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Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - Printable Version

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Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - Shaggy - 10-25-2013

[Image: qTgKefA.jpg]
~~<3From:Lucia Martiniquez~~<3
~~<3Location:Home Sweet Home~~<3
~~<3Topic:Meeting the Mollies~~<3

Bonjour, my name is Lucia Martiniquez, If you are wondering who I am or why I am sending this message then here is your answer.

I am apart of the Gallic Junkers and we would like to build a good relation with your people. I believe we have not met each others people before, as I myself have had no reports from my people saying we have been in contact in the passed days.

So I hope we can start to get along and in the near future have some sort of relations with each other, but firstly. I would like this message to go to who ever is in charge of the Mollies. This is very IMPORTANT.

The Gallic Junkers have also had patrols see your people within Gallia transporting goods through these parts and these systems. If you need any assistance with escorts or help with the moving of goods, we are able to help you.

I hope you understand what we are trying to do here, and you will see the good side of this and not the bad.

~~<3Transmission: End~~<3
[Image: fugLEOR.jpg]

RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - Havok - 10-26-2013

[Image: mollyheader.png]

Subject: Your Proposal

G'day Lucia,

We in t' Molly Coucil see a potential for profit in t' relations we could achieve. We 'r interested in t' relations, 'n i'd ask of ye to let m' know what exactly ye would like to see happen in t' oncoming days.

Erin Flynn
Vice Governor
Molly Council

[Image: mollyfooter.png]

RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - Shaggy - 10-26-2013

[Image: qTgKefA.jpg]
~~<3From:Lucia Martiniquez~~<3
~~<3Location:Home Sweet Home~~<3
~~<3Topic:The Proposal~~<3

Bonjour, we are glad you got back to us, and wanting to find out more about our proposal.

Firstly, we would like to offer you a variety off goods we are offering to transport down to Dublin system to one of your bases, or we are willing to meet half way and trade goods with each other. But first let's see if what we have to offer is needed by the yourself and the Mollys.

We are willing to deliver either energy field equip , molydbenum , ultraalloy for military utilisation, to either one of your bases, we know that you are fighting to take over Dublin so if that is where these goods will be needed we are more than happy to deliver them there to you.

We are also offering to deliver Tobacco and Synthetic Marijuana to your people just for a treat and to keep them happy on there trips with the return goods to us.

The goods we are after in return is a full load of Gold to our Freeport which goes under the name of Chateau-Gontier Freeport located in Maine.

I hope either one of these types of goods can be some sort of help to your people and you get back to us as soon as you can.

Merci Miss Flynn

~~<3Transmission: End~~<3
[Image: fugLEOR.jpg]

RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - Arioch - 10-31-2013

[Image: qfa6uPb.gif]

*She smiles and nods*

Evenin' lass,

Vice Governor Flynn filled me in on your proposal an' offerings, an' I must say I am intrigued by what ya have t' offer.

From ta message forwarded t' me, ya gave a considerable list. As t' what specific things we want? Ta answer is yes. Yes t' all of them. Ya see, nearly everything ya mentioned are things that we are always on ta lookout for, an' as such welcome such things bein' brought t' us.

So, here is what I would like t' see. You bring up alternating shipments from ta list you provided. In return, we will deliver Gold t' your station in ta Maine system. We also will give ya a friendly discount on Whiskey aboard Arranmore. We believe this is fair an' reasonable.

Should ya come across any hiccups along ta way, please send us a comm, an' one of our pilots will come an' assist. If they don', let me know lass, an' I'll have a word with them.

*She smiles and turns around*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - KaiserDietz - 11-01-2013


[Image: 1eyBtGR.jpg]

*Glowers at his location identifier*

Well, despite what the previous image says, I'm really in Languendoc, docked on Planet Quillan. We'll be lifting off tomorrow with our supplies, enroute to Arranmore Base. We're set to enter Dublin at 20 SMT with what fighter escort we can muster. However, perhaps you might release a few ships as escort. A few of you more "independent minded" constituents have attacked us recently Her is the ship manifest:


Ship Class: ME-UH "Vache" Gallic Train


Gregor la Mare, Captain
Hunter Lombardy, First Mate
Benjamin Some, Engineering
Assorted deck hands

  • 1000 Munitions
  • 1000 Plastics
  • 1000 Polymers
  • 1000 Ultra Alloys

Should be good enough for the laying-down of a warship or a dozen fighter craft. We'll be following this shipment with the required internal components.

Much Obliged,
Gregor la Mare

RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - KaiserDietz - 11-01-2013


RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - Arioch - 11-07-2013

[Image: fpf9bsl.gif]

*She smiles and nods*

Evenin' lad,

It was a pleasure conversin' with members from ta Gallic junkers outside Hood. Glad t' hear ya made out down so far in one piece.

I am happy t' report that we have received 3 shipments now of goods from your pilots. The shipments have already been put to use, an' further solidifies our correct choice in dealin' with you lot.

Keep it comin' lad, an we'll make sure t' have plenty 'o Gold waitin' for you!

*She chuckles and smiles*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: Gallic Junkers to [M] Mollys - KaiserDietz - 12-24-2013

[Image: P1IbPzQ.png]

I had a very... pleasant business transaction with one of your members [M]-Loose.Cannon just yesterday. For a humble fee of eighteen million Sirian Credits, he procured from a group of miners for me an amount of Gold ore in the quantity of 6000 units. Such business encounters would be encourageable in the future and can only lead to more mutual benifit, non?