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To: [M]olly (Molly, Mollys) leadership - Printable Version

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To: [M]olly (Molly, Mollys) leadership - Ponge - 10-28-2013

***Incoming transmission***
---Encryption: HIGH---


I am the captain of the IMG vessel Metal.Miner, Andrew Norton. Some time ago I bought access to the Goldern Coin to carry out mining operations. I know one of the main purposes of the base was to protect Dublin from Corsair intrusion. I recently noticed that some changes occured in Dublin, the gravity anomaly known as the Omega-49 jumphole relocated somehow, so it is not covered by the base anymore.
My question is: will the Coin be kept up as a mining base and gold sellpoint, or it will be deconstructed. If deconstructed, will it be rebuilt to cover the hole again, or not?
I noticed that there was a new gold mining field found relatively close to the base, in the Arranmore asteroid field. This might be exploited somehow.

Eagerly awaiting your answer.


Andrew Norton

***End of transmission***

RE: To: [M]olly (Molly, Mollys) leadership - Arioch - 12-09-2013

:Big Grinelivery successful::
::Message read by Molly High Council::
::Message response in progress::


RE: To: [M]olly (Molly, Mollys) leadership - Arioch - 12-11-2013

[Image: qfa6uPb.gif]

*She nods and smiles*

'Ello there Captain Norton.

I see ya expressed interest in ta Coin. Apologies for not gettin' back t' ya sooner, but with recent events, our time has become quite precious. Luckily I have some time now t' get back t' those who have attempted t' contact us.

With regards ta Coin, we have extensive plans for her, so rest assured she's not goin' anywhere. Beyond that lad, I'm afraid you are not in a position t' know ta details. Nothing personal, but ya aren't a Molly, so I don' give that information away unless absolutely warranted. When we make a public announcement regarding ta status of ta Coin, you'll see then our plans.

*She smiles again and turns away*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: To: [M]olly (Molly, Mollys) leadership - Ponge - 12-12-2013

***Incoming transmission***
---Encryption: HIGH---

Greetings, Governor McCool.

Thank you for trusting me even with this little information. You said the Coin is not going anywhere, this amount of info is perfectly enough for me. When the Coin is open for business again, I shall renew my docking rights and saddle back to the gold business with the station's dockmaster.
See you until then, or in space in Dublin.


Andrew Norton

***End of transmission***