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What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Fletcher - 07-22-2008

A thought occurred to me, the House Authorities know or believe that the Outcasts, Corsairs and many other Pirate factions rely and need jump holes in order to survive.

What would happen if a certain House in Sirius developed a weapon that could shut down or destabilize jump holes completely?

Would the pirates be able to survive namely Corsairs and Outcasts now that they would be cut off from their *ahem* supplies? How do you think this would effect Sirius as a whole?

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - n00bl3t - 07-22-2008

It'd be powergaming through and through.

Edit: If Ageira found a way to close them, then the Lane Hackers/Order would find a way to open them.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Turkish - 07-22-2008

That wasn't what he asked n00bl3t.

I'd think they would struggle, while relying on the Zoners heavily a large portion of their supplies must come through Jump Holes and must come from Pirating, so naturally i think it would be fair to assume that they would go through famine, riots and uprising, everything you would expect from a society, or societies under massive economic and agricultural strain.

While they could survive on good will for the time being that wouldn't last, millions would die. And they would likely either find an alternative or find a way to open the holes again. But the results would be dire in my estimations.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Walker - 07-23-2008

' Wrote:While they could survive on good will for the time being that wouldn't last, millions would die.

And alas this would cause House Militarys to BAN this as it is too cruel to use and is not a real weapon. Just a tool for Genocide.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Tenacity - 07-23-2008

They'd develop jump drives.

We already know jump drives exist, as that's how the sleeper ships got here in the first place. Outcasts in malta have direct access to the remains of their sleeper ship as well.

Supposedly the Osiris Prototype stolen by Orillion had a jump drive as well, but he never got it fully operational.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - ProwlerPC - 07-23-2008

The question that comes to my mind is:

Do the modders need the Jump Holes to make more systems or can they make more Jump Gates and Trade Lanes?

I've only recently been going out in the wilds and all I see are Jump Holes.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-23-2008

I think the cruiser engines are an enhanced version of jump drives. Seeing how with them you can circle a system mean while the more powerful (than jump drives) warp gates only took you about 1/4 across the sol system.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Generation - 07-23-2008

In reality it would more likely be a down graded jump driver, as the ones they used to get to Sirius could hurtle sleeper ships light years threw space.

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Radman89 - 07-23-2008

Well I think that jumpholes present strong gravity fields and it would need large amount of energy to even become smaller not to mention energy which is needed for its total destabilization.

If I am wrong please tell/

Best Regards

What would happen - Hijacked into Science of FL thread - Generation - 07-23-2008

Well its a gravitational anomaly, you could possibly collapse it with gravitational waves oh and it would probably be easier to collapse it then it would be to shrink it..

What I wanna know is if Jump holes can collapse into black holes.