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To: The Punishers - Printable Version

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To: The Punishers - Makc_RU - 10-25-2013

From: Yatomo Nagato, KN combat pilot
Subject: Squad Application
Encryption: To Punishers only

Good day, Punishers. My name is Yatomo Nagato. I am a military pilot from Kusari, who would like to join Gallic's conquest against Bretonia. I have numerous of reasons why I want to join your ranks.

Firstly, I have a personal vendetta against Bretonia. The second, I have postponed my revenge on Brets for a long time and this is a great opportunity for me to join forces that will bring back my honor and will allow me to come in peace with myself.

I am requesting permission to land on Dubli and fight along honorable pilots against BAF and their allies. I will bring honor of my family with me.

Below is a summary of my personal background.

Quote:Yatamo Nagato was born on Planet New Tokyo. His father is a career officer in Kusari State Police and his mother is a stay home wife with a small business of Bonzai Tree growth.

There is not much to say, except that his father requested a transfer from Police into Kusarian Navy and went to war with Bretonia. His career is on the fly due to his exceptional service in KN, scoring a generous amount of downed Bretonian craft.

His mother has a small Bonzai shop where she had sold millions of decor trees to successful House Corporations as office decorations.

Yatamo nagato was an early child and his parents were his friends as well as mentors in this confusing life. He finished school , went to University and decided to follow his father's footsteps to make a military career for himself. So he joined Kusari Navy. His dad gave him a lot of piloting lessons, which helped Yatamo to become a skilled pilot.

He fell in love with Nagika Tutsumi during his first year of University, she was such a lovely girl. He understood it right from the beginning that her life and his are one. They almost got married, but she got killed by Bretonian Long Range recon patrol in Tau-31, where she was doing a project on Kusarian War. She wanted to be a journalist.

The death of Nagika turned Yamato's world around and downed him for a while. He was devastated, lost and broken. He mourned her for as long as he could, requested a job desk and just laid low. When Gallic Empire started to advance on Bretonia he decided to go back to flying, having this rock of a sorrow in his heart, he wanted to avenge the death of Nagika anyway he could.

After the board reviewed his records and service time, he was granted a ship of his choice,do to not only his good record, but his dad's exceptional position with KN and KSP.

One rainy morning Yatomo sat down infront of the fireplace and decided to aid Gallic Forces in their advancement on the Bretonia. He also wanted to promote his mother's Banzai shop in Gallic Empire, making little extra money for his family.

He gathered little belongings that he had and went to Ship Dubli, to request permission from The Punishers, to be granted the right to land on their ship and aid them in their Conquest of Bretonia and their allies.

My ship is ready, I am ready, my spirit is eager and my long lost love is waiting for me to take actions.

Yatamo Nagato.

// Kusari RP reference link:

RE: To: The Punishers - AirDOG - 10-25-2013

[Image: The_Punisher_logo_by_Mane_PL.jpg]

Well Yatomo Nagato,we could use another pilot against the Bretonians,as i see you're got nothing to hide,you're clear to Land on Oubli,but be careful,follow the instructions and the orders of The Punishers.
On landing,you and your vessel will be controlled and your ship will be checked by a Gallic Engineer,so we make sure that there won't be any surprises.
Please request permission from a Royal Unit to land on our base.

Best regards,
Piere Martin

RE: To: The Punishers - Makc_RU - 10-25-2013

To: The Punishers
From: Yatamo Nagato
Subject: My arrival

Great to hear the news commander. My ship is undergoing some maintenance. I will be arriving at your base in the next 24 hours. I will personally help the mechanics to speed up the process.

I am looking forward to fly with you. I have heard a great deal of stories about Gallic Foreign Legion Wing and I will bring all my devotion with me.

As for the vessel, I will not bring any sensitive equipment from Kusari Navy. The ship will have a standard layout of guns and protective equipment. All sensitive materials and new developed technological aids are being stripped off of the ship as I write this note to you.

Yatamo Nagato.