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To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - Printable Version

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To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - Junker Marauders - 11-23-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

If luck would have it, you have hopefully stumbled upon an encrypted transmission to the more... 'darker' people of Sirius.
To understand your enemy, you must get to know them inside out. Therefore, I have a job for you all. We seek various Independent Miners Guild ships for testing purposes, possibly for future modification. We seek the following:
  • 3x IMGM-2C "Annapurna" Mining Ship
That is all for now. You will be paid if you can successfully get us the specified ships.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - Junker Marauders - 11-24-2013


RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - mayu20 - 11-24-2013

[Image: o8ev.png]

A'ight lad, yer in need of somethin' and I've got tha' resources tae get it. Name a price an' maybe we can work it out. I won't start spittin' prices tae yer so this way I won't be scaring yer. Acquiring such ships withou' any one tae get suspicious gonn' be a pain in tae gun, lad. Name tae right price 'n' I'll see thae my mates can get it. What tae yer say?

[Image: es93.png]

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - Junker Marauders - 11-25-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

Money first, I like your style.
We'd looking at paying 15,000,000 for each one. I'd say that's fair enough for you and your 'lads'.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - mayu20 - 11-26-2013

[Image: o8ev.png]

Ya know lad, thae price yer offering is good enough but my hacker said tae me thae it is hard tae change ship's identification's. How about yer trow another five millions fer this fine lad 'n' his work? Ey?

[Image: es93.png]

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - Junker Marauders - 11-26-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

Another 5 millions? We can manage that. That'd be a total payment of 50,000,000 credits. Not the smallest hole in my pocket, that's for sure.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - mayu20 - 11-26-2013

[Image: o8ev.png]

No worry lad, I'm sure ya'll make the profit back. I'll let my mates know thae this operation is green. I'll take som' time for them to...."ask for thea ships nicely". Oh and by thae way, hope yer fine with some...casualties due waves thae might hit thae ships and crew inside them. No worry, I've heard solar waves doesn't leave marks on thae hull.

[Image: es93.png]

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - mayu20 - 11-26-2013

[Image: o8ev.png]

Oi! Are ye there lad? I just got a call from my boy. It seems thae they got a convoy unguarded and they acted fast. Three of thae ships yer looking fer were captured. Don't ya worry abou' thae crew lad, they are in a better place right now as we're speaking. My mates flew them all in Inverness without any one seeing 'em. And guess what, lad, thae ships were brand new, full equipped fer mining and outfit with some turrets fer defense. My mates already took off and are coming back "home" as we speak. Sent the payment tae Royal.Fortune, and I'll sent ye the code tae turn off thae bombs we've placed on thae ships. Just as a...precaution matter, nothing more. Credits, bombs don't go boom, no credits, boobs goes boom, and some docking bays on thae station. I hope we can make more deals in future lad. I can also provide some...unwanted commodities. My connections are everywhere throughout this bloody galaxy.

[Image: es93.png]

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - mayu20 - 11-27-2013

[Image: o8ev.png]

Boosting transmission.

[Image: es93.png]

RE: To: All Unlawful Freelancers Of Sirius - Junker Marauders - 11-27-2013

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]

The credits have been sent, thank you for your cooperation Freelancer.


:::[Ending Transmission]:::