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The Mandalian Archives - Jaika - 10-25-2013

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[Image: Tao_zpse90007b6.png]

There is no chaos.
There is peace.
There is no passion.
There is serenity.
There is no ignorance.
There is knowledge, and knowledge is the greatest power in the universe. It can give and take many things, and that depends only on how one will use it.

Our task is to help those who are in need, and to be able to do that as good as we can, we have to train our body, mind and soul to stay strong, and focused. As a mandalian, being calm and focused is the way to harmony.

Believe in the universe and believe in ourself is the first step to understanding, and that is the key of knowledge. Once we understand the ever moving circle of life, we can become one wirh it.

The other key element is time. With time, we not just grow older but also become wiser, and when our soul is wise and experienced enugh it will leaves the material body and enters in to a new state of being.

The Shinju:

Back in the days, when nature was closer to us, a great man from our ranks made a dangerous journey to the Mountain of Clouds to find eternal peace. Many months later he returned, and he had a gift. That was the shinju, a form of meditation what helps us to stay calm, relaxed and focused. In these days, that is the first thing what our new members have to learn before they can start their lives as a mandalian monk.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Stay strong. These are the words what every mandalian must remember. Respect the lives of others, that is the way to gain their respect and trust.

The Mandalian Archives - Jaika - 10-25-2013

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Our fiends:

The Order, we maintain a good relationship with them for a few years now. We bring food and medical supplies or other goods to them when we can.

How it is started. In 816AS, a tragic event has taken place in a system named Omicron Minor. It was the home of the organisation called the Order. They are considered as terrorists by many people all around in the houses and not many of them know what they are really doing. They fight for us, they hold back a threat what is greater than anyone can imagine. After their home planet Toledo was entirely erradicated by the nomads one of their agents contacted us, they asked us to help them. To bring food and medicines for those who are still alive and made it out safely. We got the coordinates of their new home planet Akabat.

Now it is our duty to help and supply them when we can, so they can continue the fight against the nomads to protect us.

We have to remember that, our connection with the Order is a great secret, this is why we only inform our most trusted members about it.

The Mandalian Archives - Jaika - 10-31-2013

The Faiyum.

This ship is our city in space, a Nephilim class mobile colony equiped with everything to serve many generations. Extended biodomes, water cleaning facilities, a large hangar and multiple mooring points for the cargoships. A separate room to controll the inner trafic of the ship and naturally another one for the traffic around the ship. We have multiple shops and stores aboard and in the city center there is a small sanctuary. We allow basicly anyone in to the city district of the ship but the other facilities are off limits and can be accesed only by mandalians.

Our dayli traffic is around a hundred people from various places. After all this ship is a mobile Freeport.

The rules before stepping aboard the Faiyum:

Drugs and weapons are not allowed.
Weapons must be kept in a safe bulletproof locker. For this we have a guarded room right in the hangar room.
Before entering the city district, we scann every passanger for weapons and drugs as the part of the safety protocol.

This page contains one audio attachment:

Flight record: Project Faiyum.

Location: Unkown. Possibly in the Omicrons.

Dowloading data....
Replaying audio file.

Ship computer: Entering unkown system, 3D scanners online.
Athep: We're in, you're next my friend, this side is clean. I hope we find it.
Jaika: Sure, it must be there, we got these coordinates from a really trustworthy fella who only had alcohol problems.
Athep: Don't be so pessimistic. We have multiple places to look for and we're just entered in to the system. I'm sure we find something.
Jaika: Right, i'm comming in. *a few second of pause and then a little static noise can be heard as the ship drops out from the jumphole on the other side* Jump complete. Well, lets begint our WONDERFUL journey in to the middle of nowhere where we will find the ship what will change our lives.
Athep: *laughs* My friend, some times you can be really strange. Lets check out the first place it is only ten clicks from us. Seting waypoint and activating cruise engines.
Jaika: In formation. But i tell you, that the place is empty surely. If the ship is really as big as that guy said, than it can be seen from twenty clicks or more.
Athep: I think you are right with this. But just in case, we send out a scout drone to there. Maybe it finds something, who knows.
Someone from behind: Drone is on the way.
Athep: Okay set up a waypoint to the second place where the ship can be.
Jaika: Wait. The guy said the ship drifted in space slowly. That's why he gave us two coordinates. The first one was where he saw the ship. The second set of coordinates pointing to the direction where the ship drifted. So lets do some calculations before we start.
Athep: So now you are interested! I knew it! *laughs* Alright, computer use the coordinates to calculate out the possible location of that ship.
Ship computer: Done, waypoint set to the new coordinates.
Athep: Alright then, lets go, and see what we can find there.
Jaika: I bet there is anything.
Athep: But if we find it, you owe me something.
Jaika: Brother, if we find it, i clean the whole temple out i promise. *laughs*
Athep: Just remember that once we get home.
Jaika: Sure, we're close to the location but radar shows it's in the middle of that nebula. Stay here with the Harmony and inform me if anything strange happens.
Athep: Copy that. We stay here and wait for you.
Jaika: Entering in to the nebula.
Ship computer: Warning! Sensor range decreased!
Jaika: Damn....the nebula is too thick, my sensor only work on sixty five percent. I'm getting close to the coordinates, as i said already. Next time we won't buy random information from freelancers, just because they say they saw space.
Athep: What did you said? We haven't got the last part of it. It was only static noise.
Jaika: Holly mother of mercy, this. This is a damned Nephilim, not just a ship, it's a whole moving colony!
Athep: Ahahahaha. I told you we gonna find it.
Jaika: Oh yeah, it's bigger than anything else i've ever seen, and i can tell you i've seen many things.
Athep: So how we bring it back to Livada?
Jaika: It seems the engines and everything else is in a good shape, except the outer shell, it has some minor damages but nothing else. Ah....damn, and it also has no gravity and atmosphere so we can't just land on it.
Athep: Yes, you're right my friend. Maybe we can call our Zoner friends for help, we need at least a skeleton crew to bring this ship back to O-74.
Jaika: Good idea. I stay here with a few monks. So we can try to restore pressure and air in to the hangar bay, and after that we make our way to the bridge.
Athep: Alright, good luck. We come back as soon as we can with help.

End of audio file.

Wherefore the airlocks were open, is still unkown. No crewmember was found alive, possibly the few survivors managed to escape in the lifepods before the complet depressuriezing of the ship.