever again", they just mean you get a headstart in optimizing your reputation sheet the way you want.

Unione Corse restart for example, is based on the civilian Gallia restart and so has all the non-rephacked factions still sitting at +0.3 which comes with the house restart. If your reputation with Junkers being anywhere above neutral is such a critical matter, request a rephack on your ID to automatically adjust the faction to -0.3 and keep it there.

Same applies for the Junker restart, though considering the Sirius-wide influence of that faction, I may add new restarts for different regions, but for now, the restart is based on the civilian Liberty restart since their guard system is in that house.

So yea, don't consider it a bug if your ID rephack or faction restart is not "perfect", only use this bug report thread if something is actually wrong with it (You're forced hostile to a faction you're best buddies with, of if Trent doesn't have any clothes on in your restart. Stuff like that).

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Ponge - 09-17-2013

Junkers - RESTART

Junkers restart is hostile to Golden Chrysantemums. Junkers have good inRP relationship with that faction, so i think this still should be corrected.

Quick question to Aerelm: are the house civilian (Liberty, Rheinland, etc...) restarts are exactly the same as in 4.86?

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Duvelske - 09-17-2013


Hmm after so long shouldn't it be hostile now?

K'hara/Nomads - <REPHACK>

Suddenly full hostile towards outcasts? Will this be changed back or?

Player Faction ID rephacks will be thoroughly reviewed once the beta is over.
Nomad IDs rephacks toward Outcasts is already fixed. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - GrnRaptor - 09-17-2013

Unione Corse - REPHACK

So despite requests by both LN and UC it appears that everything in Liberty still hates the Unione Corse. Would be good to have that fixed.

Fixed. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Tabris - 09-18-2013

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army (S.C.R.A.) - <REPHACK>

The Blood Dragons are not set at a - undockable/hostile, the Blood Dragons want to create an Imperialist System which the SCRA are violently opposed to so it makes no sense to have them neutral.

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Karst - 09-18-2013

(09-16-2013, 01:26 PM)Karst Wrote: ==============

ALG ID is still rephacked to -0.3 with Junkers, despite both sides having agreed to have it removed. Considering we now have bases even closer to each other, I would have thought this would have been changed.

Fixed. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Ponge - 09-19-2013


Now I find this a little... odd:
Aerelm said: "Restarts are not supposed to and do not give you the ideal reputation sheet for your faction."
Then why did you make them in the first place? Junker restart is useless inRP as it is now. What is the reason behind making a restart that does not fit into the RP of the particular faction? I thought faction restarts were made so people take less time with ooRP mission grinding for reputations and flying around fixing reps, thus more time is spared for actual RP. This way the Junker restart is worse than making no restart at all. What is the point then? I do not say restarts should give ideal reps, but should give at least inRP reps, like the one Karst mentioned in regard with ALG.

Purpose of the restarts is to provide a quicker way of making a new character, so you won't have to fly to your guard/home system from the capital planet of the closest house. Each restart starting reputations is based on the region your guard system is located in. If you want a set of reputations different than the default settings of that house, you'll have to do it yourself. An "InRP rep" set for IDs like Junkers and Zoners is too neutral to be provided via a restart template, and it should logically require some effort. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - djordje_petrovic - 09-19-2013

Coalition Rephack

Coalition ID allow docking on Bretonian Military and police bases. I made RP mistake , but i looked on ID all military facilities should be non dockable , and probably police ones too. It seems Liberty too has good standing with coalition.

Echo: Fixed.