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Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Printable Version

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Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Hidamari - 11-13-2013

since they were only invented to fill the shortfalls of capital ship hitboxes not being affected by missile and torpedo ordinance.

since thats no longer a problem why do fighters still have light mortars strapped to them unnecessarily.

Need to remove snac and introduce a full spread of bomber torpedos types, not one or two but more like 20 or 24 different varied types for specific anti gunboat or anti cruiser or anti battleship roles, at a high cost depending on the type.

devastating unguided bombs perhaps being the most powerful equivalent to half a heavy mortar or something. then some more nimble low yield anti gunboat types of varying speeds and maneuverability, mid-heavy yield for cruiser and battlecruiser combat, and super heavy for anti battleship.

then of course there is the whole range for anti shield useage too, making the damages separate will encourage the use of more than one type (I.e. making torpedos that damage hull not damage shield and visa versa).

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Tankman - 11-13-2013

I guess replacing them with torps would be ok, but 20-24 types is highly unnecessary.

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Echo 7-7 - 11-13-2013

The reason SNACs remain popular despite the possibility of working torpedoes is the issue of lag; since the SNAC works like a gun it's a bit more reliable in high-lag situations, as well not blowing yourself up with your own weapon. Just something to keep in mind.

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Crossroads - 11-13-2013


RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Daniel.Walker - 11-13-2013

(11-13-2013, 03:07 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: The reason SNACs remain popular despite the possibility of working torpedoes is the issue of lag; since the SNAC works like a gun it's a bit more reliable in high-lag situations, as well not blowing yourself up with your own weapon. Just something to keep in mind.

I completely agree with echo , snac's are really really important specially for pirates for example a trader is running from you and u'r having snac but you are lagging you have a chance blow him up but if u only have torpedos then your torpedo will be flying around by the time trader will be long gone laughing at your face sometimes it even hits you back blowing you up plus torpedos are only good for 5k transports and Cap ships,Freighters can easily dodge torps and some transports like mammoth and kamone can even blow your bomber up while you try to hit them with torpedo so SNAC's are here to stay they arent going anywhere ....

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Kazinsal - 11-13-2013

I wouldn't mind a shaped-charge style torpedo that deals massive damage to the thing it hits but only a bit of blast damage.

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Vigilia.Procuratio - 11-13-2013

(11-13-2013, 03:07 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: as well not blowing yourself up with your own weapon. Just something to keep in mind.

I've always had a problem with this; I don't agree with how somebody can do so much damage at point-blank range without getting hurt. When the SNAC is used against a capital ship it isn't really much of an issue, but in dog-fights it's incredibly unrealistic.

I think that instead of removing the SNAC entirely, it should consume much more energy and be usable only by heavy bombers that are much slower than the average. Medium bombers would then only use guided torpedoes. In doing so, heavy bombers can still use their energy-based weapon in dog-fights but they'd be much less manoeuvrable.

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - LunaticOnTheGrass - 11-13-2013

Even iRP I'd rather have the option of a non-ballistic anti-capital projectile, and I find the trusty antimatter cannon handles that just fine.

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - Scumbag - 11-13-2013

I have made the argument for nerfing SNACs before. I remember Jinx posting that they are a remanent from the past when missiles would not track. With the new improvements to ship models i don't mind not having one at all.

RE: Remove snac in favour of wide torpedo selection. - dirmaster0 - 11-13-2013

SNAC Power, let it stay!