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To: Erich Klugmann - Printable Version

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To: Erich Klugmann - Pavel - 11-30-2013

:::LOCATION: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt:::

Afternoon Oberst, Aktivist Siegel from that side,

I wanted to submit report from our latest smuggling operation Oberst.

While Steve is really motivated and loyal to our cause Party Member, and a good companion, I'm worried about the state of our outdated train.

It's good only for internal Rheinland routes, and even during such short travels there may be problems - recently due to armor's age medium sized asteroid decompressed deck C, nanobots immediately repaired area around sudden micro-hole, but we lost few caches of Melons for Bruchsal, imploded due to underpressure. I just docked at Bruchsal, moments ago I was busy praying to the God to let me survive that deck decompression.

There's also another issue I wished to inform you about, Oberst Klugmann.
Munich Disaster left our Party grievously wounded, we need everything, materials, supplies, food, ammunition, fuel, sophisticated high-tech products for Eltmann and ship repairs...

Oberst Klugmann...we must expand our logistics fleet if we want to defeat problems caused by Munich Tragedy and flourish again. There are many new smuggling routes, our and hessian bases' quatermaisters suggest Bretonia, Kusari, Liberty and even distant unknown Gallia import Bloodo Diamonds, Blue Jilies, and some of more standard commodities, but traded in less than entirely legal ways.

Those goods are imported by local revolutionary or pirate groups. I was told by some hessians at Freital their Bloodo Diamonds are bought by apparently ideologically close to us freedom fighters from The Council. I suggest contacting them about more regular deliveries made by us.

I'll be brutally honest here, Oberst: our motivation and dedication to the Cause is great for morale, but won't bring single container of materials or additional funds we desperately need right now.


RE: To: Erich Klugmann - LunaticOnTheGrass - 12-01-2013

- Incoming Transmission -
:::ID: Oberst Erich Klugmann:::
:::LOCATION: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt:::

[Image: hCc243n.jpg]

Aktivist Siegel,

I'm happy to see you in good health. The Arsenal was found as a cast-off derelict in the Bering system in only marginally better shape than it currently languishes in. Unfortunately its nature as a flying cargo cavern means that it will remain an indispensable part of our Transport flotilla for months to come.

Regarding the Council... Aktivist Von Stierlitz und I were injured during a firefight at Augsberg today. Von Stierlitz being the most common Captain of the Arsenal, and me at present being in no shape to conduct things... Hm.

I'm going to assign you a little task. You have my permission to open up a hailing frequency to this "Council" with the topic being smuggling and trade. I fear I know little about them personally save that they were on the Neural Net when the Tau Minefields were first opened up, and that they are of a fairly similar ideological bent.

Your success and adherence to this efforts will be watched closely, and you will be commended accordingly should your suggestion bear fruit.

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