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Notice to TAZ: Stolen Aquillion - Printable Version

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Notice to TAZ: Stolen Aquillion - Daron - 11-10-2013

ID: Bartolo del Toro

Hola seniors or else,
There is a particular ship which might be of your interest.

Callsign: Athena
Cargo: 500 Passengers and some nasty stuff shimmering blue.

Currently at Freeport 15 and shouting out, well, strange louds.
You better see for yourself.
I'll uploading data to a more convienient time.

Oh and por favore do not forget to sign up for a free Black Sails sightseeing tour, senors!


PS: Do you have some spare err 'drinks'?

RE: Notice to TAZ: Stolen Aquillion - Daron - 11-16-2013

ID: Bartolo del Toro
Location: Inquisitonada, Crete orbit

Hola again,

Here is some recorded neuronet feed:

As far as i know you gringos give out this big toy, si?
You really should take care of it.


RE: Notice to TAZ: Stolen Aquillion - Joggin - 11-18-2013

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: Signor Bartolo del Toro
CC: Freeport 15, All Other Zoners .... High Alert.


As always, good to hear from the Sails, just a pity it ain't always on a fun note. First off, thanks for the information about the Athena. As you know the TAZ ain't interested in dusting off, kicking about or otherwise disturbing Nomad relics and remains, other than for the limited medical research Doc's involved with....Too many unknowns in our view and in the main should be left well alone.

So, it's pretty insulting to see some herbert floating around in an Aquilon, seemingly at will, with an infectious cargo AND a whole load roster of innocent passengers just ripe for infection.... And that Aquilon certainly ain't an approved purchase from Pueblo my friend.... but it could be a theft from a third party or even off the production line at Livadia which, we understand is now functional.

Clearly the Captain of the Athena is a fool who doesn't realise the dangers to his passengers and crew or is indeed, maybe infected himself already. I'm cross checking with FP 15 about possible infection within the Base

Anyway, suggested best course of action fer yourselves and anyone else encountering this ship with Nomad items is to order drop and destroy of the cargo and if that doesn't work, disable and destroy the ship in the entirety. We ain't having Zoners blamed fer spreading disease and corrupt organisms around the place!

Any other action would be to endanger the whole of Sirius, so you would be acting in all our interests.

Thanks for informing us of this fool, I've taken the liberty of alerting all Zoners Official and otherwise of the danger by copy of this note. Who says Corsairs don't have Sirius' best interests at heart?

And while we're corresponding, hermano.... Aye, I'll take the Sails Tour if you've an empty slot some time. Just let me know and we can make arrangements.

Hail Eris!

John Rackham at yer service.