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The Borei - Leo - 07-20-2008

Tau-37 System,
16 years ago
1400 Hours

The three interceptor class fighters streaked through the quadrant towards their destination way-point as they continued their patrol out of Falkland base. Falkland base, being an IMG mining base had strict security in place always wary of Outcast and Nomad attacks on their holdings and property.

"Falkland control, this is patrol one. Looks like the Outcasts took a day off today, seems to be a bit quiet." said the lead pilot.

"Don't count on it patrol one, just continue the patrol sweep. There's bound to be something out there. There usually is." Falkland replied.

"Wait a second Falkland; I think I have a contact. That's strange, wasn't this area mapped not too long ago?"

"You're a bit far out there patrol one, I don't have you on the sensors, give your location."

"Roger Falkland, relaying position now."

"Affirmative patrol one, we have you back on sensors now...wait...there seems to be some interference."

"Falkland; I have an energy spike on sensors. Not sure what to make of it. Going to get a just a little closer...what the hell?! It's a jump-hole. This area was scanned wasn't it?"

"Patrol one, do not enter the jump-hole, and await reinforcements. They will be dispatched momentarily."

"Roger Falkland control, awaiting back-up and holding position."

1500 Hours

"Falkland patrol, this is Patrol one. Fox-Trot recon has arrived. Deploying relay satellite and communications drone now."

"Acknowledged patrol one, signal at -80% and climbing...-100% loud and clear."

"Roger Falkland control, entering jump-hole now."

Early morning 0200 Hours

"Falkland control, this is patrol one. We have returned through the jump-hole and we have excellent news."

"Really? What happened?"

"Ill tell you when we land. Heading back to Falkland base as we speak, ETA 22 minutes."

"Patrol one, are you causing trouble again? I remember the last time you said you had good news..."

"You'll see when we land control" he chuckled. "Over and out control."

Falkland Base, IMG Mining Facility, Laboratory 0325 hours

"How's that Jack, what do you say?" Jeff O'Connor said as he rubbed his hands together gleefully. He'd been in command of patrol one for a long time, and this was the first time they'd made this kind of discovery.

"That's a pretty good sample you got there Jeff. 98% purity, just the thing we were looking for. This will make us a fortune, but it going to be a trick to mine. Not going to be easy in the least."

"Not easy? What are you talking about? All you have to do is set the mining rigs and run the lasers over them and the gold practically falls out of the rocks, doesn't seem too difficult to me."

"Did you take a look at your radiation scanners while you were out there running around like a little kid?"

" guess it slipped my mind in all the excitement."

"You'd better get to decontamination ASAP. Good thing you were in your ship. The radiation levels are so high it would have fried you in less than five minutes had you space-walked." He finished as he motioned for a nurse to see him to the decontamination facility. He looked at the sample and shook his head as he gave a quick glance back to his friend as he made his way towards decontamination and then back to the sample in hand and put it on the table.

14 Years Ago

The newly discovered system was named Ceti-15. An additional system was discovered with an extremely large gravity distortion well and was named Ceti-21. IMG (Independent Mining Guild) expanded its mining operations and were considering building another Station. It would be closer to the jump-hole as to make it easier to co-ordinate operations in the new system. The close proximity to the jump-hole would ensure a quicker response from defenders if they were attacked. Gold mining operations always attracted the criminal element no matter how tight the security. Whether it was an inside job or a professional hit and fade attack, the criminal element always found a way to them, and they weren't taking chances. With the gravity-well being as large as it was in the system, it was doubtful that any attacks would be coming from within the system; most likely it would be coming through the jump-hole.

To make the mining operations go even smoother a second station, Desolace Station, would be built to decrease the amount of time it took to unload the gold ore and send the miners back out to the asteroids to continue mining. It was also due to the high levels of radiation in the system as well. This took a high toll on the pilot and the miners alike. By building the second station, miners and pilots could spend shorter times in the radiation, thus being able to keep the radiation levels well below toxic and deadly.

12 Years Ago
Ceti-15 System

"Perdition, this is patrol three four, we have an unknown contact at five-niner six and moving fast at approximately four clicks out, please advise." said the recently dispatched patrol.

"Patrol three four - we have nothing out there, can you tell what it is?" the station replied.

"Negative Perdition, I can't identify it, radiation is playing havoc with the sensors."

"Can you get a visual scan and relay it back?"

"Negative Perdition - its way too dark in here for that...DAMN!"

"Three-four, what's wrong...are you still there...respond Three-Four!"

"We're here Perdition. A ship just buzzed us at high speed. Thought it was going to collide with us for a minute. It's circling us at the moment. I still can't see any markings on it. Its strange looking, never seen anything like it before - extremely maneuverable...wait a minute...I have more contacts coming in on an intercept vector...we're being hailed...relaying transmission."

The language was lilting but with harsh over-tones at the same time making it sound as if there was reverberation distortion in the translator, almost sounding human, but at the same time very alien.

"Perdition, the translators can't make out any words or phrases. It's completely alien. Nothing in our language database even comes close."


The alien voice growled again over the speakers.

Suddenly alarms sounded over the comms as one of the alien fighters bumped the patrol as it made a high-speed pass.

"This is getting crazy Perdition...engaging alien craft."

"NO!! Patrol three-four, disengage - cease fire and return to base!"

Perdition control listened and watched the radar as the fighters engaged the alien ships. One by one all of patrol three-four disappeared from the sensors; screams could be heard just before the comms stopped transmitting the audio feed. Several hours after the incident, a badly damaged and crippled fighter from patrol Three-four returned to Perdition station. The entire fuselage had been holed and in some areas, the holes could be seen to go completely through the wrecked ship. The entire cockpit was destroyed; several holes could be seen going completely through the canopy and through the control systems. The only way the fighter made it back to Perdition station was on auto-pilot. It was the only system that seemed to be in working condition. The escape pod was also missing, and the flight recorder indicated the pod was still functional.

Perdition control feverishly tried to locate the missing escape pod on sensors but nothing revealed the location of the pod and how far it might have drifted. Usually, the escape pods were programmed to return to the station from which they launched. Something either went wrong with the pods controls or something was preventing it from returning. After literally hours of searching the scanners and trying to locate the missing pod, the flight recorder was retrieved from the ship and played.

*Static* "They tractored in my pod and I can't do anything. Its dark in here and my helmet light stopped working an hour ago. There's something in here with me, I can't tell what it is. Its like whatever it is, is watching me...measuring me...studying me."


"I can't understand you; my translator can't decipher your language. I am an IMG pilot Fred Meister- ID number 731-331-2X4-CD-1A."


"I think I was just stabbed, almost like an injection of some sort, in the upper thigh. Really hurts...getting a little light headed...really hurts."




"Yes, hurts, whatever you injected me with show yourself!"


*Something hisses loudly*

"Argh! Some-thing in the chest...fading out...feel weaker by the second...can't stand-"

"Lermos'rr !"





10 Years Ago
Ceti-21 system
Surveillance ship, CSS Monitor

"Captain, we have something on sensors, looks to be like a station sir." said a comm officer.

"A what? A station? Why didn't it show up on the other scans of the system?"

"The radiation seems to have a cloaking effect in this system. At times we can scan long distance, at others it seems like only a few meters, none the less sir, its there."

"Sir, we're being hailed, putting it on speakers."


"What was that?" The captain asked as he turned to the comms officer. "Was that a language?"

"Scanning sir, engaging the translator."

"The IMG reported similar recordings and encountered ships of unknown origins in Ceti-15. One of their patrols was destroyed too."

"Well, whoever they are they don't sound friendly. Comms, signal them that we're leaving the system, helm, hard about starboard, flank speed, No sense in risking a skirmish here."

"Jump-hole on sensors sir."

"Sir, we have contacts, multiple bogies on an intercept course. We're receiving another transmission, this one is seems live, no recording."


"Head into the jump-hole, they do not seem pleased to have us here."

"In the worm-hole sir, jumping back to Ceti-15."

10 Years Ago
Ceti-15 System

"Eagle Two-Seven-Bogeys, four ship - wedge formation heading 092-mark-323 - Eagle Two- break and attack!"

"Eagle-Two-Five - Attack - Fox 3 -damn...missed...these beasts are fast. Lets show'em what humans can do."


"What was that?"

"An alien transmission I presume. Ok got one."


"What every you say kitty. Arrgghhhhhhh."

"Eagle-Two-Eight - station on scanner - relaying p--arrrghhhh."

"Perdition - Eagle Two- Flight down -- god sake there's a Jump-hole going in."



10 Years Ago
Ceti-15, Perdition Base

"Sir, alien probe approaching. Slowing down as it closes."

Outside the ship, an oval shaped object of about 3m length approaches, stopping about 250m off the port docking bays.

"We're receiving a repeating signal, sir."

"Put it on."

"Yyumans greetchuu! Borei'nass'correr'shu shu'hnnU. Yyuman'meRo'nadyn'hai'rr'vroo. Yyuman'nass'me'ro'Y - greetchuu'krep'Ee'rr. Yyuman'ee'uuon'ike'rr'Borei'tariss. Borei'nass'lki'diosos'eliko'ee'yyuman.Yyuman'nass'meRo'Dios'Borei'zut'uoon'n'iko'rr'bisR'nass'greetchuu'uuhn. Yyuman'gut'Nishi'cekr'retMeRo'rr."

"What the hell does that mean?" asked the younger man at the front of the bridge.

"If I were to guess..." the captain replied. "I think that means get the hell out of our space...set a course; get us out of here, back to Tau-37. Maximum speed."

The explorer's vessel turned and began to head back towards the Tau-37 jumphole.

"Sir, massive amount of objects on an intercept course. Showing on the screen sir."

A massive amount of vessels were flying towards the jumphole, the captain counted at least 100-200 fighters. Each one of them began firing at once on the ship. Everyone on the ship screamed in unison as the ship detonated in a great explosion, sending escape pods in every direction.

The Borei Emergence

Four hundred years ago
Sheppard squadron - Selu'mar
Kalian galaxy, 6,000,000 light years away from Sirius

The small group of fighters slowly patrolled their quadrant in search of the parasitic race known to them as the Kyoko'vash, their sworn enemies. For over millennia these two races relentlessly attacked one another. Once the Kyoko'vash discovered they could not use their parasitic powers to create control over the Borei, they decided they were too dangerous to exist. If the Kyoko'vash had known how dangerous the Borei would come to be, they would have left the Borei alone those many millennia ago.

In the blindness of their exploration, they inadvertently awakened the leviathan of the universe.

Although the Kyoko'vash were technologically advanced, the level of their technology depended on their ability to take control of their enemies technology. In short, the Kyoko'vash were technological parasites. They could improve on the technology that they acquired, but not on the level and speed that the Borei could.

The Borei on the other hand were constantly developing their technology making them a definite threat to any civilization as they have been around for dozens of millennia researching and refining their technology and improving the efficiency of their way of life and the way they waged war.

A contact flared on the lead Sheppard's holographic sensor screen. Even as the squadron leader began to evaluate the threat and transmit the information to the other four fighters in the unit, the information from the ships sensor were instantly transmitted back to the hive and evaluated by the collective triumvirate.

The Triumvirate is a form of leadership for the hive. Large hives would have up to three leaders to handle the information work load and transmit orders as to what actions should be taken. Other smaller hives around the galaxy would most likely have just one "Elder" that would make the decisions for the hive and assess the level of threats and actions taken. All information would instantly be transmitted to all Borei as a collective making them extremely coordinated as a race. However; in the larger hives, the Triumvirate would be broken down into castes; a warrior caste, a Sheppard caste, and a religious caste. The religious caste also doubled as a political caste where it was needed.

Instantly the Sheppard leader received his instructions; intercept and cull or destroy the Kyoko'vash on sight. The squadron instantly increased the speed to intercept the contact with extreme choreography that could only be attained through a collective mind. Like a flock of birds, the fighters turned in unison, never wavering from their formation.

The contact soon came into visual range as the Borei fighters attacked with extreme prejudice. The patrolling Kyoko'vash assessed their opponents and quickly broke off into attack groups to deal with the attacking Borei. Three groups of five fighters split off from each other to try and overwhelm their opponents. Since the Kyoko'vash had no hope of taking over the Borei pilots for research, there was no need to attempt to capture them. It was purely extermination.

As soon as the fighters were in range of one another's weapons, the engagement began. The first salvo of fire decimated one of the three groups of Kyoko'vash. Quickly the Borei fighters' tractored in the pilots and what was left of the cargo and materials in the hold to be distributed amongst the collective when they returned to the hive. Then the five fighter Sheppard squadron broke into two groups leaving the remaining leader to receive information from the collective on which group would need its assistance and when. The leader simply followed the two groups from a short distance taking sniper shots at the engaging Kyoko'vash when they came into range.

The exchange between the two races was pure ballet. Each unit maneuvering for position on the other, the coordination of the Borei pilots choreographed to the extreme with the expert piloting of the Kyoko'vash from tried and true memories from the their ancestors, the best pilots to ever become behind the controls of a Kyoko'vash fighter. The vicious and deadly ballet wound and spun through the sector as the fighters danced around each other. The energy weapons lighting up the quadrant with brilliant explosions shadowing and highlighting the exchange.

Of the races that have seen the single mindedness of their exchanges, ignoring all other passersby admired the pure skills of both races warriors, but didn't hesitate to vacate the area. It was well known what would happen should either race prevail. This kept most races away from the Kyoko'vash, as it was very well known that even as some pilots were willing to live in the telepathic and parasitic coexistence with the Kyoko'vash, most were unwilling victims in the struggle of life.

For the most part, the Borei left other races alone not needing contact with anyone other than their own kind.

There was a mystery surrounding them, however, as every so often a vessel would go missing in the area of the Borei occupied space. Nothing was ever proven that they were the cause of the infrequent disappearances, but nothing really cleared them of any involvement. It was assumed that the ships that disappeared entered an area of sacred value to the Borei and they were "cleansed" from the region.

The exchange between the two forces finally came to a conclusion as the last of the Kyoko'vash were dispatched and "culled". There was no need for the fighters to relay back the results, the information from the fighters were monitored through-out the exchange. After the fighters tractored in the ejected pilots, the Sheppard squadron resumed its patrol in search of other invaders to their space.

Before long, Selu'mar patrol encountered a superior force, literally hundreds of thousands of Kyoko'vash vessels encroaching on a single spatial anomaly. Without a need to confer with the collective, as it had already assessed the situation, the squadron was ordered to hold position out of their sensor range and await assistance from a recon and exploration squadron. A few hours later the recon and exploration squadron arrived and held position with the Sheppard squadron and began monitoring and relaying information back to the hive collective for study. Even at the distant range, large quantities of information were gathered. It made no sense to the collective to engage such a large force even though the culling of the Kyoko'vash would have been of paramount proportions, the triumvirate elected to watch and wait without alerting the Kyoko'vash that the Borei were completely aware of their forces.

The triumvirate was swamped with literally hundreds of smaller skirmishes all over the collective empire borders while the monitored force was making its way to the anomaly. It was quickly assessed that this was a diversionary tactic to keep the Borei unaware of the actions the Kyoko'vash forces were currently engaging in. The collective realized that this was a chance to gain Kyoko'vash pilots for culling. If the Borei were to attack the force that was gathering around the anomaly to the distant galaxy, they would lose the added resources of the Kyoko'vash they were currently culling.

Hundreds of Kyoko'vash were culled as the Kyoko'vash force continued to believe that their actions were going un-noticed. After several hours of culling Kyoko'vash pilots, the reserve stores were completely over filled. There was literally no room for further Kyoko'vash. Due to the Kyoko'vash sacrificing thousands of pilots in a diversion to keep the Borei at bay, they inadvertently gave them more than enough resources to last more than two millennia. There was no further need to cull the flocks of animals on their planet. A new Hive would have to be created to disperse the population and increase their empire.

Of all the species of life in the Kalian galaxy, only the Shuban'takna, a type of hybrid cattle and Kyoko'vash, gave them enough nourishment to survive. They could live off draining the life force from other species, and occasionally culled from the populations of races they were at war with, but since they could not get the required nourishment from them, they ignored most species unless there was a great need. Other races never truly knew what became of the captured soldiers or the citizens that turned up missing during infrequent wars with the Borei. All they truly knew is that the Borei were a force not to be trifled with, and most species that traveled the deep space of the Borei occupied regions gave the area a wide birth, and at the sight of a Borei patrol, they made best speed out of the area.

Many hours later the last of the Kyoko'vash skirmishes ceased, and the large migrating force of Kyoko'vash completely migrated through the spatial anomaly. The collective determined it advantageous to wait three cycles before sending a reconnaissance squadron into the anomaly. This also gave them time to study and gather more information on the anomaly for further research.

Four cycles later...
(Approximately 5 days later)

The triumvirate feverishly directed researchers as they studied the information pouring in from the recon units positioned just outside the spatial anomaly. It was determined that the "anomaly" was in fact a worm hole, a worm hole to a distant galaxy that lay more than 6,000,000 light years away. It was also determined that due to the great influx of Kyoko'vash making their migration through the worm hole, it started to become unstable. The triumvirate concluded that this might have been planned by the Kyoko'vash while they had been throwing ships at them by the hundreds. Get as many ships through the worm hole and if it became unstable and collapsed, it would have been all that much better. The Kyoko'vash would have escaped to a distant galaxy without any worry of pursuit.

After determining that the worm hole was stable enough for a colony force to travel through, a large force of Sheppard forces, colony pods, resource collection units, and various vessels needed to create a new hive began to gather around the wormhole. A new "elder" was selected and assigned to take control of the fledgling hive that was to be created in the new galaxy. The new hive force was keyed to the new elder's control, and he directed the migration through the worm hole. The first force to enter the worm hole was the enormous Sheppard squadron consisting of well over 500 fighters. This force would eventually be broken down into smaller squadrons once the new hive was established in the new galaxy. For now however, they were broken down into search and destroy units of five fighters per unit and directed to attack and destroy anything they encountered, culling anything of use after the skirmish.

The next force to enter the anomaly was the new elder and his elite guardian force. This force would protect the soon to follow hive pods and construction units needed to construct the hive followed closely by the resource collection and storage vessels. Before more than half of the resource vessels carrying the Kyoko'vash food stores could make it through the anomaly, the worm hole collapsed in a violent display of light and energy. The ships on the Kalian side of the anomaly were instantly destroyed, the new hive force on the Sirius side were merely damaged to various degrees. The newly elected elder quickly adapted to the new situation. They now had less food to feed the new hive than originally planned. The supply of Shuban'takna would have to be cloned to make the food stores last as long as they would could. The stores of Kyoko'vash that were held in stasis wouldn't last them for a long time, but the elder would have to receive information on the new galaxy they had now entered. This called for drastic measures and innovative thinking.

The collective hive would have to be given a degree of free thought to survive in the harshness of this new system they had claimed. The radiation and pockets of gravity wells that littered the system would have to be scanned and assessed for dangers and planet would have to be found quickly, otherwise the hive collective in this new galaxy would perish before it had a chance to flourish to its full extent.

Sidhe'Shadar processed the information from all the Borei as he was bred to. He was the problem leader, the problem solver, the task master, and the coordinator of the entire collective. He saw flaws within the planning of the structure of the collective and adjusted it as needed. With no one to consult with from other hives on the best way to proceed and gain insight, he adjusted the structure of the hive. A degree of free thought would now be allowed for the collective. After a time it was concluded that the small degree of free thought allowed for better communication and creative innovation. This was processed as a good thing. Sheppard squadrons were now allowed to form their own groups of patrol squadrons to become more efficient while still maintaining the collective link through the ships and gain tactical advantages. This was the beginning of a new evolution of Borei, a collective that also had free thought while maintaining a degree of contact with the Elder for direction and information.

With the discovery of the jump hole anomalies that seemed to be present in most of the systems the collective explored, Sidhe'Shadar prompted the construction of collective outposts to process information and relay it through the jump holes to the collective through cloaked relay satellites near the anomalies. Through this system, they could remain in contact with the hive and relay information keeping the collective informed and up-to-date on the situation in the budding empire.

It was soon discovered that the Kyoko'vash that had migrated through the now collapsed worm hole had been exploring this galaxy for a many centuries. There wasn't a trace to be found of them. The telemetry of the surrounding systems had been explored, but not to a high degree. It was soon found that a second species of humanoids also inhabited this galaxy. Sidhe'Shadar considered this for a period of time deciding on the best scenario for the survival of the hive and concluded that it was in their best interests to stay away from the humanoids until the hive flourished.

Early Sheppard squadrons that had been sent to investigate distant systems for culling had discovered that the race of humanoids possessed not only the proper nutrients for a Borei to truly survive on, but more than average. The humanoid race would give more sustenance than any Kyoko'vash ever had. This was good for the Borei and the new hive. Because of this, the Kyoko'vash stores that were lost on the move to the new galaxy would be restocked quickly once the Borei were fully up and running.

Due to the highly advanced technology of the Borei, they were able to use their universal translators to understand the humanoid speech; unfortunately the Borei would have to learn to speak the words in order to communicate with them. Many reconnaissance ships were sent to the various humanoid systems to monitor communications. Since the humans stayed far away from the Borei controlled region of space, Sidhe'Shadar had deemed it unnecessary for the collective to explore the human speak and learn to communicate with them, but he knew the day would come that they would have no choice as the humans seemed to come ever closer to their space but not entering it.

18 Years Ago
Sheppard patrol squadron - Kalun'yalun

The squadron leaders were now the information processors of the squadrons under their control. In turn if there was a problematic situation, the hive collective would be consulted and a solution would instantly be relayed back to them. This type of control proved to be extremely efficient. This also allowed the "Elder" to join patrols on a whim. The elder was the only Borei capable of complete and independent thought. It was also the elder's decisions on which other Borei would gain this privilege as well. When a Borei gained independent thought from the collective, it meant a degree of disconnection from the collective to keep the information from being cluttered and driving the Borei insane with the thoughts of the collective and its own free thoughts. Usually these Borei would be called Sentinels. They would have the same authority of the Elder, but were answerable to the collective elder.

Although Borei are very long lived, having life spans lasting hundreds of years, SidheShadar was genetically enhanced to have a much greater life-span that other Borei. He was the leader, deciding thought, and the icon of the collective. This meant that any decisions would be made through him with a hive communication distilling all information and coming to a solution to any question, problem, and situation. If something tragic were to befall the collective elder, a clone of the elder would be made immediately as the elder alone had the will of the hive. If the elder, in the case the long lived SidheShadar, were compromised or captured, he would disconnect from the hive mind and cease to exist leaving the hive uncompromised and a clone would be created in moments to replace him. This is what kept the hive collective constantly improving and innovating, making leaps and bounds in technological advances.

The hive communication between Borei was more than instantaneous; it was as if they were one mind. SidheShadar improved this communication by appointing Sentinels to patrols and battle groups. This meant that the decisions were made lightning quick and were choreographed with extreme precision. This is not to say that the information wasnt relayed to the collective. On the contrary, it was received by the collective and acting as one super mind through the entire hive would know what was going on and each Borei with experience in the area in question would add information and experience to whoever needed it. This was also referred to as hive speak. Even though this form of communication was more efficient, it was found to be more advantageous to use the ancient Borei language. In the case of sentinels, which made up a great portion of the patrol groups, Sheppard squadrons, and reconnaissance groups; the use of the ancient language was a necessity, it speaking Borei made it so that there were no pervading thoughts to cloud what was said and understood between the sentinels and their units.

Quite frequently, reconnaissance groups would be made entirely of free thinking sentinels. This made it simpler to acquire information and have it processed immediately and received by the Elder. The sentinels would periodically transfer information directly to the Elder rather than the entire hive collective making it more efficient. The Elder would then distribute the information to the collective.

The patrol quickly assessed the area designated to them by the collective. Although the humans were just beyond the jump hole in the Tau-37 system, they hadnt yet encroached into Borei territory. This was good for the collective. The sentinel in command of the Kalunyalun Sheppard squadron kept a close eye on the jump hole. Although nothing had come through the anomaly, he was inquisitive about what lay beyond. He needed information. The hive-speak answered; without hesitation, he guided his squadron through the jump hole.

With lightning choreography, the squadron quickly formed up and they began their reconnaissance of the Tau-37 system. Careful not to alert the human to their presence, they quickly engaged their long range scanners. Bases could be seen on the holographic sensors even at the great distance, but ships would not. It was found that a newer base was positioned a few kilometers away from the jump hole. This warranted a quick return to Ceti-15.

Of the humans in the Tau-37 system, only the group that called themselves the IMG (Independent Mining Guild) seemed to be the most aggressive. The race of humans that called them the Outcasts ventured into the Ceti system, but never stayed very long and tended to keep their interests in crossing the system to what was known to be the Tau-23 system. The Borei let them pass unmolested and refrained from culling them as the first culling of their first vessels traveling through resulted in the death of the Borei attempting to feed from it. The chemical in their bodies made them extremely toxic. It was also noted that the race calling itself the Outcasts were warring with the IMG, something that might become valuable in the future.

One thing was clear; if the race of humans called the IMG entered into the Borei system, they would be culledthis was a certainty that was enforced by SidheShadar.

The Closure of the Ceti Systems and Return of the Borei

Nine Years Ago

With more attacks occurring to IMG vessels heading into the Ceti systems, IMG began to suffer more and more losses. It was eventually decided that the jumpholes to the Ceti systems would be closed until further notice. All IMG and other members who assisted in security or mining were advised to never speak of the Ceti Systems and the race that occupied them. However, the Borei had already been attacked by the IMG in several situations, and the Borei had gotten their first taste of Human blood, something that they would not soon give up.

One Month Ago
0600 Hours

"Falkland, this is Patrol Seven, I'm reporting no contacts now. We're all clear. The Outcasts are in retreat." said the lead of Patrol Seven.

"That is good news, do you have any prisoners?" Falkland replied.

"That is a negative Falkland. We're en-route back to...standby Falkland I'm picking up some really unusual readings. They're energy spikes...all over where the Ceti jumphole used to be..."

"We're picking them up too, standby, engaging long range sensors...Patrol Seven! Get out of there; we are picking up numerous Borei signatures! They're back!"

"Roger that Falkland we are...oh god...OH GOD! AHHHHHH" *Static*

Falkland watched and listened in horror as the screams of Patrol Seven filled the command station and watched slowly as each ship disappeared from radar, along with the escape pods...only one transmission was routed to the station soon after the patrol disappeared and was destroyed...

"Yyumans'oojx'juop!!! YYUMANS'DIE"

Eight Years Later...The Borei, had returned.

All Other Information Pertaining to the Borei

After what some IMG members refer to as "The Patrol Seven Incident", the Borei have not been seen, or any indications that they are hunting any members of the IMG or of the Human race. Some of the IMG feel that the deaths of Patrol Seven was vengeance for their lost members and of the severing of the jumpholes into Sirius space. But others...believe that it is a more sinister warning, to show the Humans that they are patient, waiting...always watching...

...just out of our sight...

Borei Dictionary (Known Words)

The words that the Borei speak have a human tone to them, but the way they speak is much different than our own. They are capable of mimicking the human languages, however they choose to use their own language, if not just to frighten the passer by's. Here are some of the words the IMG managed to decipher before they closed off the Ceti systems to Human ships:

Yyuman: Human
Oojx: Will/Are
Nadyn: Why
Jyaxx: Die/Perish
Vral: Lost
Nayjoo: Confused
Nadm: Angry/Mad
Rynn: Hurts/Pain
Mero: Destroy
Lermos'rr: A form of cheer, means "For the Collective"
Nass: I/me
Uuon: Win

These are the only words the IMG members were able to understand after dealing with the race for extended periods of time. After a while of the Borei confrontations, the Borei began to speak similar to Humans, using such words as "Die" and "Hurts". The Borei, when the language comes across screens, do not use spaces in-between their words. Instead they use " ' " in-between the words to indicate a new sentence, they also very rarely use a period in their writing. The true form of Borei writing has not been seen, so there is no way to tell how they write their language.

Appearance of a Borei

While the Borei are rarely ever seen by Human eyes and let to survive, a few people have escaped the grasp of the Borei. Initial reports say that the Borei are a small like race, around the size of a Canine. They walk on their hind legs and are hunched over. They have small arms and razor sharp claws at the end of those arms. Their faces are human like with the exception of the mouth and eyes. Their mouth has a full 72 razor sharp fang like teeth and very small eyes that are extremely sensitive to light. The Borei are fast because of their Hind legs being so developed.

The Disappearance of the "Kyoko'vash"

As for what happened to the "Kyoko'vash", no one is really certain. Many scientists who know of the Borei's history and existence, speculate that the Borei eventually killed them all off for a food source. Many others believe that the Kyoko'vash are in fact the Nomads that we know today, but a more evolved form of them from so many million years ago. Neither of these theories has been proven, however.

The Borei - Leo - 07-20-2008

Wow, not even a flame? That's strange. I half expected some kind of reply here.

Regardless, I updated what I could, I changed a few things around and added some things at the bottom. I added that the "Ceti" systems were closed because the IMG was losing too much money attempting to mine there, but the Borei still returned. (Reasons for this is because New Systems in a new version would require a player wipe, no one wants that, not even me)

It's obvious right now no one can play them, for the simple reason that a Borei in a Human ship? OORP much? Wouldn't be plausable to do, that and it would make no sense at all, but I guess OORP and no sense go hand in hand. If I were to make it a faction, I would have to have a lot of premissions from the Admins. Special ID, Special Ship, ect ect, just like the Nomads, which is why I want your all's opinions on what you think of the faction.

This isn't going to be a gaurnteed faction, I want the communities opinions on the faction before I go ahead and start getting things together (including making a ship for the the faction).

If this happens, the Borei will be a "secret" faction. Meaning that the members of the faction (aside from me) no one will know. When I RPed as one on Evolved, I found this easier because people wouldn't come after me later on when I was on another character and go "lolz revengz"

Tell me what you think Discovery! That's why I posted this here!!


The Borei - chovynz - 07-20-2008

It's deep.
It's dark.
It's awesomely written.
But my gut says no, another faction like this isn't needed.
The other factions aren't being played enough to warrant bringing another superpowered bad guys faction to the table.
Theres so much infighting between the humans houses and factions that they are.... impotent.
The Phantoms are pretty bad, and they arent being played much.
The RM was quiet but now they are waking up again.
The Keepers seem...quiet.
Mon'Star hasn't been on much (as far as I know...I don't know what his Zoi or timetable is.)

All in all, I think it would just confuse things more by bringing this faction to Disco.

However it is well written. Props to you for all that history and detail. It does seem a mix hybrid of species/nomads/aliens and some other things and i think it has a danger of being...tired.

The Borei - Leo - 07-20-2008

I figured that into the equation Hyung, and all I came up with is to wait until 4.86 whenever that happens...if it happens (not saying it won't, but you never know...).

I spent about 6 months working on this faction before the Evolved 2.1 went active around a year and a half ago. I stayed up for hours, drinking cherry coke and red bull writing it, that's part of the reason half of it is so twisted and screwed up in places.

There were a few Roleplay's that I did on the forums at Evolved that I had to litterally delete because the admins said they were far too detailed and gory, and with my discription abilities, that's saying something...

Regardless, you're right Hyung, I'm just posting this to get a guage of what people think, and you've placed that thought into my mind again, thinking that just for right now this isn't a good faction.

...but you all know me...I always jump the gun...


P.S. I just found the entire Borei dictionary I wrote..."Yyumans'nadn'kral!!!"

The Borei - Panzer - 07-21-2008

Finally some action in the Taus. If you get the idea going, expect help from us (well, me at least).

The Borei - Leo - 07-21-2008

Well it's still going to take some time to get active and up and running. As I said before, this is going to require a lot of Admin interaction, and as 4.85 is almost done (and with the French being in that version already) I don't think it would be a good idea to throw yet another Story point in with the mix, (And diverting attention away from the French storyline). That and Hyung had a good point, with the Phantoms and Keepers being inactive, hopefully by the time 4.86 starts development, they will be back in force and we can start with the Borei.


P.S. I still havn't sent a PM to the admins with the info on this. I was hoping Igiss or someone would read this and give their view on it. It took me a while to get this thing cleaned up for Discovery, and took me a while to get it written in the first place, I'd like to see his and the other admins point of view on this.

The Borei - Zero755 - 07-21-2008

Well Im not sure where the French systems are going to go on the map, but since the entire Right side of the map is engulfed with the nomad/wilde problem, the bretonians and the french could use a bad guy. I think waiting until 4.86 is a good idea, it gives the storyline with the new house time to play out and see where that winds up. But I can definately see them being the nemesis on the left side of the map.

And an excellent job of writing.

The Borei - dizbmikuni - 07-21-2008

That was an incredibly exciting read. And I agree with Templar, more 'activity' in the Tau regions would probably make things pretty interesting.

The Borei - Leo - 07-21-2008

Updated the post with "known" Borei words that the IMG were able to recognize and decode into English. However, the Borei players have an entire dictionary that they can use to speak aloud in system chat. The way the Borei speak in a mixture of English and Borei, showing that they are learning English, but refuse to learn it completely.


The Borei - Generation - 07-21-2008

I think I em in love, there are of course a few inconstancies. Like what we know about the Nomads, their history and such.

Maybe they could be a sort of myth in 4.85, a few traders go missing in the Tau's. Reports of mysterious ships and such...

But if you do set this up, can I join?