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Hideo Saitou's Dossier - Printable Version

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Hideo Saitou's Dossier - Euca - 10-06-2013

Hideo Saitou

Name: Hideo Saitou
Age: 22
Current Ship: B50P "Katana" Blood Dragon Very Heavy Fighter
Rank: Ashigaru

[Image: 263px-Hideo_Saitou.jpg]
--Hideo Saitou at 22 years of age

Biography: Hideo was born in the lower class sections of Kyoto. His parents worked heavily in the shipyards, while his single younger brother in school. Hideo attended school alongside his brother in a stereotypical lower class, over populated school. Today, Hideo's parents are located at Mito Shipyards and his brother at Sendai Research Complex. Being left on Kyoto on his own (without a job), he quickly applied to join the Watanabe Kazoku to avoid starvation and to feed his 'need to fight'.

Personality: Hideo represents loyalty to important figures, even if it is covered by a layer of nervousness. Hideo is at his peak when in battles, primarily when fighting the Naval Forces. Hideo was shown generous traits towards allies in space and children in Kyoto. Hideo has been known to forfeit food and water for starving people. Hideo shows a particular hate towards the Naval Forces, despite having no facts to backup his strong opinions.

Relevant Quotes:
Quote:"The armies have fallen! This is the time to restore the Blood Dragons to their former glory!"
--Said to Family Members while on a patrol through the Okinawa system
Quote:"A matriarchy? So, they fight for equal rights for women, but in the end only want to glorify them? What's the point?
--Said when a GC propagandist ad appeared on the Kusari-wide News Channel

Relevant/Important Symbols or Pictures: Hideo has found the Blood Dragon's logo and the Watanabe Kazoku's Signature to be of utmost importance:

[Image: DragonsLogo.png]

--Blood Dragon's logo

[Image: 250px-Watanabenotext.png]

--Watanabe Kazoku's Signature