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Rollback took my ships - Printable Version

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Rollback took my ships - Tudorel - 10-15-2013

Yeah, well , sorry for posting this here, but I do not really know where ele to post this...I lost all my chars, two days after the rollback. My account was containing a character called "Doggyster" . Hopefully this is enough to restore the account, else I also had some characters called "Viorel" and "Labovia".

Hopefully, I'll get my chars back.I can't wait to see what kind of RP opportunites I can get in the Taus and Leeds, now with GRN (who haven't bought caps with the restart betatestcash..)

P.S.-got som lecture tonight...the new rules..yay!


RE: Rollback took my ships - SummerMcLovin - 10-16-2013

Split it out of that incorrect place. This thread has all the information you need.