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Rheinland / Kusari event - Yaoquizque - 10-25-2013

Battleship Izanagi's launch


Following the treaties Rheinland and Kusari signed, Rheinland industries started to work on those lucrative contracts destined to assist Kusari in rebuilding its fleet.
Several heavy units had already been constructed using the Keiretsu's blueprints before being sent to Kusari.

The last one to be constructed, a Genji class battleship, was almost finished. These awe-inspiring heavy units used to represent the might of Kusari Empire. A fire-power the young Republic was now greatly in need of.
As the battleship would only be equipped in Kusari, the risk for terrorist groups to target it in order to damage the relations between the two houses was high enough for the Republic to request its Naval Forces to pick up directly and escort to Kusari the soon to be launched Izanagi.

I'm Twelve and what is this

This event should ideally last an entire day, allowing for stuffs to happen in the two houses.

There will be a central theme, which is described in the next paragraph.

In parallel, unlawfuls are free to launch raids :
Each raid shouldn't last more than one hour, which means unlawfuls should back up at some point, regardless of who is winning.
Then, unlawfuls should wait at least two hours before launching another raid.
This is supposed to give some time to both lawfuls and unlawfuls to have some roleplay which isn't solely centred on pvp.

Note those are just guidelines, anyway. Yeah...

One thing however :
The Kusari battleship or the KNF transport should be attacked only if there is no lawful force in scanner range nearby them. Just to keep the event going, yano...

Lastly, unlawfuls and lawfuls shot down during a raid are free to come back to participate to the rest of the event.
Roleplay it at your convenience. Was the drop pod recovered? Is it another pilot? Blahblahblah whatevs who cares.

Event proceedings

A Kusari force including a transport containing the Izanagi's future crew will be moving from Honshu system to Fulda Border Station in Frankfurt system.
Meeting there [Rheinland Federal Police / Rheinland Military / BDM], they will be escorted to New Berlin, where the last battleship built by Rheinland using Kusari blueprints is ready to be launched from Oder shipyard.

The two escorts will then chit chat for a while, waiting for the crew to get on board the battleship and to prepare it for launch.
Lastly, the lawfuls will escort the battleship to Yokohama shipyard in New Tokyo system.

This event should eventually go on for several hours, allowing some activity to happen in both houses.


Planned for Saturday Second of November (02/11/13), from 11am to midnight GMT.

Ze people

Oh as a note; This is open to indies as well

Rheinland lawfuls
  1. Lobster - [RM]Va.Hans.Putzkammer
  2. Mercarryn - RFP|Obt.Thom.Wolthers
  3. aakopa - RFP|Wach.S.Meister'
  4. belarusich - ???
  5. LordVipex - [RM]Hm.Michael:Schmidt / [RM-RNC]Adlerauge
  6. SkyNet - RNC-Neckar
  7. FreelancerRNC - RNC-Grenzkontrollen
  8. Daron - ???
  9. Laura C. - RFP|Kad.Laura.Carsten
Kusari lawfuls
  1. Unknown - [KNF]KDS-Izanagi
  2. belarusich - ???
  3. Hubert - [KNF]Hakutaku
  4. Yao - [KNF]'Harutsuki'
  5. West - ???
  6. Teta - [KNF]Teta.Nakamura
  7. Vira - [KNF]Ik.D.Takata
  8. Daron - ???
  9. Amit - [KNF]Akuma
Rheinland unlawfuls
  1. Lunatic - VWA|Erich.Klugmann
  2. LordVipex - Schattensucher
  3. Laura C. - ???
Kusari unlawfuls
  1. Mare123King - WK|Hirotada.Watanabe
  2. Elada1 - Dragon|Blood.Rain
  3. Hasteric - ???
  4. Amit - Red.Court/Naki.Yamo

RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Chrysalis - 10-25-2013

Sounds great. I will check for interest in WK|, but I will be there myself in any case.


RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Kanzler Schulte - 10-26-2013


EDIT: Yay! Wrong account! (lobster)

RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Mercarryn - 10-26-2013

Should be fine for me.


RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Omi - 10-26-2013

I might show up as either Hogosha or Iseijin, although I'm not entirely sure if either of those "fit" the event properly, especially the Hogosha. I guess I'll wait and see what other people are doing before I commit to anything, though. Just expressing my interest.

RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - aakopa - 10-26-2013

I think I can join.


RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Timmy - 10-26-2013

Well... I suppose as the owner of a battleship I gotta be there?

RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Yaoquizque - 10-26-2013

(10-26-2013, 12:57 AM)Omicega Wrote: I might show up as either Hogosha or Iseijin, although I'm not entirely sure if either of those "fit" the event properly, especially the Hogosha. I guess I'll wait and see what other people are doing before I commit to anything, though. Just expressing my interest.

Registering to the event just allows to participate to raids, as i see it.

You don't really need to register to just roam around as a neutral party and have a chat.
It would be perfectly acceptable for Hogosha to visit Rheinland at that time (granted lawfuls are k about 'em) or to greet the guests in Kusari.

About Iseijin, they are free to join, just as Das Wilde.

RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - LunaticOnTheGrass - 10-26-2013



RE: Rheinland / Kusari event - Dragonmaster - 10-26-2013

I will join this Event!
Charkter: Dragon|Blood.Rain