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Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - Printable Version

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Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - MB52 - 07-22-2008

Do you have the need for speed? a fast ship? maybe you are strapped for cash? whatever your reasons, this is for you! The Sirius Racing Syndicate is a group of race enthusiasts who get together to experience the thrill of a lifetime. That is, racing through Sirius, with all its dangers and marvels. Register here for the chance of a life time!

Who are the SRS?

The Sirius Racing Syndicate is a racing club with roots on Manhattan, racing land vehicles. Recently, the drive to experience faster racing and more danger has driven our group into space. We are a quasi legal group, in the eyes of the law we are a completely legal organization performing legal races in sanctioned race tracks but when they aren't looking we organize and take part in illegal lane races. Ships from all across Sirius are welcomed to form teams and join up with our group.

What kind of person can race?

Just about everyone! We don't discriminate based on what house you come from, who you are... though if you work for the Military or Police, we don't want to see you. Anyone brave enough, skilled enough, desperate enough.. maybe even crazy enough can participate!

Rules and Regulations

All rules and regulations for the races can be found here : Sirius Racing Syndicate Information Page


Teamwork can be key to victory in racing, being part of one is key. The SRS team will consist of Race organizers and lead officials. Other teams can easily be formed, but there is a limit on 3 racers per team. Remember you need to be part of a team to take part in team races! Either create a team yourself and wait for others to join or join another team (with permission of course). Or you could just drag your 2 best friends out!

Now that you know who we are, and what we do, its time to register you and your team. Leave a message with your Name, Team Name and what ship you are flying. Also don't forget to sign on the dotted line, saying the Syndicate is NOT responsible for any explosions or injuries.


In order to register, please fill out one of these forms, and leave it here, you will be added to the registered ship board as soon as possible.

Ship Type:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Place of Birth:
Team/Faction you wish to represent: optional
Background History:

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Signed: (your name here)

Current Teams and Racers Registered

Quote:Sirius Racing Syndicate[SRS]
Daniel Hunter (MB52)
Christian Klein (Vincent)

Quote:Sirius Racing Syndicate Racing [SRS-R]
Georg Stuck

Quote:Cryer Racing Team (CRT)
Lazarus Churchyard

Quote:Xeno Alliance[XA]
Glenn Thacker
Sam Willis

Ayumu Ishida

Quote:Colonial News Service(CNS)
John Birchgrove

Alexis "Stormbringer" Cruize
Jeff Rogers
Edward Morris
//Feedback and comments are appreciated, please post them at this thread

//Please only post registrations here, a message dump can be created for chit chat and race results.

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - VincentFerrex - 07-22-2008

--Incoming Message--

--To: All interested racers--
--From: SRS Race Organizer - Christian Klein--


The Sirius Racing Syndicate is now accepting racers to come join the ranks as racers in this racing community.

There are several things I must stress however, as you apply.


All application must be done within RP. Please provide a brief RP story about your character in your post. Specify your ship, and all other details.

Use the template below.

Ship Type:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Place of Birth:
Team/Faction you wish to represent: optional
Background History:

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Signed: (your name here)

We hope you enjoy our races, and fly with us for a long time. We guarantee that the races we hold will be interesting and fun ones.

Good flying!

Signed: SRS Race Organizer - Christian Klein

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - CusoJR - 07-22-2008

Alexis "Stormbringer" Cruize here. My Viper is ready to be outfitted to race specs.

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - MB52 - 07-22-2008

Name: Daniel Hunter
Age: 23
Ship Type: Stilleto Borderworlds Heavy Fighter
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Birth: Manhattan
Background History: Daniel dreamed of going into space and racing since an early age, and when he became old enough to fly, he realized just how tough it was out there. He became the pilot of a smuggling vessel named "Aurora" which carried Cardamine from the outcast home world to Liberty. Mildly curious of what this Cardamine was, he tried some out and as a result became addicted. Not trusting hit piloting skills in this addicted state, the Captain of the Aurora threw him out on the street with little credits. This is where he found the SRS, the group welcomed him into their circle where he now organizes races and races himself, all to fund his addiction.

--Incoming Message--

--To: Alexis Cruize
--From: SRS Race Organizer - Daniel Hunter--

Welcome to the club Alexis, I have temporarily added you to the Registered independent Racers list, however I'd like to see a form filled out, as can be found above. You may also down the line wish to join a team, just let me know if you decide.

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - CusoJR - 07-22-2008

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Commander (Ret.) Alexis "Stormbringer" Cruize
To: Sirus Racing Syndicate Regestration Board.

Sorry there must have been a glitch in the last transmission as I never saw the form. Included in this transmission is the proper registration.

***Viewing Attachment***
Name: Commander (Ret.) Alexis Cruize
Age: 32
Ship Type: Viper MK II
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan
Team/Faction you wish to represent: None at this Time
Background History: I was a Commander in the Liberty Navy before retiring because too many Fleet Admirals risked the lives of my crew one too many times. Navigators were incompetent and would too often destroy Dreadnauts in formation. For some reason nothing was ever done about it and still is not being fixed. For this reason I retired. Since then I have spent my time as a semi-Lawful mercenary traveling all around Sirus looking for work. When I heard about these races I thought it was finally time to show some skill in the seat.

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Signed: Commander (Ret.) Alexis Cruize

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - Reverend Del - 07-22-2008

Name: Lazarus Churchyard
Age: 26
Ship Type: Arrow Light Interceptor
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Birth: Cambridge
Team/Faction you wish to represent: Cryer Corporation
Background History:

The press conference is shrouded in darkness, a slow background beat pervades it and causes all present to feel slightly nervous. A single spotlight now pierces the balckness highlighting a plinth in the centre of the stage, suddenly all the lights come on and a rousing techno number kicks in full force, two showgirls dressed in skimpy clothing with Cryer emblazoned acroos their chests, walk up to the plinth and pose either side of it. The Lights go down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Cryer Corporation is proud to announce it's first pilot for the 816AS SRS racing league, Mr. Lazarus Churchyard!"

The lights come back up and Lazarus can be seen on the central plinth, he's wearing flight overalls with corporate sponsors all over it. The showgirls reach up to kiss him lightly on the cheek as he steps down and walks to the fron of the stage, posing with his helmet tucked under his arm.

"Lazarus has been flying escort missions for Cryer for 10 years now, excelling at evading pirate patrols and allowing our convoys to go through unmolested, he's truly an ace pilot and everything that Cryer could hope for in this prestigious league"

Lazarus returns to the plinth and the lights go down once again. When they come back up, Lazarus is no longer there but in his place is a smartly suited Cryer PR agent.

"Now are there any questions?"

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Signed: Lazarus Churchyard

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - VincentFerrex - 07-22-2008

--Incoming Message--

--To: Lazarus Churchyard--
--From: SRS Race Organizer - Christian Klein--

Dear racer.

Thank you for signing up. We hope to see you in space, and have many races with us.

Your name will be added to the registered racer's board.

Sincerely, Christian Klein.

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-22-2008

Name: Glenn Thacker
Age: 27
Ship Type: Viper MkI
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan, New York System
Team/Faction you wish to represent: Xeno Alliance
Background History:

Glenn is a former Liberty Navy Officer who joined the Xenos after killing his commanding officer, then later escaping custody aboard the Battleship Missouri shortly before being transferred to an unknown fate in Zone-21.

Since that time, Glenn has distinguished himself as a bomber pilot and has terrorized shipping throughout Liberty. He has also been known for participating in raids on Detroit, as well as being responsible for the destruction of several Navy ships.

In his spare time, he has been known to race his ship around the Silverton Field in Colorado, and has decided to dedicate some of his time to racing professionally.

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Glenn Thacker
Royal, Xeno Alliance

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - MarvinCZ - 07-23-2008

Name: Jeff Rogers
Age: 22
Ship Type: Arrow
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles
Team/Faction you wish to represent: none
Background History:
Coming from a business family from Planet Los Angeles, I have a steady income secured. My parents just love me... Anyway, once I saw the ads on the Arrow I knew what my new ship will be and what I will be doing with it. So here I am, registering at the SRS. I got a bit overenthusiastic when equipping my ship, but I will downgrade my equipment to comply with your rules.

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Signed: Jeff Rogers

Sirius Racing Syndicate Registration Board - Meiun - 07-23-2008

Name: Meiun
Age: 52
Ship Type: Hussar Bretonian Light Fighter
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Birth: Hazashi, New Tokyo
Background History:

I was born to race. I have the hand-eye coordination of a viper and hare combined. In my early days out of the KNF I tossed around from system to system as a bouncer until I hooked up with Dexter on the Hood. He recognized my talent then and we set up a nice little system of good racer/bad racer that hustled a good bit of credits off naive racing novices.

During my vacation, er, rather retirement, I just couldn't keep still. All that was supposed to be still and quiet turned into speed and anxiousness. Perhaps I intentionally blew those billion credits just to coax myself back out into Sirius. Perhaps I need more adventure... that's what the counselor said anyways.

Well, I'm back. My reflexes are hot still. My ship is ready. Frag the counselor. Dexter is way more fun, especially after the first 5th of gin.

See you on the race lane!

Disclaimer: I will not hold the Sirius Racing Syndicate responsible for any damages that may result from my participation in their races, or all other races involving the SRS. I will obey the rules and regulations of the SRS, and the rules of the race I will participate in.

Signed: Meiun Hazaken