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101st Rolecall - Printable Version

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101st Rolecall - Eppy - 07-23-2008

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Commander Mia Bonello, Corsica***
***Target ID: 101st Transponders***
***Re: Audit***

The Great Old Ones have seen fit to issue a Heavenly Mandate and audit the organized militaries of Sirius; as such, it's about time we updated our records. Please report with your full name.

Also, I'd like to ask all capital ship commanders among us to change their [66th] tags to 101st. As part of the audit they're removing the old tags. Bonello out.

Present and Accounted For
***End Transmission***

101st Rolecall - ioha - 07-23-2008

**Incoming Transmission
**CommID: Flavia Mariposa

Senora Bonello,

as always, my Sabre is ready to fly in Alpha's green skies and beyond. By the way, I'm thinking about getting a Falcata, seeing our enemies' choice in vessels becoming more and more capital sized.

Ya nos veremos,


**Transmission ended

101st Rolecall - Xqt10ner - 07-23-2008

***Incoming transmission***

From: Izar Diago
To: Commander Mia Bonello
Subject: 101st Rolecall

Greetings Commander,

My Sabre and Falcatta is fueled and armed at the Malta Spaceport awaiting your orders.

Highests Respects

Izar Diago 101st

***Transmission ends***

101st Rolecall - Zapp - 07-23-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Giovanni Cordova

Eh, Sabre's ready to go, so is the Giustizia.

End Transmission

101st Rolecall - Jura_II - 07-23-2008

***Incoming transmission***

From: Raul Sanchez
To: Commander Bonello
Subject: Rolecall

Raul Sanchez reporting!

Both of my ships are ready, a sabre and a falcata, currently docked on Malta.

Sanchez out

***End transmission***

101st Rolecall - DBoy1612 - 07-23-2008

CommID: Lope Rainerio

Here and waiting for orders, Bonello. The Almada, Alhambra, and my Sabre are ready to fly.

101st Rolecall - gezza999 - 07-23-2008

Basilo Alejandro - Sabre

101st Rolecall - sovereign - 07-23-2008

Incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: Rodrigo "El Cinquedea" Morales
Source: Rochester Base, New York

I'm still around, finally got the arm fixed up, and almost had my new bird in the air, but turns out I owed money to someone... a few weeks, four poker games, and several dead men later, I've ended up on Rochester with my debt repaid, the goons pulled off, and money to get up to Malta again. It will be nice to be out of Liberty, this place is crawling with Lawl's Syndrome.

Rodrigo out.

101st Rolecall - Exile - 07-23-2008

"We're here!

Kael, shutup! And get reading! We ain't done yet!

Lou's yelling...I'm gone, but we're here! But stuck to Malta, but here!"

101st Rolecall - Dennis Jameson - 07-23-2008

From: Dennis Jameson
To: Miss. Mia Bonello

Re: Reporting in

I am here to serve as always, Miss Bonello. Feel free to add me to your list.

Now if you'll excuse me... ::malicious grin:: ... i have to get back to work.
