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[*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Printable Version

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[*] Remake Barge or Remove it - KAWISH-ALI - 10-28-2013

You Cant Take Trade-lanes *CHECK
You Have to Wait At least 4-5Mins For Charging Cruise *CHECK
Sucking Cruise Speed *CHECK
Hard to take Jump holes, Jump gates, Dock *CHECK

What is the Sense of Barge in Such Conditions o.O??? Please Remake Barge, ok its an RP ship but comeon it has to be something more. : |

***My Suggestions***

Reduce its Size to a Battleship or little Big Maybe
Decrease Cruise Speed Charging time from 4 mins to 1.5 Mins
Its Ok If Cant Take Trade Lanes but increase Cruise Speed
Reduce its cargo from 40k to 20k maybe

If You cant do any above, SIMPLY REMOVE THIS USELESS SHIP. Thanks

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - SnakeLancerHaven - 10-28-2013

Well as a matter of fact it does have 5 Carrier bays and huge amount of Cargo which is thought for having a Mobile Base. With its current condition I can only think of a Mobile Base. In the past, it was worth for jump tradings, but now since they removed its ability to Jump with others its simply... Well as you said useless. Its Cruise Speed should realy increase, I mean srsly even if it'd take like 3 mins to charge at least you'd be able to have a nice Cruise Speed to move somewhere.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Remnant - 10-28-2013

Or.. look at it from a different perspective, and use it as a roleplay tool, instead of something for profit.

It 'is' unique compared to anything else.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Tankman - 10-28-2013

Except it's also fairly useless as a RP tool, besides a base, what would one RP it as. The mobile factor is fairly moot.

I think they should replace it with another ship, one that can at least move through Jump Gates/Holes.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Valrin - 10-28-2013

You have a Barge...and you don't like it...that part confuses me a lot o.o
I just don't understand why the Barge is so bad. So what if it can't use lanes, or is slow as's worth it. If it really bothers you so much that you want it gone, why do you use it for trade?
If the slownes bothers you, then just use it like a base or RP platform, think of how much fun that would be! The Barge could get AMAZING RP!
But yeah...I am still confused to why people think it's bad....I would kill for one of them O_O

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Veygaar - 10-28-2013

Make it into a real mobile base, can't dock on anything, no guns or anything that can be 'blown" off. It is supplied by other ships, cargo still 40k. Put like 10-15 docking slots on it so people can dock/launch from it.

Keep it's current moving stats, but downsize/change the model to like 2x LN Carrier size.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Tankman - 10-28-2013

(10-28-2013, 06:11 AM)Valrin Wrote: You have a Barge...and you don't like it...that part confuses me a lot o.o
I just don't understand why the Barge is so bad. So what if it can't use lanes, or is slow as's worth it. If it really bothers you so much that you want it gone, why do you use it for trade?
If the slownes bothers you, then just use it like a base or RP platform, think of how much fun that would be! The Barge could get AMAZING RP!
But yeah...I am still confused to why people think it's bad....I would kill for one of them O_O

You obviously don't know that it can't use jump holes or jump gates without spending an hour getting into position.

(10-28-2013, 06:14 AM)Veygaar Wrote: Make it into a real mobile base, can't dock on anything, no guns or anything that can be 'blown" off. It is supplied by other ships, cargo still 40k. Put like 10-15 docking slots on it so people can dock/launch from it.

Keep it's current moving stats, but downsize/change the model to like 2x LN Carrier size.
Could use some refinement, but I vote for this.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Remnant - 10-28-2013

Quote:You obviously don't know that it can't use jump holes or jump gates without spending an hour getting into position.

I dunno man, I can get them in position within one or two minutes quite easily. All it takes is practice. It is not as hard as you think it is.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Tankman - 10-28-2013

(10-28-2013, 06:24 AM)Moveit56 Wrote:
Quote:You obviously don't know that it can't use jump holes or jump gates without spending an hour getting into position.

I dunno man, I can get them in position within one or two minutes quite easily. All it takes is practice. It is not as hard as you think it is.

I've driven one on a private server and I spent an hour maneuvering the blasted thing on a jump hole.

Tho I'm not great with aim, so it's probably only me.

RE: [*] Remake Barge or Remove it - Valrin - 10-28-2013

I have used the Barge in single player, and have docked at jump gates and jump holes (in way faster then an hour) I even got it to use a trade lane with forming on a NPC.