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[Help] PC keeps crashing - Printable Version

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[Help] PC keeps crashing - Pavel - 12-10-2013

Exactly since the time I cleaned it inside, using vacuum cleaner and moist cleaning cloths.

I also use MSI Dual Core Center, maybe that causes problems, but as said, they started after cleaning. It surely is not from overheating, now my cooling is just awesome, PC hardly ever goes above 60 degrees.

Sometimes I can use computer for hours and everything is ok, sometimes it freezes after few minutes, during listening to music or switching between software. For example clicking "X" in notepad to close document can freeze it as well.

Any idea what it could be?


I forgot to add sometimes I have low System 1 RPM value, below 1000. Dual Core Center screams about it in such situations.

RE: [Help] PC keeps crashing - Freeroamer - 12-10-2013


RE: [Help] PC keeps crashing - Pavel - 12-10-2013

Uh huh huh, good point..Gonna scan all disks.

Edited out the first post, added what I forgot earlier.

RE: [Help] PC keeps crashing - Cælumaresh - 12-10-2013

Have you downloaded anything as of late? Some sites and Download stuff may cause alot of issues for your computer. I have been there...

RE: [Help] PC keeps crashing - explorer487 - 12-10-2013

I had this issue i think. PC was really sluggish, then just froze at random times when i tried to open stuff. I discovered one day the Harddisk controller was on it's way out to computer heaven. Though it could also be the Drive itself, Defrag it or try C Cleaner. As for the temperature, 60 Degrees is very high in my book. My dual core with stock cooling overclocked doesn't get that high even at max load. (Unless you're talking about Fahrenheit. (F)) Though my Core 2 Duo overclocked, sitting at max load touches 40C with stock cooling. The max Temp it can hit is 60C before it fries.

Though anyway, just what i see. Though this sounds a bit like a harddrive or its controller fault. Had to ditch my poor old Mobo because of it.

RE: [Help] PC keeps crashing - Mahagadz - 12-10-2013

Just a reminder, always Defraging your HDD is bad. The HDD can handle certain amount of load before it breaks.
Each read/write operation is load, each brings the HDD closer to its doom, and defragging reads/writes a lot. But its not like it will break the next week, it very much depends on the particular HDD. but it's still a good idea--unless you have a solid state drive.