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Sir Colin Beechcroft - Printable Version

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Sir Colin Beechcroft - CusoJR - 07-20-2008

I am Colin's lack of self control...

*CRASH!* "Get out! Get out!" My Mum screamed at me. Kicking me out of the house for smoking Synth Weed seems a little absurd but I guess that's what I get when I sell her favorite bracelet to buy drugs. I am 17 and I have nowhere to go.

I am Colin's need to eat...

Load Cargo Pod. Unload Cargo Pod. Load Cargo Pod. Unload Cargo Pod. Eat. Load Cargo Pod. Unload Cargo Pod. Sleep. Repeat. God this sucks. is there anyway out of this? Can I do more with my life than push pallets of crap around? God I'll just go have another toke.

I am Colin's new hope...

There was an AD on the Vid Screens today. Bretonia Armed Forces. Hmm... I could be a pilot one day. That might make Mum proud. I should go apply. Better than pushing pallets. Just another hit... No *Throws the pipe down* Not like this.

I am Colin's dashed hopes...

*Grumble* Load Cargo Pod. *Grumble* Unload Cargo Pod. *Grumble* Load Cargo Pod. *Grumble* Unload Cargo Pod. Bloody Armed Forces I still have to load crap into Cargo Pods. Why Me?

I am Colin's hope renewed...

"Petty Officer Beechcroft!" "Sir!" "Drop that pallet and report to Pilot Training immediately. You passed the Pilot's Exam." "Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

I am Colin's brutal skill...

"Green One, this is Green Four."
"Go ahead, Four"
"By the book, or are we doing something fancy? "
"By the book. Keep the home fires burning and pick up after me."
"Done. Good luck."
"Bombers, eleven kicks aft."
"Green One engaging."
"Be all over them like drool on a Xeno."
"I'll do my best, Green Three."
"Tagging the bombers as targets one, two, and three. Bringing up target one."
"Green One, your velocity is down to one percent. Do you need help?" "Negative, Green Two." *BOOM*
"Colin, what are you doing?"
"Making the book a short story."
"Acquiring target two." *Boom* "And now for three. Oh This one's getting fancy. Green Three you still with me?"
"Yea downed two Fighters. You?"
"Could use a hand over here. This bomber just doesn't want to die."
"On my way Colin." *Boom*
"Never mind Three. He decided to hold still for a moment."
"Green Flight. This is Control. Scanners show all clear. Return to base."
"Copy Control. So Colin? That was your short story?"
"Let's call it a Novella."

I am Colin's proudest moment...

Queen Carina stood over me with the sword in her hands. Sweat beaded from my forehead. What if she slips? What if she doesn't want to do it?
"I dub thee Sir Colin Beechcroft. Stand my boy."
I stood up and looked to my Mum. Tears streamed down her face. I finally made her proud. The audience cheered as I stepped away from the Throne. At the party later on I was approached by Lord Mountbatten.
"Commodore!" *Salutes*
"At Ease, Captain"
"Captain? My Lord, don't you mean Commander?"
"No I mean Captain. I am putting you in charge of The Sherwood and I can't very well have a Commander do that."
"Thank you My Lord!"
"Just don't scratch her."
I am 34 and I am the Captain of my own Destroyer.

I am Colin's Loyalty...

"All hands this is the Captain. Abandon ship! Sovereign this is Sherwood. We can't take anymore prepare to pickup escape pods."
"Sir everyone's out. Torpedos inbound. We have to leave."
"Go I'm right behind you." An explosion rocked the ship. It's getting hard to breathe. Why's my shirt red?
"Captain?! Sir? Pick him up..." Blackness enveloped me. It took some time for me to wake but when I did I found myself in the Essex's medical bay. I turned on the Vid Screen and found myself looking at the impossible.
"Citizens of the Kingdom of Bretonia! Since our brave people first arrived in Sirius and claimed the stars that became our new Kingdom, we have been taught that Queen Carina and her family are the proper and righful rulers of Bretonia. For generations, they have hidden their true bloodlines and stamped out any attempts to uncover their lies. For generations, they have been sitting on a throne that is not theirs.
I tell you today that I, Commodore Lord George Mountbatten, am the true and rightful Sovereign..."
My King? No. As i listened to the rest of the Statement I could only imagine the trouble he's going to brew up. My lord is going to need all the help he can get. Maybe I should help.

I am 36 and I am unsure where my loyaties lie...

Sir Colin Beechcroft - CusoJR - 08-05-2008

I am Colin's Paranoia...

" light, I am left with only one choice. As of right now, I am officially relinquishing my claim to the Throne. I would like to reaffirm my loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Carina..."

Nobody knew when I had taken that fighter out of dock that I had intended to shoot down pilots loyal to the queen. None survived to tell their commanding officers what the Captain of the recently destroyed Sherwood was up to. The day we heard the news that Lord Mountbatten was not the king he claimed to be I jumped back in my fighter and returned to the Suffolk one day before my official leave was over. There I heard the news that the latest destroyer being finished was to recive a new name, Sherwood. I had my command back and no one was the wiser. I hope it stays that way.