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To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Printable Version

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To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Ageira Engineering Department - 10-30-2013

So you may be wondering. 'Why is there a Bretonian Gunboat leaking fluids, sparking here and there, missing a few parts, and smoking just slightly, just outside of Baltimore Shipyard?' Well, there's a good reason for that.

Ageira has acquired a new gunboat for our useage, and well, typically we'd just go through the standard procedures for repairs, but we want to do something else with this thing.

We're going to need a fair bit of space on the station, both at the spacedock, and inside. You guys don't mind, right?

It'll be just like a sleepover!

Call us back.

RE: To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Ageira Engineering Department - 11-01-2013

So hey, is that a yes?

If so, we'll be stealing some of the leftover pizza in your refrigerator. Tasty engineering fuel.

But seriously, we don't have a spacedock capable of fitting this thing.

RE: To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Haphestus - 11-01-2013

[Image: JosieFormalTransmissioncopy.png]

Josie Alibrandi, Head of Engineering here.
First off, That's my pizza. so much as a piece of salami goes missing, i will turn the station defenses on that safety hazard. second of all, Get the hell off our doorstep. You come to our home suddenly essentially pissing all over the place. Maintenance is going to have a fit. They will be cleaning up that mess for a week. Just...just go, i don't care where you take that clunker, just take it elsewhere. Take it to the Badlands for all i care. Just Go.

Josephine Alibrandi
Head of Engineering


RE: To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Ageira Engineering Department - 11-01-2013

Well aren't you just a bright and friendly gal?

You know, we WERE thinking of leaving an incredible amount of money on your front desk just for letting us use some space on your shipyard, seeing as it is your job and all to accomodate ships like that, but you know what? You can suck it.

With love, from --
No one.

RE: To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Haphestus - 11-02-2013

[Image: JosieFormalTransmissioncopy.png]

Well seeing as you asked SO nicely,
First off its not our job to accommodate All ships, also what makes you think we have the parts for a Bretonian gunboat here, Second of all its common courtesy to call ahead before you dump a leaking mound on our laps. And lastly you might want to work on your people skills. I don't care how much money your willing to pay that sort of attitude gets you about as far as the airlock.

Josephine Alibrandi
Head of Engineering


RE: To: DSE, from Ageira Engineering Dept. Subj: Sleepover? - Ageira Engineering Department - 11-02-2013

Except you entirely misunderstood the request. We don't want your engineers, your parts, or any of your labor. Just some space on your shipyard. We would've been getting the work done ourselves, but no matter.

I think our engineers would rather have the ship anchored to Detroit than deal with a sassy little gal like you.

Don't call us back unless it's something important.
