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Raba and Salvager - Murcielago - 10-25-2013

Im realy interested why are this two transports slower then all other "small"(less than 3600 cargo space) transports?
Also this two transports are in hands of quasi-legal fractions and are only two small transports whitout CD slot.(why in the hell have all others CD slot I realy don't know...but I woud like to know)
I don't get this??
You can now tell me that Salvager have mining bonus but what abour Raba?

Also if you will tray to sell me that this two ships are hibrids couse GB weapon slots...well all GB have CD slot too.

Ps;Ah and GB are to slow too.
Ps ps: All unlawful transports should have CD slot.
Also same whit Corsair transport, why no CD slot?

Others opinion on this please, also it will not be bad if some dev. or admin explain this.

RE: Raba and Salvager - SummerMcLovin - 10-25-2013

Light transports have CDs and cargo space.
Gunboats have CDs and strong weapons.
The Raba and Salvager have cargo space and strong weapons.

Three together is viewed as unbalanced.

RE: Raba and Salvager - Murcielago - 10-25-2013

(10-25-2013, 03:59 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Light transports have CDs and cargo space.
Gunboats have CDs and strong weapons.
The Raba and Salvager have cargo space and strong weapons.

Three together is viewed as unbalanced.

Ahh comeon...that would be perfect balance ...
becouse...both fractions are q-legal..and have no access to capital ships...
Soo this ships woud be like fraction flag ships and we could actualy do something whit them...

Ahh and what about speed? They are the slowest....

RE: Raba and Salvager - SnakeLancerHaven - 10-25-2013

(10-25-2013, 04:15 PM)Murcielago Wrote:
(10-25-2013, 03:59 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Light transports have CDs and cargo space.
Gunboats have CDs and strong weapons.
The Raba and Salvager have cargo space and strong weapons.

Three together is viewed as unbalanced.

Ahh comeon...that would be perfect balance ...
becouse...both fractions are q-legal..and have no access to capital ships...
Soo this ships woud be like fraction flag ships and we could actualy do something whit them...

Ahh and what about speed? They are the slowest....

Don't bother bro, we asked many times xD always denied.

RE: Raba and Salvager - SummerMcLovin - 10-25-2013

Cruisers are not designed for pirating (although they can do it if needed), if that is your intention then you don't require caps. If you want to pirate effectively with these, simply get a wingman with a CD (LF for intercepting anyone who flees, or a bomber for more firepower).

RE: Raba and Salvager - Murcielago - 10-26-2013

(10-25-2013, 05:48 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Cruisers are not designed for pirating (although they can do it if needed), if that is your intention then you don't require caps. If you want to pirate effectively with these, simply get a wingman with a CD (LF for intercepting anyone who flees, or a bomber for more firepower).

Sorry for my late replay- wasn't at home to answer
and thank you for you fast replays yesterday, now to the point,

Salvager and Raba are cruisers? Hmm
No cruiser weapons, no CD no cruiser power?
Only cruiser like thing on them is turn rate...and mybe size.

You wrote three things are unbalanced...
Soo all other transports in same class have:
Speed 100, 160 - this is more then Raba and Salvager
Cargo space max 3600- which is more than Raba and Salvager
And CD (you still didn't answer whay trader transport need CD slot??)
which Raba and Salvager dont have

Soo you gave three things to "small" transports.
Are they or simply they are over powerd now.

Tell me what to do whit Raba and Salvager now?
What is the purpose of those two ships?

I have both ships and let me tell you when I was whit them trading only lawfull players stoped me...but why to trade whit them if you have bigger and faster transports?
So ono.. no for trading whit them no sir...

Ok let's try mining whit can actualy do that...but why if you can now take Rock bager whit almost same cargo size and much better selling prices for ore.
Soo no ...mining is not god whit them no sir...
(hmm I don't have Rock bager-Is ther CD slot on that ship? If it is why?)

Well then to your OP weapons on this ship....every GB can kick ass of those two ships ( ah and please don't tell me I have won against some GBs in Salvager. If player whit same skill is in Gb he will always win against Salvager or Raba...cose too big to slow and to small power core for fighting GBs)

So what did you have in mind when constructing this ships?
Only thing left in this ships is pirating and omg then I "can" pirat whitout CD!?!?!

To all devs and admins:
I always hear or read the ultimat excuse: It is unbalance!!!

I know you are realy doing lot of work that we can play this game(kudos for that)
I know you are realy trying to make this game better for all of us...but some fine finger tunning is all I ask here.

Ask your self what is the purpose of those two ships?
Same whit GBs what is the purpose of those ships?

Same ships(classes) are made to be OVER POWERED against some other ships soo don't try to ballance that please..couse you are just making it worse.

Also you told me to pirat whit fast wing ship? Trader can trade alone miner can mine alone only pirat need wing. Soo where is your balance now?

One more thing I can easy pirat in some other ship but where is the styl in that?
If Im Junker I wish to pirat in junker ship and the Salvager would be preferable.
Same is whit Hogosa and Raba.