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Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Unofficial Factions and Groups (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=67) +--- Thread: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel (/showthread.php?tid=106757) |
Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Junker Marauders - 11-03-2013 :::Incoming Transmission::: :::Creating Stable Transmission Link::: :::Link Initiated, opening...::: This is an important statement from Marauder high command.
From now on, it is due that we make reports of all our operations. Do not question your orders. Simply sumbit reports of recent events involving what we've recently done, what we killed, what we pillaged, what we made. Visual records will be useful. High command out.
:::Ending Transmission:::
RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Lythrilux - 11-03-2013 :::Incoming Transmission::: :::Sender: Grand Marauder::: Here is today's mission report.
The Marauders launched from Freeport 6. We wandered around Tau space, looking for prey. Eventually, we found some foolish miners from the MiCo company. We convinced them to fill all 3 of our transports up with Niobium ore, before payment. However, IMG|Raymon.Lister unexpectedly came along to view our operation. Once we were full, I gave the signal for the transports to run off whilst JM|-Heavy.Metal-R2 took on Raymon. Sadly, Heavy Metal's vessel was destroyed once we were in the clear. His pod made it back to safety. We set of with our Niobium ore for Planet Denver. On our way, we were initially stopped by a Gallic Brigand in Kyushu. Thankfully, the Contari Lance came along to get rid of the Brigand. However, our luck ran out as the Lance told us to fork over 9,000,000 for 'transporting Niobium without notification'. Eventually, we made it to Planet Denver where we dropped off our stolen ore and made 80,000,000. The money was handed out to people involved in the operation, of course.
Marauders involved:
JM|-Gear.Golem-R1 JM|-Old.Reliable-R1 JM|-Sharp.Scrap-R1 JM|-Heavy.Metal-R2 Relevant Images: * * * * * * :::Ending Transmission:::
RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Lord Caedus - 11-07-2013 Target ID: Headquarters Sender ID: JM|-Honey.Badger Subject: Ops Report Another successful raid in Tau-23 today. After Marauders Rigidity Feather, Gray Barrager, and Gear Golem joined me near Cali base, we moved in on some miners we had heard were operating in the area. While we were, having a conversation, with said miners, lo and behold a Carrier and Battle-Cruiser, both apparently being operated by this same group, came and attacked us. We managed to grab up some of their ore, while I moved in and engaged their ships. I managed to take out their mining vessel while the rest of the group escaped. We took the ore to Denver and sold it, acquiring 50 million credits in the process. Each Marauder involved today made just under 12 million credits each. I've attached evidence of the destruction of the mining vessel below. http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y383/maxzilla93/screen14_zpscb9d1c21.png RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Hannibal - 11-16-2013 Target ID: Marauders HQ Sender ID: JM-Applied.Force-R2 Subject:Freebies This time was a little different from what we have usually encounter so far in our 'road' and i'm not referring to what we do,which is stealing expensive ore and then find a better cause that the founds can be used upon,but who we did grab it from,a person that called himself Gerd.Schmidt that not only shown us the rounds the first time we entered Okinawa but also filling us without asking anything of the sorts in return for the energy and it's precious time he has been using to brake those rocks apart and his not so tiny drones carryting them into JM|-Gear.Golem-R1 and JM|-Scrap.Trap-R1 cargo holds.
After our groups have take apart ,we've been heading to Planet Harris to sell the ore,however to our surprise we find out the 'hard' way that they no longer requires it and the planet was fully terraformatted with silver ,so we have decided to turn around and move into Liberty and check out if Planet California Minor still needs,which it actually did and of course at the end of day our 'chief' give us a round of that quality beer they have been store in for us at Alcatraz Depot ,in order to sleep better.. RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Arioch - 11-20-2013 ![]() Target ID: Marauders HQ Subject: Stuff man *Takes long toke* Ahh, there we go. Huh? Oh hey there! My bad.
So I guess this is how we submit our reports of activities? Through here? Heh, that works man. It's cool. Well, earlier today, set out on delivering some supplies to Rochester with JM|-Rusty.Box-R1. Took some Ale to the boys there. Sadly I couldn't stay and party with them. Was looking forward to that too. Ya know, just kick back, have a couple beers, chat with some of t... Oh whoops. Yeah, my report. After we dropped of the Ale, grabbed some Munitions to take up to our friends in Orange. Well, would it be Orange friends? Users of Orange? They wouldn't be IN Orange. Then again, if they had Orange jumpsuits, technically they would be in Orange right? Anyways, yeah. So we made our way into Kepler, and ran into a Rogue Destroyer sittin' in front of Ames. He claims he was just enjoying some coffee and watching travelers, but I'd bet my bag of Synth Weed here that he was doing more than "watching"! Shortly after, a Zoner homeship shows up! A Nephilim! Giant bastard that ship was. Got too close to me for my comfort. Wanted to get the hell out of there quick man. But yeah, left and had a relatively uneventful trip into the Taus. Once we got to Tau 23 though, oooohhh man. Saw a few of those Gallic pilots shooting up some pilot. I didn't want to stay too long with my cargo, so we high tailed it to the Tau 37 system. Wasn't able to grab any guncam screens, but trust me. They were there! After that, saw an Order ship hanging around the Freeport there, though we didn't chat with him. He seemed busy. Maybe chatting up some Zoner chick? Heh, trying to woo one of them or whatever those Order boys do. What do they do exactly? I mean, I know there are aliens and such around, but... Beyond that. What do they do? Ok where was I... Umm. Shoot. Ah! That's right. So, finally made our way to Planet Malta, and delivered the munitions to the portmaster there. Nice fella. Enjoyed some Synth stuffs with me for a minute while the dock hands unloaded the munitions. We laughed at one poor fella who tripped over a box, tumbled down the ramp, and landed doing the splits over a crate. The look on his face after not realizing his legs could bend that way was hysterical! Should've seen it. Good times... But, after that, packed up some crates of Cardamine, and set off back to New York. Didn't run into anyone, uneventful really., and made it safely on Manhattan, where we both unloaded our full holds to those Orange users! Pack of wild animals really. At least the 'Casts in Alpha have manners! Damn... But yeah, all good and successful! Filled up with some more Liberty Ale to take to Rochester! Hoping this time I can stay a while! Anyway, cheers guys! RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Lowis - 11-24-2013 ===INCOMING TRANSMISION===
Target ID: Marauders HQ Sender ID: JM|-Rusty.Box-R1 Subject: Report Well this is my first report isn't it?... well today, we did some nice round at the Taus. My comrades were dealing with a miner before I arrived, but till then I was ordered to empty him up... of course all of us did, went back to sell the cargo and again to the taus and see if we were lucky... To bad a KNF party was on us and followed into the Taus. Damned Kusari ships, so hard to hit, we had to retreat and stay put... after that we got into our ships into the omegas and got "someone" to pay us up for free passage, well I don't like my reports to be long, and mostly they are self explanatory with the guncams and the report itself... So, I just gotta say, I'm heading back home from today, Have a heck of a hangover and don't wanna know anything. So long. Participants
JM|-Scrap.Trap-R1 JM|-Gear.Golem-R1 JM|-Honey.Badger-R2 Guncam 1 Guncam 2 Guncam 3 Guncam 4 Guncam 5 RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Lythrilux - 11-24-2013 ![]() A few foolish miners who dared cross us were dealt with today, revenge for one of our own has been served. Unfortuneatly, I had to quickly exit as IMG|Stella.Evanz had appeared out of nowhere. I got away in the end.
The Punished:
That is all. -G.M. :::[Ending Transmission]:::
RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Arioch - 11-25-2013 ![]() Target ID: Marauders HQ Subject: Money man... Money. *Takes long toke* Well hey there again. Nothin' huge to report, other than some Zoner-made Cruiser that was hanging 'round Manhattan. I got nothing against the Zoners really. Nice enough. But with all their neutrality and such, they do some shady stuff man. I like 'em!
Anyway, encountered a couple transports in Cortez. Seemed like independent traders and such, so wasn't too much of a dick to 'em. But hey! Got them to pay me 3mil! Told them they were contributing to the "Junker's Children Fund". I mean, if I had kids I'd help them out. Then again, not sure if I'm ready for that sort of commitment. Think about it man! Little junker Kids, running around while I'm tokin' up, causing all sorts of ruckus. Well, come to think of it, that'd be perfect for us. But, meh. Not ready for that responsibility man! I mean really, I can't even keep track of my coffee mug, this one right... wait, where did I put it. Damnit! C'mon, this is bull crap. *Scrambles around off screen, then a voice is heard in the distance* There you are you delicious, life giving bastard! So umm, where was I... Ah yeah! So I've uploaded the recorded conversation between me and the pilots of the trade vessels: Code: [24.11.2013 19:16:07] JM|-Sour.Diesel-R1: Hey umm... Hold up there Anyway, cheers guys! Need to head out and see if I can score some more synth weed from my dad. RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Lythrilux - 12-14-2013 ![]() Today we found out the Gallics are fools. Seems like they don't know how to turn off their engines nor speak. We had to try and force a reply out of him, the only way he knew was with guns sadly. Well, sad for him mainly, we stopped him dead in his place.
-G.M.We also managed to gain data regarding a valor, this will prove most useful in our project... That is all. :::[Ending Transmission]:::
RE: Junker Marauders Mission Reporting Channel - Lythrilux - 12-15-2013 ![]() The Marauders successfully looted around 9,000 units of Helium-3 from a pathetic miner in Okinawa. We stole from him with ease, he had no idea what was going on really. We then flew down to Liberty where we would sell the Helium-3. On our way back, I had ended up meeting some Naval Forces who thought they could halt our journey. They were avoided with ease. We then managed to successfully deliver the Helium-3 to Pittsburg. We made a profit of about 90,000,000 credits.
Ships involved:
JM|-Gear.Golem-[R] JM|-Blood.Rain-[R] JM|-Rigidity.Feather-[R] Attached Images: That is all. -G.M. :::[Ending Transmission]:::