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To Molly's - Printable Version

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To Molly's - **BUDDY** - 11-30-2013

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To Molly's,

Hello my name is Jonathan Simpson and i have a proposition that i wish to put to the Molly Leaders. I am a Zoner that works for OSI and frequent Dublin on occasion and would like to put an idea to yourselves.

Now as you would be well aware i cannot openly support your cause due to my own faction ties and my personal views do not always reflect those of the HC, so to avoid any possible conflict of interest with other parties or HC I would be willing to support you "under the table" so to speak.

What I'm wanting to give you is a regular monetary donation as I understand your struggle with the right to independence and the right to rule your own Dublin without the crushing greed and rule of house law by the Bretonians.

I have had dealings with your people on a couple of occasions and i must say the dealings were beneficial for both sides and nothing short of a pleasure, Blodwyn.O'Driscoll has done you proud.

In exchange for my regular donation and the occasional supply drop to Arranmore all I ask in return is that there is no hostilities towards my vessel OSI-Freedom from any Molly.

If you would like to talk more and work out some details or have any further questions I will leave this channel open for this purpose.

Kind Regards
Jonathan Simpson

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RE: To Molly's - **BUDDY** - 11-30-2013

-----Boosting Signal-----

RE: To Molly's - **BUDDY** - 12-01-2013

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RE: To Molly's - **BUDDY** - 12-01-2013

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RE: To Molly's - Arioch - 12-02-2013

:Big Grinelivery successful::
::Message read by Molly High Council::
::Message response in progress::


RE: To Molly's - Arioch - 12-02-2013

[Image: qfa6uPb.gif]

*She nods and smiles half-heartedly*

'Ello there lad,

Ya seem t' be eager t' speak with us, considerin' ta amount of times ya have re-sent, re-boosted, re-everything really t' get our attention. Well, ya have my full attention now, albeit with some slight irritation. Regardless, I have taken time away t' address what I wished was some matter of urgency, rather than... this.

T' business though. Ya claim you are part of ta OSI, an' yet are not claimin' t' act in their interest. Only your own? Your own headquarters are a system away, so surely a deal that reflects on ta whole of your organization would be more beneficial. Or are you that self-centered t' only think of yourself in times of struggle an' hardship?

Eh, where are my manners. It is good ya have had pleasant interactions with one of our own, Blodwyn O'Driscoll. Otherwise I wouldn't 'ave even bothered taking ta time t' respond. We'll see what she has t' say regardin' her dealin's with ya lad.

In ta meantime, I will grant ya access t' ta public areas an' cargo decks of Arranmore t' bring in supplies an' frequent donations. As for donations, specifically, I believe 25 million credits a month should be adequate t' help our cause an' assist in bettering ta lives of my men an' women. Before ya argue, I know who you are, or I should say I know who ta OSI are. Ya are not some simple freelancer barely scrapping a livelihood. Ya are a routine supplier of many throughout Sirius. So your pity party an' excuses will not work.

With that said, keep in mind though, that any hostile actions, whether physical or verbal, against any Molly will result in your immediate dismissal an' docking rights revoked. An' that would be ta least of your worries if ya endangered a Molly in any way. As ya are no doubt also aware, your actions also carry consequences for all ta OSI. So perhaps it would be best t' inform your leaders of our little deal, lest they be caught off guard if I need t' speak t' them an' inform them as t' why one of their pilots did not return home...

As a side note, ya must realize that we Mollys are a large community, an' as such we cannot always control or reign in every Molly. But, if any Molly does give ya hassle, and it is proven that ya did not deserve it, then I will speak with them.

Well that about concludes this little deal. I trust you will accept ta terms, an' will take heed t' what I have said.

*She smiles again and turns away*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: To Molly's - **BUDDY** - 12-02-2013

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I mean no disrespect Governor and only ever bring to you warmest regards, Also of course I accept these terms and I would never bring harm to your people. You have my personal assurances that myself and my crew will at all times abide by your rules.

My dealings are of my own and not OSI due to the fact that OSI as a whole cannot support you in the open so do not want to harm the OSI's interests, also I'm not in a high enough position within the OSI to deal on their behalf as a whole, and the only reason why I mention them at all is due to the fact that the ship that I will be piloting to Dublin fly's an OSI Flag, this is my reasoning for dealing with this solo and "under the table" so to speak.

As for the monetary donation I believe that 25,000,000sc a month is a bit slim pickings so my only counter offer to your terms is that the amount be upped to 40,000,000sc a month to better help your people. I know the council is more than capable of looking after it's own but I see no reason why i can't help when I'm in a position to, all I now require is an account to be sending said funds too.

I see no reason why you would want to deny this one change so I will say one more thing, It is a pleasure doing business with the Molly's again.

Warm Regards,
Jonathan Simpson

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RE: To Molly's - Arioch - 12-11-2013

[Image: qfa6uPb.gif]

*She nods and smiles*

'Ello again lad.

Apologies for not providin' ya with ta account t' send ta donations to. Please send all donations t' [M]-Bank1

As far as your dealin's with OSI, understandable. Though I would appreciate if ya contacted them an' perhaps an arrangement can be made between our two organizations. Privately of course.

A pleasure as always.

*She smiles again and turns away*

Sadhbh McCool
[M]olly Council

RE: To Molly's - **BUDDY** - 12-12-2013


Governor Sadhbh,

Hello again I'm writing again to inform you that I have processed the first payment.

Future payments will continue to be sent to this account and i shall keep a log of all receipts in case you may one day require to see them. Also regarding the OSI, I have spoken with the High Command and they have told me they will be in contact with you at some point soon.

I believe this concludes our conversation and as already stated should you require receipts you need only ask Governor, I hope all is well and we can continue to prosper.

Warm Regards,
Jonathan Simpson

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