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System lockup? - Printable Version

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System lockup? - bsh - 10-14-2013

Hello everyone,
I've registerd here to ask this.
I've played 4.85 a few years ago in singleplayer, just flying around into every corner of every system. Now I felt like I restart this again, but now with 4.86, and see what's changed.
Unfortunatelly I'm experiencig random system lockups. As in, complete system freeze, but sound playing! I need to hard reset my pc.
The lockups so far only happened on bases, not when flying in space. Lockups happen when I switch to the commodity trader. It happens randomly, but certain bases have 100% chance. For example Deshima station always freezes hard. Sometimes it happens multiple times within an hour, sometimes does not happen in days. This weekend I played a lot and it didn't happen...
All other games I have tried work without problems, only encountered this in Discovery, that's why I came here to ask if this could be some game specific thing? Or maybe a driver issue?
Thanks for any help.

System is: i5 3570k, 16gb, gtx660, windows 7 professional 64bit. tried to run the game in xp compatibility mode too, same happens.

Secondary question: in Singleplayer mode, I start with 100% neutrality (except for the wild). I still flying with an unarmed ship and a freelancer id, making some trading to collect money for a better ship. Recently I started doing some "exploits": fly to Alaska and fly around the jump gate, and wait for the navy/order patrols to kill the nomads, then get the remains and sell them in kepler. This is the most effective way of making money for me so far. However, this slowly started to make me hostile to nomads. Is this normal? I haven't attacked anyone, i'm unarmed. I'd understand if this would make me hostlie with the police as this is contraband, but what's up with the nomads?

RE: System lockup? - Mister_X - 10-14-2013

hit enter, type cash amount, enjoy.....
for rep, type rep = 1 all friendly, rep = 0 all neutral and rep = -1 all hostile...

RE: System lockup? - bsh - 10-14-2013

(10-14-2013, 03:54 PM)Mister_X Wrote: hit enter, type cash amount, enjoy.....
for rep, type rep = 1 all friendly, rep = 0 all neutral and rep = -1 all hostile...

thanks, but there's no fun in that Angel
but is it intentional that trading nomad remnants, without actually "hurting" the nomads, turns them hostile towards me? i don't see why would this be, but if its intentional, I can live with that. was just wondering.
now, about the system freeze... Confused

RE: System lockup? - roadrunner - 10-14-2013

sounds like your instalation is bugged. maby do a complete reinstall.
and Down Load version 4.87 as that is the version we use at the moment.