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Cylnons - Xerxas Jade - 06-01-2006

Ok heres the deal.

As of now the Cylons are disbanding
or at leas i am leaving the Cylons and so are the only active members that i know of.
Romer and Cathlith

i have been planing to leave for sometime now and i today got there resignations as well so i diecided to bring my resignation forward as well.

i really never realised how much time and effort is required to run a good faction and when i mad the cylons i greatly underestedmated this fact and have never been able to do the Clan justice.

if anyone wishes to take over coz someone out there may actually have the time to run a Clan please contact me and i will arrange it.

I will officaly dusband the clan in a week or so if there are no takers to takeing, in the mean time good luck to all and to all a good night.

Xerxas Jade

PS my hat really goes off the leaders of the other factions you all need congratualting

Cylnons - Hoodoo - 06-01-2006

Sorry to read this decision...
yeah, it takes a lot of time and energy...


Cylnons - Nightfall - 06-01-2006

:shok: Xerxas.... I hope everything is OK.... !? speechless here.

Cylnons - Kane - 06-01-2006

Well, Dalamar has helped us (The Phantoms) out in the past against Britonia. So I figured "Hey, if they go under but still want to be terrorists, why not let them in? They've already got everything set up, save the name."

So, if any Cylons want to join the Phantom cause, contact me and we'll see about helping you out. Heck, if ANYONE wants to join the Phantoms, just contact me. I'm done with limiting members. If people want to kill things without much reason, then who am I to deny them?

I will say, it seemed like the Cylons had a good time while they lasted.

Cylnons - Chiana - 06-01-2006

Oh, mate....

but as long as YOU don't leave the server, it's ok...

and the cylons.... who knows, anything can happen ;)


Cylnons - gezza999 - 06-01-2006

:ohmy: You left Cyclons :( . Meh. Well atleast you arn't leaving the entire server....
I dont ever know what to say if somthin like this happends and this is kinda like that again :wacko: .

Cylnons - romer - 06-01-2006

I can't help but feel a bit responsible here. Being one of only two active members recently. However, as you said yourself. Running a faction is hard work. I hope we'll still see you in-game. The Cylons gave me my first taste of belonging to a faction. I left (not only the Cylons, but N Order aswell) because I would like to join a faction with more active leadership. I cannot fault you for this, as I have seen just how busy you are. It's a shame though, I just was starting to drum up some publicity for the Cylons.

To those of you who have flown with Dalamar or Replica: Don't worry, (or do worry) terrorizing Sirius is still the goal.

Cylnons - Virus - 06-01-2006

Hey, I'll train those Cylon that want to be Phantoms but think they aren't up for the challenge yet. ;)

OR, you could join my battlefleet composed of...... Me. :)

Cylnons - Xerxas Jade - 06-02-2006

No.. dont think ur all getting rid of my that easly.. I will be around count on it.
I just cant do a faction justice when im not on verry often.

Im sure the leaders of other factions get what i mean by that.

Anyways ill still be on. Poor Wolf Tho can expect a bunch of name changes as soon as i deicde on my new ones tho, hehe Sorry Wolf i hate doing that to you.

Anyways ill c-u all around for a while yet.