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::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Printable Version

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::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Caconym - 09-22-2013

[Image: anomaly-transbar_zps898672bc.png]

This_Unit "is" known as the "Anomaly".
This_Unit "wishes" to establish diplomatic_relations with the "SCRA" for a number of reasons.
Said reasons "will" be expressed if the_SCRA "is" interested in diplomatic_talks.
Please not that the reasons do_NOT "include" technology_exchange; "we" know the_SCRA does not take_kindly to this, and so do "we".
"Thank you for listening".

[Image: transbarlogout_zpsd200e5aa.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - JayDee Kasane - 09-22-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: ''Anomaly''
Security: High

Greetings, Comrade.

Good that you have listened to my words and done things in a more appropriate way. Its unusual for me to speak with something like yourself, but times changes. Since you have been very polite in contacting us first, I will let you talk first as well.
I'd lovely hear what you have to say or to offer.

Dubovik out.

Attached files: NONE
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Caconym - 09-22-2013

[Image: anomaly-transbar_zps898672bc.png]

Greetings, Mr. Dubovik
This_Unit "wishes" to thank_you for your quick response. "We" wanted to contact the_SCRA and establish_"Diplomatic Relations" for the following reason:
Mutual aid in expansion. The_Consensus has had plans to expand in the Omegas for quite some time now; This_Unit "thinks" the SCRA had similar expansion plans for the_Omicron systems; the "idea_is" that the_Consensus and the_SCRA "help" each other in their expansions through supplying, helping each other in combat situations, and providing_docking facilities to each_other (be advised that docking on Planet Gammu is fine for short periods of time, but anti-radiation medication is needed for longer stays; human-viable facilities also exist on the planet, sheltered from the radiation).
The_Consensus also "wishes" to say that it is able to provide both water and oxygen to SCRA_members, available at planet_Gammu's Commodity Dealer.
"Thank you for listening."

[Image: transbarlogout_zpsd200e5aa.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - JayDee Kasane - 09-22-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: ''Anomaly''
Security: High

Greetings, Comrade.

Hm... Expansion is ours secondary priority, after making sure no Civilians can be harmed by that expansion or put in hard position economically and/or to military oppression. Id like to know key details on your plans towards Omegas.

Who you consider as enemies there? Does Red Hessians are one of them?
What kind of supply you can provide to the Coalition apart from Water or Oxigen? What transports you can spare to trade with us? What you expect to get from us in exchange?
What is your view on major Civilian populated areas like: Gran Canaria and nearby stations, Freeport 1 and Aland shipyard, Omega 11 and Omega 7 mining stations?

This is most important things that needs to be solved. I would rather avoid any misunderstanding that might happen in case if we just do not know each other as good as we should. Also, if you need more information on what SCRA does in Omegas or just more knowlege of our goals and long-term plans - feel free to ask. We are open book when it comes to our ideology, because shady revolutionaires cannot succeed.

I also would like to thank you for letting us access to Planet Gammu. That may prove of use for recon operations we might send in Omicrons someday in the future.

Dubovik out.

Attached files: NONE
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Caconym - 09-23-2013

[Image: anomaly-transbar_zps898672bc.png]

Greetings, Mr. Dubovik
This_Unit "wishes" to thank_you for your quick response, again. The_SCRA "appears" to be very well organized when it_comes to "communications".
This_Unit "will" now proceed to answer your_questions in the order that you_asked them in.
First, "our" enemies are the_Nomads, for "obvious" reasons, the_GMG, for "past hostilities", and the_Zoner_Alliance, for "terrorist acts" perpetrated_against Consensus_vessels. The_Consensus "considers" itself as neutral to the_RHA; "however", some hostilities have_broken_out against other Red_Hessian_groups, such as the "Vons".
The_AI_Consensus is able to_supply the_Coalition apart from Water and Oxygen, with "Gammuite", the_mineral which makes up most of planet_Gammu and "is" responsible for the_backgroud_radiation; it_is very "effective" to craft nuclear weapons and as a fuel for reactors (//inRP only; Gammuite does not exist as an actual commodity sadly); "we are" also_able to supply you with niobium and food (coming_from Zoner Freeports in_the deep Omicrons).
In_return, The_Consensus would "like" to know if the_SCRA could supply us with "ship_hull_panels" and "engine_components".
The_Consensus "will" use "Borderworld_Transport"-class vessels to_supply the_SCRA, usually in groups of 2, with an escort of 1-2 "Drone"-class AI fighter.
The_Consensus "is" neutral and will NOT execute_hostile_actions against the_Civilian_population_centers "you" mentioned.
"Thank you for listening."

[Image: transbarlogout_zpsd200e5aa.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - JayDee Kasane - 09-23-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: ''Anomaly''
Security: High

Greetings, Comrade.

The Coalition is well organised everywhere, not just communications. The hand that cant rule its fingers cannot force them to make a gloriously hard fist to punch its enemies face with communistic people willpower.

Now to answer for your answers.
Nomads? Sure, destroy them for all I care. GMG is not present in Omegas anyway, even if we'd like you not to shoot at Civilians. Zoner Alliance? Aint those dead? And regarding ''Vons'', those are as stupid as Corsairs. Nothing else but warmongers that threats everyone. So Im not going to be upset if you kill those guys.
Hm. Niobium and that 'Gammunite' might prove real use for our growing army. We have enough components but lack of good conductors and power. We can pick some ship hull panels from Mollys in Newcastle, but engine components may prove difficult, since we not in good terms of most people who sell those - like Junkers and Rheinland corporations. The Hessians supply us with those usually. And food also welcome, we do not starve, but limited in proper ground to grow something.
Well rest seems reasonable and fine. No harming civilians population and no military ships all over secured areas. Good, I will direct that to rest of High Command. I have feeling that we might come to agreement.

Please await for response. Unless you have something else to say, of course...

Dubovik out.

Attached files: NONE
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Caconym - 09-23-2013

[Image: anomaly-transbar_zps898672bc.png]

Greetings, Mr. Dubovik
This_Unit "wishes" to tell you that yes, in fact, there "is" something else.
(09-22-2013, 02:36 PM)JayDee Wrote: This is the most important things that needs to be solved. I would rather avoid any misunderstanding that might happen in case if we just do not know each other as good as we should. Also, if you need more information on what SCRA does in Omegas or just more knowlege of our goals and long-term plans - feel free to ask. We are open book when it comes to our ideology, because shady revolutionaires cannot succeed.
"We" would like to know more, as you said, about the_operations of the_SCRA, as well as what "you" do in the Omega_systems.
"Thank you for listening."

[Image: transbarlogout_zpsd200e5aa.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - JayDee Kasane - 09-23-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: ''Anomaly''
Security: High

Privet, Comrade.

Well yes, we do have goals towards Omegas. First, we want to remove Corsair threat from Bretonia and Rheinland there. Their vicious attacks on Civilians are going out of control. Second, we want to establish bigger economy presense there. Omega 7 and Omega 11 rich of minerals, we could use to defeat capitalists. Third, to ensure security over region from the Gallic forces that may breach there or attempts for Outcasts to bring cardamine there.
Rest goals either classified, either too obvious to tell them. But none of them is to bring harm to self-sufficent robots and AI, I can assure you. While we fight for humanity, we do not engage neutral life-forms of any kind. Nomads excluded due to agressive nature and wish to destroy us all.

Dubovik over.

Attached files: NONE
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Caconym - 09-23-2013

[Image: anomaly-transbar_zps898672bc.png]

Greetings, Mr. Dubovik
"In" this case, this_Unit "will" now wait for an answer from the_SCRA HC.
"Thank you for listening."

[Image: transbarlogout_zpsd200e5aa.png]

RE: ::From: The_Culture|To: SCRA|Enigma encryption:: - Caconym - 09-24-2013