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Queen Carina's Privateers (QCP) Letter of Marque - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Bretonia (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=74) +----- Forum: BAF| (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=124) +------ Forum: Archive (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=657) +------ Thread: Queen Carina's Privateers (QCP) Letter of Marque (/showthread.php?tid=106613) |
Queen Carina's Privateers (QCP) Letter of Marque - The QCP - 10-30-2013 ![]() Bretonian Letter of Marque The Queen's most royal Majesty, being credibly informed that diverse and many of her most loving, faithful and obedient subjects be very desirous to prepare and equip sundry ships and vessels, at their own costs and charges, to space for the annoyance of Her Majesty's enemies, the Gallians, and those supplying them either shelter, succour or goods, so as they might obtain her most gracious licence in that behalf, Hath, of her clemency, tender love, and zeal, which she bears to Her subjects, by the advice of Her most honourable counsel resolved and determined as hereafter follows:
First, Her Majesty is pleased, and by the authority hereof gives full power and licence to Captain William Kidd Captain Anne Bonny Fortunatus Wright Patrick Slight Benjamin Hornigold Jeremy Brex Mia Hawkins Paul Brex Christine Scherbatsky Jack Sparrow Sir Andrew Stuart Sir Fortunatus Wright Sir Jack Fraser Finn Hopkins Lord Sir Reginald Notworthy III Reginald Notworthy IV Nobby Preston Maggie Hacket Josephine Monson Victor Henderson Earl Grey Sir Marty Mindry Sir Arnold Rimmer Michael Greaves "Salty" Bob Alain Tessier Reginald Dobson Thomas Witte Arthur Wilson Lord Thaddeus J Smithington-Smythe that they and every of them, may, at their liberties, without incurring any loss, danger, forfeiture, or penalty, and without putting in of any bonds or recognizance before the Counsel, or in the Court of the Admiralty, and without suing forth of any other licence, or other writing, from any counsel, court, or place, within this realm, or any other Her Majesty's realms and dominions, prepare and equip to space such and so many ships and vessels furnished for the war, to be used and employed against Her Grace's said enemies, the Kusari, and those supplying them, as they shall be able to think convenient for their advantage and the annoyance of Her Majesty's said enemies. And Her Majesty is further pleased, and by this granteth that they, and every of them, shall enjoy to his and their own proper use, profit, and commodity, all and singular such ships, vessels, munitions, merchandise, wares, victuals, and goods of whatsoever nature and quality they be, which they shall take of any of Her Majesty's said enemies, without making account in any court or place of this realm or any other of the Queen's realms or dominions for the same, and without paying any part or share to the Lord Admiral, the Lord Warden of the Five Ports, or any other officer or minister of the Queen's Majesty, any use, custom, prescription, or order to the contrary hereof used heretofore in any wise notwithstanding. And Her Majesty is further pleased that all and every one of her said subjects which upon the publication of this proclamation will sue for a duplicate of the same under the great seal of Bretonia, shall have the same, paying only the petty fees to the officers for writing the same. It does also please Her Royal Majesty that having given such power and licence to her aforementioned subjects, Her Grace requires that they and every of them do pursue the assistance of Her most loyal and diligent Bretonian Armed Forces against Her most villainous foes in any and all situations that do require it, and that they do capture and return to sovereign Bretonian soil such munitions, merchandise and wares of war, which were bound for the Kusari empire, as they shall come across, wherein due reparations shall be presented. And, seeing now that it hath pleased the Queen's Majesty, of Her most gracious goodness, to grant unto all her named subjects this great liberty, Her Highness desireth all mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs, aldermen, and all other of Her Grace's faithful officers, ministers, and subjects of this realm, and other of Her Highness' realms and dominions, and especially those which do inhabit in the space docks, to show themselves worthy of such liberty, and one to bear with an other, and to help an other, in such sort as their doing hereupon may be substantial, and bring forth that effect that shall redound to Her Majesty's honour, their own sureties, and the annoyance of the enemies. Provided always that no man which shall go to space by virtue hereof presume to take any thing from any of Her Majesty's subjects, or from any man having Her Grace's safe conduct, upon the pains by Her Majesty's laws provided for the same. And Her Grace is further pleased that no manner of officer, or other person, shall take any mariners, munitions, or tackle from any man thus equipping himself to space, but by his own consent. Carina, Regina, Imperatrix RE: Privateer's Letter of Marque - Stoat - 10-30-2013 ###Decoding incoming transmission###
Comm ID: Fortunatus Wright, KBE Location: ***scrambled*** ![]() For Posterity, I hereby advise those that wish to know. Any freelance privateers, brave and wonderful fellows that they are, who should wish to be added to Her Glorious Majesty's Marque, advise me on this channel and I'll do the necessary. God save the Queen! Wright out ###Transmission ends### RE: Privateer's Letter of Marque - Binski - 10-30-2013 ***COMM CHANNEL OPEN*** ....decoding signal. ....connection established. ***************************************** OI! The name's simply Antares, I've just recently transferred my flag to a shiny new civ gunboat called Ion.Storm, and am indeed flying as freelance Bretonian Privateer. I'd like to be added to the list please, put me down as Captain Antares. Also, can I assume that this letter of Marque also extends to Gallia and their corporations as well? Cheers mate! ....signal cut. ***COMM CHANNEL CLOSED*** RE: Privateer's Letter of Marque - Slainte - 10-30-2013 * peeks around corner* Pssstttt........oi, mucker, just saw that comm and seen me name isnt thare! I've been a bit busy at Her Maj's pleasure so to speak but theve let me out now so can i return to whet i does best??? Names Alex.Hamilton by the way. Tis been a while but wont take me long to show them there frogs whats what *smiles* * slinks back around corner* RE: Privateer's Letter of Marque - Stoat - 10-30-2013 ###Decoding incoming transmission###
Comm ID: Fortunatus Wright, KBE Location: ***scrambled*** ![]() What ho chaps! You've been granted the Marque. Get your arses into your vessels and stick it to those damn Gallians. Alex, if I don't see some serious work on your part, I'll be coming after you myself. Don't think I've forgotten what put you into the slammer in the first place! Wright out ###Transmission ends### RE: Queen Carina's Privateers (QCP) Letter of Marque - Fluffyball - 10-20-2014 ...comm channel open... ...encryption engaged... ![]() Honors to Her Majesty the Queen and her venerable men. My crew and I hail from Kusari, and the ship is called "Ronin". The very reason why we contact you is the fact that we have became Free Brothers, whose actions fits neither Exiles nor Blood Dragon liking, yet the words cannot describe our hate towards the Gallics. Imagine how we are driven by the fact, that those puny Gallics subjugated, ripped out of traditions and even roam freely with their vessels in Kusari. Our beloved Kusari, which became nothing more but a puppet in those dirty, frog-eating hands. As I said, there are no words for civilised men to describe our hate towards Gallia. Our full scale actions against Gallic corporations, possible GRN targets in Taus in addition of some first-handed information from Taus, Kusari and systems around it would surely be profitable for Kingdom of Bretonia. Hide of the "Ronin" ...comm terminated... RE: Queen Carina's Privateers (QCP) Letter of Marque - Apollon - 10-22-2014 :::INCOMING Transmission:::
{: Comm ID: Commodore James Norrington :} {: Location: H.M.S Suffolk :} {: To: Ronin :} {: Subject: Letter of Marque :} {: Priority: Medium :} {: Encryption: medium :} The Ronin,
I sincerely apologize for the late response to your request. Moving on to the point, Letters of Marque have not been given to foreigners of Her Majesty's Bretonia as of yet, and after discussion with the Admiralty board, It was decided to keep it as it is, Letter of Marque is specified to Bretonian pirates who turned into her Majesty's realm, or Armed Forces officers who wish to become privateers. Therefore, your request has been turned now. However, We would be glad to receive aid and help from anyone who is allied to the Kingdom. Thank you. ![]() Carina, Regina, Imperatix Signed: Commodore James Norrington
Commanding officer of Queen Carina's Privateers Bretonian Armed Forces. |