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Omicron Wide Transmission - Printable Version

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Omicron Wide Transmission - Sabru - 10-16-2013

Incomming transmission...

Source:------ Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Comm ID:----- Sigisumund Rask, Administrator
Encryption:-- none
Topic:------- New Appointment

Recipient:------ Omicron Wide
Signal strength: 100%
Data integrity:- 100%

Handshake protocol completed...

Opening message...

Hello Denizens of the Omicrons,

Let me introduce myself. I am Sigismund Rask and i have been appointed the new Administrator of Freeport 9. Everyone is welcome here but the No Fire Zone is in force for 5k in a sphere around the Freeport.

Any offensive action (including, but not limited to attempts at piracy/taxation, the use of weapons (guns, missiles, mines), and intentional ramming) within the NFZ will not be tolerated.

Any violation of the No Fire Zone can lead to immediate prosecution and engagement, by the stations security assests and/or any hired security.

Happy travels.

~Administrator Sigismund

RE: Omicron Wide Transmission - Arioch - 10-16-2013

[Image: YkpWF4G.png]

:::Re-routed from Corinth to Ames Research Station:::

Greetings lad!

A pleasant comm t' receive amidst all t' chaos goin' on here at Ames. Projects takin' it's toll lad.

Anyway, on behalf of ta Phoenix Zoners Mr. Rask, welcome! I'm sure you'll do an adequate job of keepin' ta peace an' ensuring things don' go awry. As I'm sure ya know already, but jus' a fair warnin', that station has seen it's fair share of activities. With so many various other nations an' groups around, Omicron Theta can become every once in a while a less than peaceful place. I jus' hope ya can ensure that ta NFZ an peace can be kept around an' aboard ta station.

Should ya need anythin', don' hesitate t' let us know an' we'll see what we can arrange. As I am currently at Ames, I may not personally be able t' come an' enjoy ta surroundings as much as I'd like, but I'm sure someone within ta Phoenix family will always be close by.

Enjoy, an' welcome again!

Finn out

[Image: bNci5oU.png]

RE: Omicron Wide Transmission - Sabru - 10-17-2013

Incomming transmission...

Source:------ Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Comm ID:----- Sigisumund Rask, Administrator
Encryption:-- none
Topic:------- New Freeport Rules

Recipient:------ Omicron Wide
Signal strength: 100%
Data integrity:- 100%

Handshake protocol completed...

Opening message...

After discussions with Administrator Douglas of Freeport 11, Freeport 9 will enact similar regulations to Freeport 11.

Quote:Freeport 9 NFZ official rules
  1. In effect within 10k from station.
  2. Each case is reviewed on individual basis.
  3. Self-defense is entitled to everyone.
  4. No offensive actions and acts of piracy are permitted within 10k perimeter except against Nomads, banned parties, undesired individuals and capital ships* that refuse to leave or moor with Freeport 11.
  5. Enforcment of NFZ can be subject for outsourcing to outside parties. Should conflict arise with member of contracted party, rival group may be contracted at Administrator's convenience. Currently no group has been enlisted.
  6. In case of fight that started outside of NFZ but has since moved inside, responsibility is put with group/individual chased into NFZ. If circumstances are impossible to establish, decision for later course of action lays with Administrator or Security Chief.
  7. Contraband: following materials are undesired to be brought onboard until permission is granted by Administrator or Security Chief.
    Slaves, Nomad materials in quantity bigger than 10, active artifacts, alive non-human life forms
  8. Weapons are prohibited onboard the Freeport. Exceptions may be granted by administrator on a case by case basis. Personnal protection devices, such as armor, are permitted. Security and contracted parties are ARMED with top class lethal armanent.
10 rules of how to behave once onboard
  1. Follow Security officer's orders at all times.
  2. No fighting
  3. No threatening
  4. Do not steal
  5. Keep the freeport clean
  6. Do not disturb the peace
  7. No articles of propaganda are allowed.
  8. Do not hinder duties of the crew or security.
  9. Individuals under influence of various substances may be detained.
*For purpose of this regulation, capital ships are counted as non-Zoner warships of cruiser size or above. Zoner warships may be chased and engaged within NFZ only in special circumstances like: technology theft and/or confirmed acts of aggression.

~Administrator Sigismund