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Single Player Help. - Printable Version

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Single Player Help. - cptbmac199 - 10-18-2013

I know this might be very silly of me, but I need help with the costume command for the singleplayer. The reason why i say it's silly because no one cares for the single player, from what I hear, Please help, I'm tired of the original trent outfit, i want to see either the bretonia police, or gms, or anything...

RE: Single Player Help. - Valrin - 10-18-2013

I know you can do the monkey and robot ones.
Just type monkey if you want monkey and type robot if you want...wait for it....ROBOT :O
That's all I know how to do...never really did much with the costumes in single player :/

RE: Single Player Help. - Champ - 10-18-2013

*Dropkicks the thread into Help and Support*

RE: Single Player Help. - Connor - 10-18-2013

Look here. There is every Single Player command with explanations. All you have to do is type that word into the chat, just like you're typing a role play message on multiplayer. There is no need for "/" or "." or anything like that, just type the word in as you see and it will work.

As far as i'm aware, you can't get other faction cloths like you can now on Multiplayer.

I hope this helped.