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Junkers Congress Application - Printable Version

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Junkers Congress Application - Flakface - 12-06-2013

Greetings Junkers Congress:

My name is Jeffrey, and I am the captain of the Junker Salvage Frigate, Dawn Treader.

I have been mining scrap in the Paquena Negra for about three weeks now, and I heard about the Congress through some folks on Beaumont.

I was told I could apply here, and that I would need someone to sponsor me. I don't have a sponsor yet, but I'll be looking for one for sure!

Us Junkers need to stick together, and I'm glad the congress exists.

RE: Junkers Congress Application - Ponge - 12-07-2013


Admissions go here:

And yes, you won't be accepted without a sponsor. Seek us (.:j:. tagged ships), fly with us, work with us. We shall get you know better, and you'll find a sponsor this way.

.:j:. Adam Wayland

RE: Junkers Congress Application - Flakface - 12-07-2013

Oh dear! my fault. I'm sorry. Thank you!