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To: The Junker Congress - Printable Version

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To: The Junker Congress - Junker Marauders - 11-19-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

*A hooded figure appears on screen*
Pleasure to make your acquaintances.
*He bows*
Although both of may have slight ideological differences, I believe it to be of the utmost importance that relations between our too groups are strengthened, don't you agree?
*He begins tapping his fingers on his head, in a peculiar fashion*
Now, here's where I am confounded, how could we both help each other out?
*He suddenly points a finger towards the camera, the excitement and pitch in his voice suddenly raised*
AHA! This is where my idea comes in! Perhaps we Marauders could offer the Congress some services! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Although I've heard piracy is not to your liking, I hear you often enjoy bouts of transporting contraband. Perhaps we could assist you with this, you know? Perhaps your people can link up with our people and we can build a people train possibly transporting slaves. Which are people. If you like that sort of thing.
Escorting, or helping haul the goods. Either is good.
I await your reply on what you can suggest.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: The Junker Congress - NOVA-5 - 11-20-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Lucius.Vorenus****
****Location: The Forum****
[Image: vorenusdirects.jpg]

Greetings Junkers,
It's good news to hear from you lads out there, we're hearing nice things about your ways of doing things,
you seem to get what you want with little effort, not afraid to put yourselfs on the line for what you believe
is right.
You ask how we can help each other out? it's how both our clans can help out any Junker that needs it!
Your idea of providing services to Congress is pleasing to my ears as you say, some are not into piracy,
we've to keep the piracy low key and out of the eyes of those that frown on our business, we're treading
on thin ice at times with lawfulls and the likes, we have to show we keep it clean in house & you offering
escorts & eyes can help our trade, it's not the hauling of goods that we have trouble with, it's getting those
goods that we're interested in. We've had a few problems with loose lips & those that like to tell tales & i'm
wondering if you boys would be willing to seize certain goods from certain factions out there for us? us as in I
personally, if you like! We'd be looking to bring more trade in & out of northern Sirius, Alpha & Gallia mostly,
cattle drovers upto Alpha isn't a big problem, it's having the time to pirate goods coming out from Gaul & the
Tau's that's the problem, the Tau's especially, not that you lads don't know that, my boys have talked about
you Marauders working up there & some of them are even envious of your escapades, it's been a long time
since we indulged in the joys of being free to act at will & not give a fig about what others think but we must
look smart and be seen to do the right thing for Junkers sake. True, you'd be doing most of the dirty work
we'd be working together on but for me to even see that happen would be a sight for sore eyes...
We'll ponder on this message and see what other Congress members think we should work on but i feel
we'll work together sure enough. I thank you for this message and hope we can help each other out & to
hear more from you soon capt.


****Transmission Ends****

RE: To: The Junker Congress - Junker Marauders - 11-20-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

Greetings Mr.Vorenus.
Ah, now that IS an interesting proposal. You have my kudos.
So, if you wish for us to grab you 'certain' good, what are the goods in question?


:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: The Junker Congress - Junker Marauders - 11-21-2013


RE: To: The Junker Congress - Junker Marauders - 11-22-2013


RE: To: The Junker Congress - Bubba Smith - 11-23-2013

This is congressman Bubba. I comment here and it is removed because I have no right to post here. lol

RE: To: The Junker Congress - Junker Marauders - 11-23-2013


RE: To: The Junker Congress - Ortog - 11-23-2013

Ortog Ashford here, employer of Parker,my associate and captain of the "Little Rascal", an Anki usually found in the Taus.

At the present moment my old friend Lucius seems to be busy with his multiple shores, I beg you to be patient.

Meanwhile, cooperation in cargo "interdiction" from the gallics in Taus could certainly be of interest for me and my associates. We are, at the present, involved in an operation to supply the heroes of Leeds with necessary goods of paramount importance to the resistance there, as well as evacuating the casualties that felt in battle with the gallic oppressor.

Those casualties will be transported aboard my personal Renzu liner to Gran Canaria as soon as I am able to contact the great humanitarian Doc Holliday. Any help with scouting for patrols while we move our cargo will be appreciated.

RE: To: The Junker Congress - Ponge - 11-23-2013


I am interested in both the cargo interdiction and the Leeds supply operation. I shal be in touch.


RE: To: The Junker Congress - Junker Marauders - 11-23-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

Rather than all of you speaking at once, can I talk to a representative of the Junkers Congress? That would be a lot easier.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::