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Gunboats & Gunships - Murcielago - 09-18-2013


Can someone explain me the purpose of Gunboats & Gunships in 4.87 please.

The GB & GS should be able to kill 4-5 snobs or 2-3 good bombers like they did in 4.86. You boost the demage of snobs guns and at the same time u buff the GB & GS guns.

Respected dev. and admins please do just one thing...
If u have decided to boost the fighter guns please leave the old GB guns.
This new one (GB guns) are ridiculous.

I realy like the 4.86 GB whit old you can imagine what I think.


Murcielago Angel
Dont run just donate Wink

Ps: and don't tell me about new zappier guns...
I have tested them they are complet crap.
If u could take zappiers to some disco or night club ..well perhaps

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Zayne Carrick - 09-18-2013

(09-18-2013, 05:52 PM)Murcielago Wrote: The GB & GS should be able to kill 4-5 snobs or 2-3 good bombers like they did in 4.86. You boost the demage of snobs guns and at the same time u buff the GB & GS guns.

.86 Gunboat falls to 2 bombers/3 fighters
And it were unable to kill snub, just keep it away from something important.
Now I suggest you should use Cerb guns against gunboats/transports/SHF/Bombers
And pulserazor setup against cruisers/battleships.

Ye, maybe gunboats became worse against snubs. But you still have enough ships to shoot at.

Edit: Lyth, you're a bit wrong. Gunboats are still solid all-rounders who usually do no care about NPCs and can be used by everyone and their dog.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Lythrilux - 09-18-2013

I dunno, I agree with the OP. Gunboats at this rate are only going to be good for shooting other gunboats.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Narcotic - 09-18-2013

So Gunboat turret's projectile speed received a nerf from 1400 to 990 m/s.
Curious to see if that'll indeed change something. Maybe now they can only kill 3-4 fighters or 1-2 bombers. Not too bad.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Murcielago - 09-18-2013

Ye, maybe gunboats became worse against snubs. But you still have enough ships to shoot at.

Whast that the original purpose of GB & GS to kill snobs?


RE: Gunboats & Gunships - tothebonezone - 09-18-2013

By 3-4 fighters and 1-2 bombers you mean maybe 1 fighter and absolutely 0 bombers, then yes.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Zayne Carrick - 09-18-2013

(09-18-2013, 06:15 PM)Murcielago Wrote: Whast that the original purpose of GB & GS to kill snobs?

Purpose is to keep snubs on distance.
You simply can't kill thing, which's faster than you on 50 m/s. Snub fights GB, snub loses his repairs, snub flies away.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Ursus - 09-18-2013

Anybody tried with solaris yet? They should still have the same speed and DPS as house guns in 4.86. I dont know how that scales relative to changes in 4.87 though.

Maybe a public statement from the devs on the desired "role" for gunboats would be good.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - Lythrilux - 09-18-2013

Can't this turn into a vote/discussion like the NPC thing too? It would be good to vote on this matter, as it's probably not improving gunboats for the better.
Gunboats in .86 were fine. The only thing that would make them OP would be their size.

RE: Gunboats & Gunships - aerelm - 09-18-2013

Hmm... Someone told me something about this extremely underused turret called "Solaris" with 1400ms speed.

Never really used one, but I guess I should give it a try. Will let you know how it goes.