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Dulzian Mining...? - Printable Version

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Dulzian Mining...? - Roman.Scott - 10-16-2013

I have Dulzian turrets on my Universal Shipping ID'd and IFF'd Bison and have noticed that when fighting NPC's in asteroid fields the turrets act like mining turrets and even tractor water etc in when they shoot a rock.

Not sure if it's a magical mining bug or what. Either way it's annoying to hear cargo full every 5 seconds Tongue

RE: Dulzian Mining...? - Pepe - 10-16-2013

I'd support the idea to make only Mining guns capable to mine. Btw, that would force new players to read at least basic wiki stuff before insta-starting and mining with combat turrets.

RE: Dulzian Mining...? - NoMe - 10-17-2013

it's the case everywhere in water field. you must kill all npcs and after you drop the water. dulzian are 5.0 refire so if 50water by shoot it's probably fast.

RE: Dulzian Mining...? - Roman.Scott - 10-17-2013

I just never noticed it happening before I swapped out my guns.

RE: Dulzian Mining...? - Echo 7-7 - 10-17-2013

All weapons are usable for mining - it's just that the mod uses FLHook to make it so that the only guns which mine efficiently are the specific mining turrets.

RE: Dulzian Mining...? - Pepe - 10-17-2013

(10-17-2013, 03:54 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: All weapons are usable for mining - it's just that the mod uses FLHook to make it so that the only guns which mine efficiently are the specific mining turrets.

OK, usable is always good for something. But... Could all weapons be EASILY made less efficient please, except mentioned mining turrets?

I mean, mentioned mining turrets are available pretty everywhere, if someone is getting materials for his PoB that way. Or Alien Orgs, or something... Idk, I never saw any water miners.

RE: Dulzian Mining...? - Roman.Scott - 10-17-2013

(10-17-2013, 03:54 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: All weapons are usable for mining - it's just that the mod uses FLHook to make it so that the only guns which mine efficiently are the specific mining turrets.

Thanks for that tid bit Smile. I don't know why after all the time I have played this game I never noticed it.