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Maltese/human baby - Hidamari - 09-22-2013

if a man or woman that had been born and raised on malta like all the rest of their kind had a baby to/with a man that was not addicted to cardamine, would the baby need cardamine to survive.

RE: Maltese/human baby - Miaou - 09-22-2013

Depends on what happens in the forming of the child. If the cardi gets more control, then I would guess the child would be dependent. There is a chance the child wouldn't, but it's slim as the cardi changes DNA strands.

Also, your thread title makes it look like OCs are real people.

RE: Maltese/human baby - Hidamari - 09-22-2013

if the mother was not dependent what chance would the baby have of being the same? and could there be partial dependency developing later on?

RE: Maltese/human baby - nOmnomnOm - 09-22-2013

Well my guess is that since the OC are evolved because of Cardimine then their DNA would transfer to the child. I dont know much about X and Y hormones and whatever but my guess is that there is a high chance they would be dependent. its different from a normal drug because Cardi not only makes u dependent but improves your senses and therefor changing your DNA structure.

At the very most there would be in my guess a high chance of it happening. You can decrease that chance maybe.... somehow I guess.... not sure how though.

RE: Maltese/human baby - Mister_X - 09-22-2013

Well simply put, a child gets 1/4 of chromosomes from each parent and the rest are it's own combination.... That.means that one chain of DNA is a hybrid of it's parents chains and the other one is a unique new chain... I guess the answer would be it all depends on the strenght of the mutation on the.chain, but since Cardi is a hipothetical drug it's not easy to make such a prognoses....

As for X and Y chromosomes, they are determined by the father not the mother so the only significance could be that male children would get affected cuz if it was carried by the X chromosme cuz of their XY chromose combination, whereas female child could compensate for the defect X chromosome with the healthy one (xX) -capital X being the healthy X chromosome, thus making her the carrier but never infected....

RE: Maltese/human baby - bloogaL - 09-22-2013

(09-22-2013, 03:51 AM)Hidamari Wrote: if a man or woman that had been born and raised on malta like all the rest of their kind had a baby to/with a man that was not addicted to cardamine, would the baby need cardamine to survive.

If the mother was the one addicted, I'd say almost certainly yes. The mother would be ingesting cardamine throughout her pregnancy and some of that would be passed on to the child, introducing the addiction pre-birth.

If it's the father who's addicted, things get more complicated. A child takes genes from both the mother and father. Which genes actually go towards deciding how the child will grow and what his/her characteristics will be is determined by whether the mother's or father's passed on genes are "dominant" and which are "recessive". Given the aggressive nature of the transformation induced by cardamine, I'd assume it takes dominance over any normal human gene, but I doubt there's any kind of lore documentation on that kind of thing.

Someone better educated in biology can probably explain better or correct me, it's a long time since I did my fairly basic course on the subject.

RE: Maltese/human baby - Mister_X - 09-22-2013

If cardamine was taken by the mother during pregnancy I would say almost 100% chance of the child being infected since that falls under a whole other category called teratogenic factors of pregnancy...It has nothing to do with the example i described above im that case.....

RE: Maltese/human baby - JayDee Kasane - 09-22-2013

I dont think that OC and regular human can have child anyway. OCs DNA is changed, so they just may never have kids from outside.
That makes them Outcasts. That and the fact that they cant survive far from home for too long.

RE: Maltese/human baby - nOmnomnOm - 09-22-2013

(09-22-2013, 06:20 AM)JayDee Wrote: I dont think that OC and regular human can have child anyway. OCs DNA is changed, so they just may never have kids from outside.
That makes them Outcasts. That and the fact that they cant survive far from home for too long.

They would have to take cardi in manually while they carry them. Maybe even breath it while conceiving so... either way its highly improbable. Something in all of this likely to go wrong.

RE: Maltese/human baby - Coin - 09-22-2013

aside from teratogenic and transgenic factors, if yu want to make a non-cardi oc, I say go ahead and do it. maybe have him/her a little deformed (webbed toes), or weak and sickly, and the only way the character feels alive is as the pilot of a snub. msybe have it as a Dom Oshkosh experiment - they capture a corsair female (closest genetic mix pre-cardi), and impregnate her with in vitro fertilised eggs. Character has memory of growing up in the 'orphanage' with his/her even more sickly sibs, who didn't survive.