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Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

Well, we all know that we have different sizes of gunboats, different agility, different number of turrets etc.

But the common thing is that every single GB has the same power supply.
This makes no sense at all, since the size is actually quite important for power supply.
Bigger the ship - bigger power capacity, and possibly better regeneration.

It makes no sense that Rheinland GB, Brettonian GB and Lunchbox have the same power capacity as BH gunship, LH gunship and Kusari GB.
First ones are huge while other 3 are pretty small (well, LH GS is around average).
Also, other small ones, like Liberty GB, Rogue GB, or even IMG GB (it's not small but it's flat, which also decreases it's power capacity i guess).

This requires a lot of balancing for sure, but I think it's worth a shot.

For example, smallest power supply should be around 300-350k for BH gunship and Kusari GB.
Average one should be around 400-450k for Liberty GB, Rogue GB and IMG GB.
And biggest ones should be reserved for largest GB's, and have around 500-600k power supply.

Of course, there are more small/large GB's, I'v only given a few examples.

Similar things should be done for Cruisers and BS's as well.
You can't really have the same power capacity for Osiris and Rheinland BS.
Or for Kusari Destroyer and OC destroyer.

But this is just to see if people are interested in such changes, or not.

Gunboat power supply balance - mjolnir - 07-22-2008

Change yes..

I don't think we need as many different ones... 2 maybe 3.

I see recharge as the biggest problem, not so much capacity.

The current powersupply should be the best one available.

Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

Recharge would go with capacity.

Now it's 500k capacity and 65k recharge for all GB's, which means it takes 7.6 seconds to recharge completely.

For 300-350k it should be around 40-45k.
For 400-450 around 52-56k
For 500-600 65-70k

Or similar, of course. All suggestions are welcome:)

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

yes - the current one should be max for the biggest GBs. - the kusari GB with its few turrets could easily do with 100k less energy. - and i think i can chainfire the maincannon for almost 10 more more times - cause the recharge is so fast.

Gunboat power supply balance - Eppy - 07-22-2008

I've been sold. I mean, really, why do figthers have varying power supplies and capships don't? There's no way the BHG Gunship could support a powerplant with the same capacity as a Lunchbox, or the Fearless as compared to the Rheinland Cruiser, or the BHG Battleship to the Outcast Dreadnought. All of the classes would need individual sets of balancing criteria, of course, but that it should happen is something I think most people will agree on.

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

i think a great problem is that everyone is biased there - even when trying to be fair. - i can find many arguments why the zoner juggernaut should have a lot more armour, turrets and energy compared to a bretonian BB or liberty dreadnaught.

however, if i wanted, i could find at least as many arguments why it should actually have less armour, less turrets and less energy.

so - i think the only one that can really balance things is igiss - maybe not cause it is least biased, but cause he wants the mod to be successful not a ship he is flying. - i would try the same, but i think i d fail, cause - deep inside, i wish the ships i use to not to be crippled - and i d be much more tolerant with them than with others.

Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

Zoner Jug, Rheinland BS, Outcast dread, Corsair dread, Brettonian BS, Liberty Carrier, Kusari BS.
They should have the biggest power supply of BS's. I'v maybe forgotten some, please do add them.
Another class would be Outcast BS, Liberty Dread, Spyglass ( I know it's huge, but it's not that massive as others from above), Togo.
And the last one should be Osiris, and similar ones.
Or maybe Osiris should also go together with Lib Dread.

I'm bad with BS's so I can't really make this well. That's probably why I'm not biased.
Also, Jinx, it's not about armor or anything else, just about power supply.
And I'm not suggesting that each single cap ship should get power supply of it's own.
I'm just suggesting to make several classes based on size and mass.
As Mjolnir said, no more then 3 classes for a start.
Even fighters have only 3-5 classes, and there's much more fighters then cap ships.

Gunboat power supply balance - Othman - 07-22-2008

' Wrote:I've been sold. I mean, really, why do figthers have varying power supplies and capships don't? There's no way the BHG Gunship could support a powerplant with the same capacity as a Lunchbox, or the Fearless as compared to the Rheinland Cruiser, or the BHG Battleship to the Outcast Dreadnought. All of the classes would need individual sets of balancing criteria, of course, but that it should happen is something I think most people will agree on.
Agreed here. I would like to see the variance but we will need some decent work to keep the balance in a reasonable array.

Gunboat power supply balance - Manni - 07-22-2008

Maybe it was just lazyness to make new stats.
I mean, it is some work...well, not too much.

Gunboat power supply balance - Muleo - 07-22-2008

This might just be my opinion, but I think the Osiris and similar sized ships should keep the same powerplant, and bigger ships should have bigger powerplants.

Reason? To try and encourage the use of the big guns, like the mortars. I don't like the way disco battleships just fire lasers at each other, I'd prefer to see them trading mortar shots, this promotes more movement, makes for a more interesting/exciting fight, rather than 2 beasts just sitting opposite each other and boxing while spamming lasers at each other.