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OPG Roll Call - Muleo - 07-27-2008

Comm ID: Asno Muleo
To: All OPG
RE: Roll Call

It seems alot of OPG Pirates are MIA or even lost for good. To better gauge our numbers and strength, I want a roll call.
Everyone is to report at the Cadiz hangar deck asap.
See you there.


OPG Roll Call - Manni - 07-27-2008

Comm ID: Manuel Kollon
Location: Currently stationed at Crete
To: All Members of OPG

Hola Amigos,
Manuel Kollon is still living but only stationed currently at Crete.
Soon i'm back at Cadiz to rob more Traders!

M. Kollon

OPG Roll Call - Gentle - 07-28-2008


Im not dead you damn fools.

get that off my foot idiot......OWWWWW!

OPG Roll Call - Scaramanga - 07-28-2008

Comm ID: Yann Salazar


My pirate vessels are:

[OPG]Enigma Bomber
[OPG]Muad'Dib GB

Thats all!

Adios Hermanos!

OPG Roll Call - CusoJR - 07-28-2008

Conan here. Conan has many ships to make things go boom.

[OPG]Conan Pretorian
Makes traders and caps go boom.

[OPG]ConanthePirate Titan
Makes fighters go boom.

[OPG]ThePirateConan Corsair GB
Makes traders go boom and helps new Corsairs.

[OPG]Conan'sArmory Armored Transport
Doesn't make anything go boom.

Conan will keep bomber at Cadiz to play with traders that pass there.

Conan out.

OPG Roll Call - Exsiled_one - 07-28-2008

Not dead or forgotten. Just so drunk that I can't fly.


OPG Roll Call - viqtor - 07-28-2008

[opg]ViQtor vhf
[opg]'ViQtor booma

OPG Roll Call - Cap_Death - 07-28-2008

What?! Another one of these damned things?! Urghhh Asno I'll have your head for disturbing me...

[OPG]Cap_Death - Praefect - Currently stationed at Leon Base aiding in the defence of Omega 41.... And getting drunk.
[OPG]Tyranus - Praetorian - Stationed at Cadiz, awaiting orders.
[OPG]Raiden - Titan VHF - Stationed at Cadiz, toasting Hessian Marshmallows.... Don't ask... I don't know whats wrong with the kid either.
[OPG]Fulgrim - Centurion HF - Stationed at Cadiz, awaiting orders.

And lets not forget my highly experimental cyborg flown Gunboat that's sitting on Crete. Goes by the name [OPG]Splitborg.

Now go, leave me be while I enjoy my drinks...

OPG Roll Call - Blighter - 07-28-2008

[OPG]Alexa.Cordova - Raven's Talon
[OPG]Heartbreak - Praetorian
[OPG]Featherweight - Titan

Uodate: [OPG]Gargantua - M26, now ready for action.

OPG Roll Call - stone - 07-29-2008


Sry im so late reporting in had to move im settled back in now