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Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Printable Version

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Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Widow - 11-06-2013

27th|Felix.Edwards, D.Tutashkhia, Redfire, <gj>Francis_Drake and Punisher|FL.Blacksword have been warned and/or sanctioned for the following:


Quote:3.2 A player who was killed during a PvP fight in any form, must not enter the system where the fight took place or re-engage the attacker(s) for 2 hours from the time of their destruction, or until this ship leaves the game.


Quote:1.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Threats and insults are only allowed on the server if used within roleplay.

And all of you

Quote:2.1 System and local chats are to be kept in roleplay and in English at all times. Any OOC (Out of character) chat should be marked with " // " and only used when absolutely necessary. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.


27th|Felix.Edwards: Some hotel rang and said you stayed longer then you were meant to and they wanted their money. I decided to be nice and make sure they got paid. You'll probably find your bank account a tad lighter now.

Redfire: I don't know if you noticed that sound or not, but it would seem it was something major after all. Your guns have fallen off and it would seem the engineers have lost them.

Everyone else: Just a warning - Be sure to keep the OORP to a minimum in local chat.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Vendetta - 11-06-2013

As Lead of the 27th|, I'd like to see the evidence against Felix, please.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Username removed - 11-06-2013

Was this during that battle in Leeds? I'd like to see what I said that was so hurtful since I don't remember saying any bad words.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Tutashkhia - 11-06-2013

Erm,this really makes me wonder. Could you please provide me with the evidences? I'm really interested what I've done wrong.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Widow - 11-07-2013

PMs sent

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Vendetta - 11-07-2013

Based on rules. Death in PVP restricts you from entering that system for 2 hours. If you die and respawn in that system, then you have 10 minutes to leave. Both screenshots are stamped only with /time. Time of death, time of Felix entering system, Time between asking him to leave and the picture taken, and Felix's intentions are unclear in the pictures based on the fact that the second picture being taken in Leeds merely showing that he was in magellan. Both pictures are not set with chat time on. The substantial evidence would be that he was undocked from FP4 and an actual picture taken of his ship. This is not the case. Besides the stamps being 1 hour 20 minutes apart.

I looked the evidence over, and to me and any reasonable person ( not to say that this is unreasonable ) The evidence is inconclusive.Both images being a certain time length apart, being in two separate systems, and if you look carefully at the first Screenshot ( or, alternatively, review the chatlog), you'd notice the attacker had only spoken three words, which could possibly be considered insufficient Roleplay.

If at all possible, I'd like to see this sanction on 27th|Felix.Edwards reverted, and the fine refunded.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Ross.Evans - 11-07-2013

Print screens are limited in space, I tried to catch as much as I could in one print screen, that specific three words were part of a much bigger group role play, including the valor's who ordered the attack.

The sanction for 27th|Felix.Edwards is fair, next time instead of talking non-sense here better read the rules AND obey them, as all we do.

Thank you.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Username removed - 11-07-2013

I saw that convo and I confess I had to laugh a little, someone must definitely be sensitive in the ball department because I personally love garlic balls, they taste quite good, here is a picture of a garlic ball:

About the other word: I'd get upset too if someone called me an A-hole, but they earned it with their OORPly actions and besides that, I didn't actually say A-hole, I said butthole, if that's what they find so "hurtful" then perhaps a less violent game is more suitable for them.

Here's another: This is a ROLE PLAY game, Redfire(the char) is a pirate who just got out of a Houston prison and was getting his butt wacked at that moment, pirates by definition are not the most polite people in the universe especially if you shoot at them and all I said was directed to the player's ROLE PLAYING CHARACTER and NOT the person itself, I didn't mean to offend the player, so you guys should chill out and stop getting so butthurt because if there is anything I wish to tell you personally, I'll make sure to let you know.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Ross.Evans - 11-07-2013

"About the other word: I'd get upset too if someone called me an A-hole,"

We both know that nobody called you an ass-hole, so let's stop lying here and pretend you are not guilty.

Most of the players get mad when they lose, but losing is part of this servers' activity.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose a fight.

RE: Players sanctioned/warned: See inside - Username removed - 11-07-2013

I never said someone called me an a-hole, read better, and I am not mad that I lost, I am upset because of what you did to Tutashkia, he told you he was on the phone yet you swarmed him like a bunch of desperate Sand people.

[Image: RS1NXBk.jpg]