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To: Colonial Republic 27th Assault Fleet. - Printable Version

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To: Colonial Republic 27th Assault Fleet. - Max Morse - 11-18-2013

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Michael Morse
TARGET ID: Winston Baxter, Commanding Officer, Colonial Republic 27th Assault Fleet.
SUBJECT: Your ships in Libertonian Territory

Mr. Baxter,

It has come to the attention of Naval High Command that some of the ships in your fleet have been coming deeper into Libertonian territory than our laws allow. While we have no issue with your ships using California as a transition zone, nor with your tradeships operating in our territory, we do take issue with Military Capital Vessels operating within our core territories.

If you would like to continue working in the good auspices of the Liberty Navy in general and the Primary Fleet in particular then you will keep vessels such as this one out of Libertonian space. If we find that your capital class vessels do continue to traverse our space, we will find them and either escort them back to the Independent Worlds or destroy them where we find them. To avoid the latter, it would be recommended that any such vessel we discover immediately comply with any and all demands made of it by our forces.

Lieutenant Commander Michael Morse

RE: To: Colonial Republic 27th Assault Fleet. - Vendetta - 11-18-2013

:: Incoming transmission ::
:: Connection established ::
:: Encryption: Medium ::
:: Subject: Re: Your ships in Liberty Territory ::
:: Network ID: Winston Baxter ::

Greetings to you, Mister Morse.

I regret to inform you that I, nor anyone under me have any idea what you're talking about. The only instance of this happening was the transition of the "Thanatos" class Cruiser Minotaur through California, where we had already paid a fine.

If you would be willing to provide visual evidence of this instance you're speaking of to refresh my memory or inform me of something I don't know of, I'd be very happy to address the situation. Otherwise, this message serves no purpose.

Winston out.

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RE: To: Colonial Republic 27th Assault Fleet. - Vendetta - 11-19-2013

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RE: To: Colonial Republic 27th Assault Fleet. - Vendetta - 11-20-2013

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