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Zoner Nephilim needs to be repurchased to fix lighthardpoint issue - Printable Version

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Zoner Nephilim needs to be repurchased to fix lighthardpoint issue - Trogdor - 11-10-2013

In Update 4, the Zoner Nephilim's lights were finally fixed. (yay!)

However one of the fixes involved a new light being added where it was missing before.

As far as I know, you cannot fix this with pimpship; the ship must be repurchased. (At a cost of ~257 million credits)

Is this something the admins are willing to help with? I'm not sure whether I should be asking for help on this, since while it's a lot of money, everyone who bought a Neph before Update 4 is in the same boat, and I doubt the admins want to go around individually fixing everyone's Neph.

Or... maybe it would be easier to just grant 257 mil to all Neph owners so they can fix it themselves?

My ship's name is The_Burninator.

Thank you for your time.

RE: Zoner Nephilim needs to be repurchased to fix lighthardpoint issue - aerelm - 11-10-2013

That issue can be taken care of server-side without the need to repurchase the ship. Light hardpoints need to be included in the check list while refreshing the player database and it'd automatically adjust your hardpoints to the default set of lights included in the ship package on purchase, but as that conflicts with /pimpship we're holding it off for the final release, as a few other ships are being added with the upcoming updates and we figured it'd be less of a headache for everyone if we just do it once.

Ignore the messed up lights on the Neph for a while longer and that should be fixed then.

RE: Zoner Nephilim needs to be repurchased to fix lighthardpoint issue - Trogdor - 11-10-2013

Okay then, thank you. Smile