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Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - aerelm - 12-12-2013

Among the various rules updated, adjusted and changed since the first release of 4.87, two raised some considerable concern and various debate threads. The administrators team has taken the community input into account and further adjusted these rules to suit the expectations of the playerbase and provide a more enjoyable experience for the community.

Check the second post for the detailed explanation on the changes made to server rules regarding IDs and faction creation rules regarding the status threads in faction subforums.

You can also expect one last "clean up" for the community rules within the next couple of weeks, as there are still a few other adjustments which are being considered and discussed by the team, so if you have any suggestions regarding any other rule, feel free to include it in a post here. When the final update of the rules is implemented, a similar update will be posted here.

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - aerelm - 12-12-2013

Server rule 1.3, which previously read:
Quote:1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Actual ID items do not exist in roleplay and players must be treated based on their IFF, however, every player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.
is now adjusted to:
Quote:1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Players should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.
Which means things go back to how they used to be, and IDs can be treated the same way as they were before. We understand that the old method was not perfect and had raised its own good share of complaints over the years, and the hopes with the previous change was to open up various opportunities for roleplay and introduce a new flexible aspect to the server gameplay, but as it resulted in more confusions, complaints and some minor cases of abuse than providing any solid ground for roleplay, we're going back to the old system to make things a bit easier for the community and a bit more straight forward for the newcomers.

Furthermore, faction creation rule 4 which previously read:
Quote:4. Upon approval of the official request, faction will receive it's own subforum in the official factions section. This subforum must include a thread with a copy of their approved request to serve as their faction status post. This thread will be locked and pinned in the faction subforum. Any updates to the faction status must be approved by the administrators team before implementation to the faction status thread posted in the faction subforum.
is now adjusted to:
Quote:4. Upon approval of the official request, the official will receive it's own subforum in the official factions section. Moderation requests for faction sub-forums should be posted here, by the faction leader or his second in command(s), and preferably using the faction forum account.
Various complaints were voiced by faction leaders after this new rule was introduced, and even though you didn't ask nicely, we were nice enough to listen and this too, goes back to how it used to be. Factions are free to adjust and update the status thread in their subforum long as the adjustments follow the line of roleplay approved with their original official request and the established lore for their faction. Our mod-bots are also hard at work (or will be, soon as I link this thread in the chat and yell at them some) and the status threads locked after the previous rule change will also be unlocked momentarily.

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - Coin - 12-12-2013

i got all excited. i thought smuggler id's were back.

but good news that id's are now no longer oorp

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - Freeroamer - 12-12-2013

Good No More Problems with Pirate ID/Freelancer IFF Players and Bounty hunters



RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - kikatsu - 12-12-2013

I am just sorry that these changes came in under a flurry of complaints from the community. I am not sure there really is a single good idea on how to do the ID issue, but at least this method works.

And as for the faction thing, I figure if we at least give the groups some time to change their stuff, like a week, maybe then they could get their affairs in order. I mean, really, all the faction pages are in need of updates. Have you seen the BPA one? It is still broken and messy, no one has bothered to pay attention to half of the faction pages since the idea of locking them came up, and a lot of them are still neglected in terms of condition.

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - Lythrilux - 12-12-2013

Can Santa bring the stuff we lost in the rollback back? :3

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - sindroms - 12-12-2013

Keep the stuff lost in rollback. How about you give us the betacashmoney restart 8|

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - evanz - 12-12-2013

spaz your drunk again aint you

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - LegendOfTheWolf - 12-12-2013

Kinda liked how Freelancers could kinda choose how they are to be treated, oh well. The show must go on.

RE: Admin Notice: Santa brought the IDs back - Kirill - 12-12-2013

I don't think this is right, but anyway, make this annoucement shiny green.