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The Darkness Spreads... - Printable Version

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The Darkness Spreads... - Kane - 05-30-2006

Sanei, the pilot of Chimera Gamma 4, was having a normal day. He and his wing were out in Tau 29, doing a regular recon sweep. Nothing to do, just follow the destroyer and keep your scanners going. Boring as heck. He must have gotten on someone's Black list to pull this kind of duty. *Sigh* Boring, boring, bo...

The proximity alarm screached, jerking Sanei back to reality. Years of experience took over, and he was at the controlls ready to fight before his thinking mind caught up. He glanced at the scanners, and his jaw dropped.

"Sweet ancestors..."


Everything was calm on Battleship Nagumo. Blood Dragons had not been sighted all day, and the AW were keeping quiet. Admiral Ashetaka looked out of the viewscreen. It was peaceful. Quiet. Like back home, on Kyushu...
"Sir!' The comms officer spoke up. "I have an incomming transmission from Destroyer patroll Gamma 1! Sir, they're under attack!"
"What!? Deploy fighter wings Alpha though Omega! Renforce them!"
"Sir... They're gone sir."
"Yes sir... Only Gamma 4 managed to get a transmission though. He got a visual of the attackers."
A picture of Gamma 4's last moments came up on the view screen. A gasp went around the bridge crew. In the middle of the blurry picture sat a large Battlestar, it's hellish turrets blazing away at Gamma 4, the only ship left. A wing of Sabers surounded the ship, and a missle could be seen streaking toward the camera. But the Battlestar drew the attention. On the visible side was painted a logo, a shadowy figure weilding a scythe.
One man brethed a word. "Phantoms..."
Ashetaka shuddered. He knew it was only a matter of time, be he secretly hoped it would always be that; coming but never really there.
"Send a message to KNF command, Priorety 1. The Phantoms are here."


DarkStar stood on the bridge of his flagship. A map of Kusari lay before him, and he stared at it.
"Too long have you sat, comfortable and content." He gave a sinister smile. "Not any more."
The engines pulsed to full power finaly, pushing the mammoth ship ahead at full speed. Hidden by the nebula, they were quite safe. The vibrations of the cruise engines made the holographic projection quake a little, making it seem like Kusari was trembling.
DarkStar gave a cold laugh. "Yes, citizens of Kusari. Tremble! Death itself has finaly come for you!"