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GMG fighter? - Printable Version

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GMG fighter? - Tenacity - 07-26-2008

Since the idea came up in my borderworlds cruiser thread to have them as GMG capships, and I really like the design of the wing commander arrow I wanted to import... I redesigned it into a more FL-ish fighter craft. It could compliment the cruiser/carrier quite well as a GMG ship, or anywhere else they might get put.

The engine vents and cockpit are colored red to show some definition. The cockpit is actually the saber's cockpit glued onto this thing. I imported a sabre, cut the cockpit part out, and designed this ship around it on the basis of the arrow (not the discovery arrow, the one from wing commander)

I'm not sure I like the four wings on the back, I may change them into something different.

[Image: o53var.jpg]
[Image: 2hn76uo.jpg]
[Image: 20kxjsl.jpg]
[Image: 2nw0h90.jpg]
[Image: 2nu7eyr.jpg]

GMG fighter? - Dusty Lens - 07-26-2008

Color me crazy, but wouldn't a GMG ship have a touch of Kusari somewhere in there?

GMG fighter? - Tenacity - 07-26-2008

they've split off pretty far from kusari by now. Rumors in honshu state that most kusari citizens dont consider the GMG to be kusari anymore, that they've become as 'gaijin' as the other houses.
The GMG also exploits kusari by charging them out the rear for h-fuel, and I think samura is currently looking to start it's own gas mining operations so that kusari can keep the GMG out.

I could change the wings to have a little more kusari design though... the ribbed wing/fin look.

GMG fighter? - Jinx - 07-26-2008

the ship is good - but suggests a very small size. - - if thats the cockpit of a sabre ( bw fighter ) this ship must be like only half the size of a sabre or even smaller than a dagger.

here is a suggestion - give the mainbody a sharper angle - the front view shows the sides to be round and smooth - make them 45 degrees like - to support the blocky BW design that you have when you use this cockpit. other than that - i have little to complain - it feel anorexic

here is a model i made to practice FL designs - sabre shaped...

[Image: sabre.jpg]

maybe you wanne tive yours a hunchback, too - or some belly ...

GMG fighter? - chopper - 07-26-2008

Umm.. No, I can't see it as a GMG ship. Also, GMG has enough ships already.
Stinger VHF, Taiidan HF, Taiidan bomber.
Pretty enough for a corporation.

So, that's a no for this one.:yes:

GMG fighter? - Xing - 07-26-2008

GMG getting borderworld design? huh? remember they fight the outcasts using, oh, the same design...

GMG fighter? - Tenacity - 07-26-2008

' Wrote:GMG getting borderworld design? huh? remember they fight the outcasts using, oh, the same design...

outcast doesnt mean borderworld, there are a lot of non-outcast and non-outcast-allied factions that use the borderworlds ship line.

It isnt called "outcast shipline" because they dont have exlusive rights to it. The GMG exists in the sigma systems, which are considered part of the borderworlds (sigmas, taus, omegas, omicrons).

GMG fighter? - Xing - 07-26-2008

I know this of course. However, you dont see many non-outcast aligned Sabre fighting the outcasts, eh?
It can easily be guessed that BW crafts are developped by a coalition of borderworld and pirate engineers, which are either allied or neutral with outcasts. GMG, is on the other hand, openly hostile.

GMG fighter? - Tenacity - 07-27-2008

*sigh* alright, whatever.

That's the last model i'm going to post, not much ****ing point in it when all anyone says about them is "no" "dont like it" "not FLish" "doesnt look right"

Screw it, you guys can put your own models in.

GMG fighter? - Dusty Lens - 07-27-2008

Perhaps your next model could be a Whaaaaambulance?

*grins* Comon now, everyone throws their two cents in about models. Even Jinx in all of his glory gets at least three bags of flax per model posting, even if two of those bags are supplied by he himself griping about his own models.

If everyone was just a yes man you'd never improve.