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Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Printable Version

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Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Ponge - 11-11-2013


I was exploring Omicron-99 with a few friends, and we did not find any nomad battleships. The player count was around 60-70, so the NPC spawn reduction was not an issue. Plenty of gunboats and cruisers spawned, but no battleships. We flew around the Ravine, too, but no battleship spawned. Are they turned off or we simply were unlucky? I saw some before update 4, but not after it.

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - sindroms - 11-11-2013

Sounds odd. 99 should be full of them.

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Valrin - 11-11-2013

I find them mostly around there base there. But that is odd to not see any....

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Walligig - 11-11-2013

The only place I have seen Nomad Battleships is in Alaska. It's been a while sense my last visit to that system so I don't know if they are still there.

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Ponge - 11-11-2013

Alaska has only a few (very very few) fighters now, as it is not directly connected to the Omicrons.

Admins/Devs, could please somebody comfirm it is a bug or not (Nomad battleships missing from O99).

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Hidamari - 11-11-2013

i have also not seen any nomad npc battleships since .87

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Shizune - 11-12-2013

Ive seen them mostly around the bases in 99 but to be fair, they have been buffed with nommie morters and and a full escort wing like any battleship patrol you now see.

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Remnant - 11-12-2013

Omicron 99, Battleship spawns have been removed from the zone information. There will be no spawns, other than normal snubs, gunboats, and cruisers.

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Ponge - 11-12-2013

(11-12-2013, 02:57 AM)Moveit56 Wrote: Omicron 99, Battleship spawns have been removed from the zone information. There will be no spawns, other than normal snubs, gunboats, and cruisers.

Then where can people find bs remains for cloaks?

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - tothebonezone - 11-12-2013

Good luck getting a cloak without PoBs