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To: Marco Santoro - Printable Version

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To: Marco Santoro - ChillerMiller - 10-21-2013

Comm ID: María Letizia Hernández

Señor Santoro,

I know that you're a very busy man, however, this message should interest you and I figured that it'd be rude to not inform you about it.

Your little princesa has finally woken up and she's feeling alright from what I've seen so far. I'm actually quite surprised about it, as most of the doctors that treated her expected opposite results. She's still sort of weak, however, but all in all I'm confident that it'll be better in the future, she only needs some time.

She wants to see you as soon as possible, as there are many things she'd like to discuss with you about your past and your future. I also believe that it'd help her to regenerate faster if you visit her.

Just tell me when you have time for it.

RE: To: Marco Santoro - Ryummel - 10-21-2013

ID: Marco Santoro
Location: Santoro famiglia residential compound

Saluti, signorina Hernández.

The news of our dear Lucrezia finally waking up from her tormented sleep is something I'm really glad to hear about, however I hope you can relay this message to her and let her know that I got myself into a key issue that will at most, and hopefully, have me away from Malta for just a week.

If I was to need more time to complete my tasks, I'll make sure to contact you again, but meanwhile she may enjoy the quiet afternoons in your garden, si?


RE: To: Marco Santoro - ChillerMiller - 10-23-2013

Comm ID: María Letizia Hernández

Si, she's spending a lot of time in the garden, however, I wouldn't call it quiet as my daughter keeps her entertained. Let's just call it a method that prevents Lucrezia from doing stupid things again, and it does seem to be successful, which was a bit surprising for me.

Anyway, I'll relay your message, I'm sure she'll be happy about it nonetheless.

Oh and make sure to not die while you're away from our home. Sirius has become more and more dangerous for the Maltese society, so be careful.


RE: To: Marco Santoro - Ryummel - 01-15-2014

ID: Marco Santoro
Location: Omicron Alpha space.

Greetings once again,

I'm sure I will earn the title of 'Indecisive Santoro' after this, but let's say I came up a different approach for this problem that pushed me to leave Lucrezia with such haste.

If it's still possible, in matter of a few hours I will be able to approach your famiglia's residence to visit our common friend.

RE: To: Marco Santoro - ChillerMiller - 01-15-2014

Comm ID: María Letizia Hernández

Lucrezia's friends are always welcome whenever they wish to visit us.

And I must admit that it's good to hear from you. Lucrezia is starting to get bored of spending her time in our garden or entertaining my daughter and so on.

Oh and she's been quite upset that you've stayed away for such a long time, so be prepared to get yelled at.