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TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - Printable Version

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TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - CandidFriend - 12-06-2013


Source: Satomi~no~Kitsune
Dest: Sir.Lagsalot.
Encryption: Hakurei
Subject: ? MISSION!! ? MISSION!! ?

[Image: k8yq.jpg]

Kon-ichi-wa! Silly human~

I wish it was that I had contacted you under better circumstances. But I have a rather foxy (but not really!) mission for you, since you're someone I can sort of rely on, and since I'm not in Sirius anymore.

Oh. Also, the fate of all mankind might hang in the balance. No pressure!

You must do two things. Go to the base of the LWB in the Stuttgart System
, make a bunch of noise until they come outside to shoot you, then tell them you need to speak to Eva Morgenrot.

Tell her Udo Ackermann is still alive. He is in my possession. But there is a major crisis unfolding that affects both of our worlds. One which would swiftly bring about the end of everything! No joke! ~kon

So please confirm you are still alive and that you can do the task I asked of you. Otherwise I will have to shanghai some random passer by with my foxy skills~ ufufu!


~Satomi DE KON!~


RE: TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - sirlagsalot - 12-06-2013

SOURCE: ████████
SUBJECT: Fox furs. Free fox furs. Free fox furs for everyone.

[Image: 33dd1sp.jpg]

A fox is talking to me.

No, really. A real fox, with foxy ears, foxy tail, foxy smile and foxy eyes. Now that's splendid.
You know what, love? Before i start considering your demand, and yes it is a demand, let me tell you something. In human world it does not work like it does in your world. You know what "avail" is? If you want a silly human to do stuff, you need to show silly human where is his gain in it.
So, what do i gain here? Do i get to touch your fluffy tail? Does that Eva Morgenrot have a fuffy tail? Maybe Udo Ackermann does? Or maybe they are rich and influential, unlike you?

Come on, don't be shy. Impress me.


RE: TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - CandidFriend - 12-06-2013

Source: Satomi~no~Kitsune
Dest: Sir.Lagsalot.
Encryption: Hakurei
Subject: Kon

Ahh, I figured you would mention something like this~ Silly human with an obsession for tails. Are you searching for tail?

Udo has a tail! You can be most assured of it~ And you can pet him when he returns. He would rather enjoy it~ Also, he is heir to his family's fortunes in the Stuttgart Biergarden and the Ackermann family brewery. Very wealthy!

And on top of that, the LWB would certainly pay handsomely for the return of their star pilot, greatest fighter ace, and the face of their organization! ~kon

Also the world won't end! Funny enough~ But it is critical that YOU do as was asked because YOU are a human and then YOU may touch fluffy tail~ De da!



RE: TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - sirlagsalot - 12-06-2013

SOURCE: ████████
SUBJECT: Trickery. Fox trickery. Free fox trickery. Free fox trickery for everyone.

[Image: 33dd1sp.jpg]

So i do that - and get to touch your fluffy tail and recieve some cash. Well, all fine with me. Let's get to details, then.

1. Who is that Udo Ackermann and how alive exactly he is?
2. Why did LBW star pilot and greatest fighter ace get lost and how? Am i going to get lost if i mess with him?
3. How do i tell Eva Morgenrot from any other Eva and/or any other Morgenrot?
4. Where do i have to knock on the base of the LWB in the Stuttgart System and when, exactly?
5. How would i know it is LBW who came outside to shoot me?
6. How would i know LBW came outside to shoot me and not somebody else?
7. Is the shooting thingy really required? Am i to shoot back? Who do i shoot back and how? For how long do i shoot them back exactly?
8. Where exactly said base of the LWB in the Stuttgart System is?
9. What will Eva Morgenrot do with me and/or ask me about Udo Ackermann being in your possession?
10. When and how am i to confirm i can do the task you asked of me?
11. What are the better circumstances you wish you had contacted me under?
12. In what sort you can rely on me?
13. How do i get to know more about Stuttgart Biergarden and the Ackermann family brewery and when?
14. Who would the LWB certainly pay handsomely for the return of their star pilot, greatest fighter ace, and the face of their organization?
15. When would they pay?
16. When would they pay me?
17. How much exactly is my payment infreior to yours?
18. Why is my payment inferior to yours and what will be done about it?
19. How do i get to touch your fluffy tail?
20. When do i get to touch your fluffy tail?

You, my love, answer those few questions while i come up with details for details, then we talk again - and then, just maybe, we will get something done.
And just so you understand: certanly, absolutely one hundred percent sure i have not arrived to Stuttgart yet just because you asked so.
Allrighty? Allrighty.


RE: TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - CandidFriend - 12-07-2013

Source: Satomi~no~Kitsune
Dest: Sir.Lagsalot.
Encryption: Hakurei
Subject: Touch Fluffy Tail

Awh, so many questions! Let me answer your questions with another question. Who wants to touch fluffy tail?! Is it you?

If it's not you it will be someone else! And there are lots of fluffy tails to be touched~

This is your one chance. I'm sure my backup contacts are more than willing to relay my message for me~

All you need to do is tell the LWB Udo is mostly still alive and I am keeping him safe.

Everything else will fall into place when you deliver the message. Prepare for the most exciting and weathiest time of your life. And the biggest reward. Of your life!

Just let the LWB let you in and go to Room-21, Deck 9. Tell the barkeep you need to talk to Eva and fast!

Then tails~


RE: TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - sirlagsalot - 01-03-2014

SOURCE: ████████
SUBJECT: Touch fluffy tail.
[Image: 33dd1sp.jpg]

It took me a while, but i finally did my part. Guess what time is it now? Most splendid time! Time to discuss my reward once again! Yes, reward!

Impress me.


RE: TO: Sir.Lagsalot (IMPORTANT) - CandidFriend - 01-10-2014


Source: Satomi~no~Kitsune
Dest: Sir.Lagsalot.
Encryption: /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Subject: Reward for Service

[Image: k8yq.jpg]
Kon~ichiwa again, silly human!

I see you have fufilled the foxy task put forth for you! An admirable endevour~ While a reward is of course worthwhile, isn't it nice to have accomplished something that may save a life. And even all of humanity! ~kon

Such that it is, your fluffy tail to touch is equipped and ready to go. You'll see it attached to this foxy message!

I will be on the look out for any contact from the LWB in the future. Satomi, out.

>>>ATTACHMENTS: "fluffytail.exe" from "satomikitsune@inarishrine.kon"<<<