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Public Newcomer Helper Log Thread - Printable Version

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Angel Message Dump - Charlie - 09-13-2006

Communication to: All of the Angels

Identity: Charlie

Mariella, Such a shame, I have one of the Angels finally returning to the executive after a prolonged leave of absence, to have another leave us almost immediately. You prior commitments, as discussed, are of a much more important nature. I hope they will not be keeping you from visiting these message bulletin boards for the aggregate of the duration.
Silvara Angel, welcome back to the assembly. I'm contemplating that a measure of time will be needed for you get up to speed with the myriad of changes that have occured during your sabbatical. Our current financial situation is of a very healthy disposition and if funds are required fo any transfactions, please don't hesitate to contact me using the usual direct communication channels.
I'm afraid Mythos departed from our organization rather suddenly, without so much as a bye your leave, a little disappointing after such a promising start. I'm regardful though, with your return, Bosley may be prised from his haunts of ill repute, and return to some semblance of sobriety. This will bring our numbers up once again, leaving just the one empty executive operative position to be filled. I will discuss the options open to us at the next full meeting.
Apart from this, as you will have no doubt noticed, the Rheinland Military are in need of our assistance at this time, I'm hopeful that our services can supply them with some potential candidates for enlistment.

Communication ends:

Angel Message Dump - Charlie - 09-18-2006

Communication to: Open channel

Identity: Charlie

I have just been informed through private channels that our current characters are to be removed from Sirius due to a technical re-shuffle. The Angels will be returning, hopefully with our full compliment of at least five executives.
Our role within this sector will not be changing in any way, though we will have to decline aiding returning characters, and concentrate on the main task of recruiting new enlistments for existing factions, from the ranks of complete newcomers visiting our beloved server. Quite obviously the first few days, possibly weeks, will have to be spent returning our own house to a semblance of order, and at this time, we would appreciate your ongoing patience during this predicament.
Silvara dear, could you possibly place an incendiary device under Bosley's posterior, enabling him to move from his current location, also conceivably, a consultation with Kristy regarding her future alignment. I shall endeavour to contact Mariella, though my understanding is, she will not be available for some time, and normal methods of communication are currently offline.
Possible recruitment for our own association may now also be a consideration, though careful vetting of possible candidates will have to be put in place once more. Any weltanschauung from yourself regarding this, will be greatly appreciated.
I believe a brother traveller in this has put it as such. See you all on the other side.

Communication ends:

Angel Message Dump - Bosley - 09-18-2006

Communication to: Charlie

ID: Bosley

Right boss. I'm still here. Been a bit lazy here of late. Sorry, it's seems I'm out of the loop at the moment. I will be more active in the near future. As I see there may be a great need for the services of our group. Again, I apologize for my recent absence. No excuse for it really. Won't happen again.

Communication ends.

Angel Message Dump - caylith - 09-18-2006

Message to: Charlie

Comm ID: Silvara

I wanted to let you know that i'll be ready to go whenever we get back online. Unfortunately I helped a new RM recruit before all of this came about. I'm going to try to get Admiral Komet on the comm system and apologize for the bad timing for recruitment.

See you soon


message ends

Angel Message Dump - Virus - 09-18-2006

Transmit to: Silvara
Comm. ID: Admiral Komet

No worries about timing. Our recruit will be taken care of. Besides that, he's one of the best recruits I've seen in a while. (OoC: He roleplays WELL. And knows the rules.)

Your recruiting is most appreciated. However, I still haven't seen you on the forums to pay you back. Though, it seems it'd be pointless in a matter of days, anyway.

Once again, thank you for your a fine recruit.


Angel Message Dump - caylith - 09-20-2006

Message to: Admiral Komet

Comm ID: Silvara

I'm glad to see that Menno Leigh has assimilated himself in your ranks. As to the funds used to help him, well that was bad timing on my part. Also, please let us know if you'd like us to further our recruitment efforts for you.

Best regards,


message ends

Angel Message Dump - Charlie - 09-26-2006

Communication to: Silvara

Identity: Charlie

Well my dear, the transition appears to have gone competently, though I believe we still are suffering from a imperceptible amount of the previous predicament. I am hoping this is going to be rectified in the near future, and I have complete confidence in the powers that be, to deal with this unfortunate side effect.
I believe also as an existing enterprise we are due some form of compensation as befits our status, and I will be making enqiries to this end in the forseeable. I am hoping that all of our previous executives will be re-joining us for the duration of this incarnation, bringing our total to five members, this I believe qualifies us.
In the meanwhile I think our efforts should be put towards bringing new members to the security services in Sirius, as they are the most important of the current organizations, and always in need of good and loyal associates.
Any futher consultation would be be appreciated, and I shall be around my accomodations from now on. Welcome back everyone.

Angel Message Dump - Charlie - 09-27-2006

Communication to: Silvara and Bosley

Identity: Charlie

Good news for our organization, the powers here have just seen fit to compensate us for our inconvenience during the change of management. This means myself and all the executives will be able to replace their spacecraft forthwith.
Please see myself or the secrerarial staff for immediate dispersement of monies, in and around the Newark station area of the New York system. Our clients can renew all contacts with us from this time, and our business dealings may commence.
Thank you all for patience over the transition period.

Communication ends:

Angel Message Dump - Bosley - 09-28-2006

Message to: CHarlie

ID: Bosley

Well, that's good news indeed bossman. I know I haven't been to active lately, but I promise to get out and do some mingling once again. Any funds you see fit to slide my way will be greatly appreciated.


Message ends

Angel Message Dump - Charlie - 10-05-2006

Communication to: All Angels and open Channel

Identity: Charlie

Admirable news indeed, we have a new executive signed up to aid our continuation of the expansion of good and loyal members of this part of the Sirius sector.
Please welcome [The Angels]Alastriona to our organization, and I hope everyone here will afford her the respect and aid that all of our other members have received in the past, while going about their business. Silvara my dear, thank you for your swift amendment of the status board as usual.
With the changeover situation still in a state of flux here, our aims currently, will be to bolster the membership of just the security services for a while, while answering any enquiries concerning other bodies existing here, and encouragement to all to join in the forums and to make sure all rules and regulations are understood.
Good to see you have extracted yourself from wherever, Bosley, the usual drinking vouchers will be dispersed when you see fit to replace your craft as per our current allocation demands. In your case possibly, a CSV will suffice. Thank you for your attention everybody, and I believe you will see all of the executive around the Manhattan area a little more regularly in the future.

Communication ends: