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The Xeno Alliance needs your help - Printable Version

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The Xeno Alliance needs your help - Dusty Lens - 07-27-2008

Some time ago Capt. G. Thacker completed Tau-45 to the best of his ability and we sent the completed result to Hyperion to be scrubbed prior to being sent to Igiss.

Unfortunately, Igiss turned the system down as it fell well short of his checklist, which we have been unable to meet despite attempts by many of our membership to learn and apply the modding skills necessary. As I've been on the road traveling or working more weekends than not, I too haven't been afforded the time to pummel at the system, much to my dismay and to the detriment of my infocard project.

I'm still working to secure the free time required to get the job done, but work pressures as of late are making it increasingly unlikely that will come to fruition. As such I decided to step up in lieu of JihadJoe (as he is currently out of town) to put forward a request for modelers to submit their bids to see the project through.

1) The system is 100% completed. INI files need to be modified to clean up unnecessary data.
2) Applicants must be 100% certain that they can meet Igiss' demands. We get one more shot at this.
3) Applicants must have prior system work experience.
4) Feel free to name your price. I'll meet it. I wish we could have finished this in house, but it's too important to allow it to slide by.

Bids can be PMd to me or posted here. My skype contact information is in my profile. I'll be back behind a proper machine tomorrow rather than this travel thingie.

The file information can also be acquired from Capt. G. Thacker if I am not available, as he is the original system architect. It's impossible to say what my future schedules might be like, as my travel plans can change on the daily.

The Xeno Alliance needs your help - ScornStar - 07-30-2008

Talk to Snapp. He is a good modder of systems. He made a whole Harvester system. We wont get to use it anytime soon but I know he can make systems.