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Trigger - Printable Version

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Trigger - Trigger. - 12-22-2013

[Image: TriggerFormal_zpsc232a092.png][Image: Infiltrator.png]


Name: unknown
Alias: Trigger
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Infiltrator
Department: None.
Height: unknown
Hair: light-brown
Eyes: unknown
Age: 27
Date of birth: unknown, 794 A.S.
Place of birth: Manhattan, New York

Short biography: Trigger is high ranked Lane Hacker, he is wanted by Ageira and Liberty Lawfuls for acts of piracy and hacking into Ageira secure databases, no further data available.

Read more: Ageira Security Division's dossier on Trigger

Known vessels:
Sabre, Status: Active
Waran, Status: Active
Scimitar, Status: Active
Cutlass, Status: Inactive
Barghest, Status: Inactive
Roc, Status: Sold
Bactrian, Status: Sold



To: Freeport 4 Administrator, regarding ship purchase - Only partially.
To: Luke Orsini-Contari
To: Trafalgar Junkers
To: Genevieve la Mare
To: Independent Neuralnet Division
To: Mr. Sunny, AFC

Regular reports

First contact.
First report, Mania Interrogation.
Initiative and Conviction
Light fighter piracy testing.
Big operation in New York.
<ITS>Monsun Interrogation.

Mission reports

Mission 14, Phase 2: Shadow and report on an Ageira| tagged transport.

Mission 26, Phase 2: Counterfeit Software to Freital Base, then Blood Diamonds to Padua Base.

Mission 23, Phase 1: Secure 250 metric units of each basic alloys, industrial materials, polymers and super alloys for construction of laboratory module's exterior.

Other sources

To: Michael Edridge, Ageira Technologies
Kusari Naval Action Report #1

Dossier #9693-999 - Trigger. - 12-22-2013
Ageira Technologies
Security Division
Intelligence Branch

Dossier #9693-999

[Image: TriggerFormal.png]

Subject: Mr Trigger
Height: unknown
Hair color: unknown
Eye color: unknown
Age: 26



Data partially restored from corrupted backup. The subject was born on Manhattan, parents are unknown. As a child subject showed inclination to electronics and information technologies. At age of 19 the subject received a scholarship and studied electronic warfare and encryption protocols at West Point, where his skills were rated very high in cyber warfare, high in intelligence gathering and average in combat. He received recommendation to Liberty Security Forces, however, after graduation he applied to Ageira Security Division and became high ranked security officer soon after. According to coworkers the subject was a silent type of person, very impatient and proud. No other data was recovered. Subject's current status is missing.

Known Crimes

Possible multiple hacks into Ageira databases, suspected of destruction of civilian assets.

Threat Assessment

The subject is considered a average threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira properties and assets.

The subject is considered a minor threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira's image.

The subject is considered high threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira security systems.


Due to his potential knowledge of Ageira's security protocols, the subject is tasked at high priority for all Ageira Security forces. He is to be captured or killed on sight.