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Planetform Inc. Job Board - Printable Version

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Planetform Inc. Job Board - Tibbles - 12-19-2013

Planetform Inc. - Job Board

Ladies and gentlemen, pilots and captains, welcome to the Planetform Inc. Job board. Please check the last entry to know the current jobs available by our company.

In order to be contracted by us you have to contact directly to one of the following channels;

[PF]-Shipment.Control.1 - Canterbury Station, New London System.
[PF]-Shipment.Control.2 - California Minor, Californa System.

Furether contract channels will become aviable soon.

Please take a minute to read our terms and conditions, this step is mandatory in order to be contracted by Planetform Inc.

Terms and Conditions Wrote:

  1. Planetform Incorporate, from now Planetform, accepts to subcontract you and your crew as long as you're not considered criminals by the local law enforcers.
  2. Subcontracted parties will have to accomplish the totally of the job to be paid (with the exception of section number 4) That means to successfully deliver the cargo to the scheduled place.
  3. Planetform Inc. Assures that at least one escort vessel will be present during the route. Planetform may or may not bring or subcontract additional security.
  4. In case of being attacked by pirates or terrorist, Planetfomr Inc takes no responsibilities of personal or material damage, nonetheless Planetform will accomplish the payment as it would be delivered to the destination and will cover the cargo value, that do not include any kind of payment to pirates or unlawful entities.

Last update: 19/12/2013

Please check the last entry to know the current jobs available by our company.

Planetform Inc is pleased to work with many different captains and pilots every day, not only is an interesting job but also gives us a wide view of what is Sirius today thus what it should be tomorrow.

- Helen Green, Head of HR division.

RE: Planetform Inc. Job Board - Tibbles - 12-19-2013

California supply route




Meanwhile Planet California is near to be ready to be considered an habitable planet. Planetform want to ensure the proces by accelerating the shipments. This means bring to the planet the needed levels of micro organisms that will make steady the Planet's climate.


Deliver Alien organisms from Canterbury station to Planet California
Deliver FloraGro from California to Canterbury station


5.000.000 S.C.

- Helen Green, Head of HR division.

RE: Planetform Inc. Job Board - Tibbles - 12-28-2013

Security services




Planetorm is reducing it's expenditures and permanent subcontracted personnel. From now a big part of the security will be subcontracted to third parties.


Escort Planetform convoys, protect them from pirates and terrorists. Payments will be done upon arrival to each route control point.


500.000 S.C. per jumpgate / jumphole jumped.

- Helen Green, Head of HR division.